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(haha, I've been trying to describe what Madelaine usually wears then I eventually found what i needed. That's Snowhite from Once Upon A Time, btw. It's exactly what I see Madelaine wearing, so yay. Okay, read on.)

     The night had approached. The ball was beginning to start, and people were filing in. The Monsieur's first, then the mademoiselle's next.

     Gaston had walked in with a man he had met earlier that also served in the war. He was making small talk and drinking champagne, that is until the women were beginning to be introduced. Finally, they had gotten to the lady of the night.

     "Presenting: Mademoiselle Madelaine of Paris!" the man at the front yelled. Several men looked over, even the man Gaston was talking to.

     "She is stunning," he whispered, causing Gaston to smile.

     "Yeah, I told her that yesterday." Gaston set his drink down, walking to where Madelaine was walking down.

     Madelaine pulled up her dress so she wouldn't trip, showing off the white colored slippers she was wearing. They were bright, and went perfect with her dress. Her hair was curled and her makeup made her look like she had never even been on a hunt in her life.

     Mesmerized by her beauty, Gaston was caught staring as she walked down the stairs. Madelaine smiled at him, a crimson colored blush sprouting on her cheeks.

     "You know I don't like it when you stare," she complained, walking towards him.

     "Well complain more, my darling. Because everyone is staring."


     Music started playing throughout the dance hall, and everyone accompanied someone at least to the dance. They started with the no touch dance, progressing into a waltz.

     "I am awfully uncomfortable with all the eyes on me," Madelaine commented, glancing around the ballroom.

     "How could they not look at you? You are beautiful," Gaston replied, stepping back with his right foot in the moment, Madelaine stepping forward with her left.

     "Oh Gaston," she smiled, looking up at him from their feet. She saw his eyes gazing on her face, just now noticing the amazement and lust in them. In filled her heart with pure joy. She never knew a man could look at a woman like this, and it was the best thing she had ever seen. "Can I ask you a question?"

     "Anything, my darling," Gaston smiled as the two stepped to each other. Their fingers intertwined, starting the waltz part of the dance.

     "Do you love me?"

     "Always and forever, my love." Gaston had an unsure smile on his face, pondering how Madelaine would react to him. She leaned up, pressing her lips against his. The two stopped dancing, letting go of the kiss as well. They both stared up at each other, lust and love in their eyes.

     "I love you, too," she replied. People all around witnessed the two together, wondering how such an epic love could happen. It was truly beautiful, and it looked like neither needed nothing more in life than each other.

     Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it a meaning.


     Morning had approached quickly the next morning. Madelaine and Gaston after the ball returned to her old home, only to wake up the next morning right next to each other, not much covering their bodies.

     She was the first one to wake up. Therefore, she was the first person to remember what had happened the night before. She looked over, seeing Gaston only in his underwear. She slowly slipped out of bed, then walked to her drawers. 

     Madelaine grabbed one of her hunting outfits, and put it on as quietly as possible. She looked back to see Gaston staring at her as he laid in the bed. 

     "Don't let me stop you, darling," he smirked, looking her up and down. She smiled, grabbing her boots. 

     "Was that a good enough breakfast for you?" Madelaine asked, putting her feet inside the boots. 

     "No, I'm still starving," he smirked, watching as she walked to his side of the bed. 

     "Stop being so smooth," she said, leaning down and kissing him. She let go, Gaston humming in pleasure. She then whispered, "Because I like my guys rough." 

     "Oh so we're going to play like that?" he asked sitting up as she walked away. 

     "Pretty much," she said, opening the door. "Have a great morning getting your clothes from outside." Gaston's eyes widened as she shut the door. He sprang up, running to the door to catch her, but she was already mounting her horse. 

     He was left in the house, smiling like an idiot. 


    Madelaine kept her aim, staring at the deer about forty yards away from her. She inhaled quietly, then released the arrow. It pierced right into the deer, causing it to fall to the ground. 

     "Hell yeah," she whispered, lowering her bow. She ran over quickly, bending down and looking at the deer. She smiled to herself, knowing she would get a great amount of money from it. 

     "What a catch," she heard from behind her. Madelaine stood up straight, looking back at the stranger she saw. "Sorry if I startled you, it's just that you took my kill before I could." She smiled at the man, taking the arrow out of the deer. 

     "Lucky me," she said, cleaning the blood off the arrow with a rag. She put the arrow back with all the others and walked to her horse. "So, how close was I?"


     "How close was I to not getting my kill?" she asked. 

     "Oh, that. Yeah, you were really close," he nodded, crossing his arms. She rose an eyebrow, and he smiled. 

     "You look like you're thinking about something," she said, crossing her arms as well. 

     "Just how beautiful you are," he said, a smirk hinting on his face. Instead of blushing, Madelaine's face went pale. Her smile instantly faded, and she looked back at the city of Paris. 

     "Why, thanks," she said looking back at him. "I think it's best if I get going. Can't sell a rotted deer." 

     "Yes, I agree. But, mademoiselle, what is your name?" he asked, grabbing Madelaine's arm. She looked at his hand, then back up at him. 

     "Madelaine," she smiled. She dragged the deer, dragging it to her cart. She loaded it, then turned to him. "And what is your name?" 

     "Arthur," he nodded, a smile hinting on his lips. She nodded, mounting her horse. "Will I see you again, Madelaine?" 

     "Perhaps," she shrugged, a smirk forming on her lips a few seconds later. She whipped the reigns on her horse, and she was off back to Paris's city boundaries.


Uh oh, does Gaston have competition? ;)

Might wanna check the cast now :)

I wanna say thank you for all the view, votes, and comments. I have over 4.5 thousand views, 323 votes, and over a hundred comments. Thank you so much for reading and following along, it means so much. 

Alright, have a great day peeps.  

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