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     Gaston sat in the tavern once again, questioning his mind this time. He had asked Belle to marry him, hesitant the entire time. He was thinking about his future with Belle, only to feel like it wasn't with her. He just didn't know who.

     "Don't despair Gaston, she'll come around. Someday," Lefou said hitting Gaston's shoulder. Gaston only glared at his companion, causing him to step away apologizing.

     "Lefou, I've been thinking," Gaston started. Lefou gasped in horror, scared at what it meant.

     "A dangerous past time-"

    "I know, but, it's about Belle. That's the second time I've asked. I'm desperate at this point and I'm getting caught in a stretch with another girl." Several people over heard, and gasped at Gaston. The three who usually dream about him leaned forward, eager to hear. The entire tavern was quiet now, people only whispering what Gaston had said.

     "Gaston, say it isn't so!" someone yelled from across the bar. Madelaine, hiding under a hood at a table was curious. Curious about who this mystery girl is. Everyone was on edge, waiting for an answer.

     "It..." Gaston paused, his eyes grazing over the face of the girl he was slowly falling for. He shook his head, snapping out of the trap that is feelings. "It's not so."

     "You said it yourself, though," a woman chimed in from right next to him. At this point, Madelaine stood up. She walked to the exit, leaving faster than she wanted too. No one noticed except Lefou and Gaston, of course.

     "Maybe you all heard wrong," Gaston suggested, stepping back. "I'll have Belle for my wife, make no mistake of that!" He rushed out of the tavern, all eyes on him the entire time. No one running after him except Lefou. Once the companion was outside, he paused to see Gaston heading in the direction Madelaine was.

     "Gaston!" Lefou yelled, Gaston not looking back. He only walked faster as Madelaine did as well. She mounted her horse, running away quickly. Gaston followed, grabbing the closest horse in the stables. Lefou ran to the stables, hesitating to grab a horse. He doesn't, but watches as Gaston chases Madelaine into the forest.

     Madelaine looked behind her to see Gaston gaining on her. She looked forward again, seeing several wolves. She came to a halt, the wolves surrounding her and her horse. The low growl intimidated Madelaine. The horse kicked forward, sending Madelaine flying off. She fell on her back, her horse running off. No wolves went after it, and Madelaine was cornered. If she didn't die now, then she's got a long life.


     Gaston saw the wolves ready to pounce on the girl he thought he would brush off like all others. But something about her was different and he liked it. He liked that she was brave, daring, unselfish. And here he saw her ready to die.

     Madelaine looked around, questioning her entire life. A wolf pounced at her. She ducked, the wolf clashing with another one. They started to brawl, causing Madelaine to step back, only to remember there are more. Before another one could pounce, there's a gun shot fired into the air. Madelaine looks over to see Gaston with his gun raised in the air. Her eyes widened, shocked he came after her.

     Several wolves had ran due to the loud sound, others staying to fight for dinner. They growled, stalking towards Madelaine who picked up a stick from the ground. A wolf lunged at her, and she fought it off with the branch. It had grabbed onto the branch, and Madelaine kicked it's throat. The wolf fell back, angrier than ever.

     Meanwhile, Gaston was fending off the wolves with his sword. When one came at him, he slashed it's stomach, the wolf falling in pain. Another lunged, clawing his shoulder. Gaston grabbed his shoulder, bringing his hand in front of his face to see the blood. He shook it off, fighting off a different wolf that pounced at his other shoulder. This time he did fall, blood dripping down his clothes.

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now