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     Madelaine Harper dismounted her horse. She looked around the quiet village, wondering how she got there. It had already been dark, and there was no where else to stay. She quickly put her gun in the holster on the side of her horse, then packed away her arrows as well. 

     "Lefou, you're over thinking. Picture it. Belle as my wife, our kids running around. It's all in perfect harmony!" Madelaine turned her head to the "war hero" walking down the cobblestone path with a short stubby side kick. 

     "Maybe you should start looking for-" 

     "Belle's favorite flowers, yes," the man said again. Madelaine couldn't help but laugh to herself, catching the attention of the two walking down the road. They saw the girl, smiling in the dark. She hoped they wouldn't see her smugness, but of course, Gaston could see it from a mile away. Madelaine didn't look over again, only packing her horse by the water well. 

     "What would a girl be doing out so late?" Lefou whispered to Gaston, looking at the girl still. 

     "I don't know a girl in town who rides a horse," Gaston replied, shocked that there was a girl that could hunt. 

     "Maybe she's an outsider?" Lefou suggested, holding both his hands up. Gaston had already been walking towards the girl, curious to what she was doing. 

     "Miss! What are you doing out so late?" Gaston asked walking towards Madelaine. She glanced over, still toying with the broken clip on her holster. 

     "Trying to fix the holster on my horse," she said, finally getting it to work again. She clicked the button in place, the gun staying where it should. Her horse neighed, kicking it's front legs up. Gaston stepped back, scared it would kick next. Madelaine stepped in front quickly, putting a hand out. "People sleep, boy." The horse calmed down immediately, walking a bit. Madelaine finally looked at Gaston, holding out a hand. "I'm Madelaine." 

     "Gaston," he replied, taking it. Lefou stood from a distance, thinking to himself. 

     "Now how many girls does he really introduce himself to like that?" Lefou whispered to himself. "None." 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now