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     They had started their journey after returning to the river that morning. The two were sure that Philip was gone for good and didn't want to check. They just wanted to spend time together, and explore the rest of their world.

     Starting with Paris.

     Madelaine dismounted her horse as the two rode into the city. She took a deep breath in and smiled to herself as she smelled the familiar scent of bread and flour. That's what she loved about Paris. It was normal. Nobody fighting for love, no princes turned into beasts, and certainly no war heroes with huge ego's.

     No offense.

     But, it was true. If there was a war veteran at least, they wouldn't go around boasting and bragging to everyone about it. They would be normal, go along with the status quo. It was almost the perfect life.

     Alas, the city had flaws. Not everything was perfect but it wasn't bad. So walking through the city was nice, but it still felt unsafe to others. And though nothing will happen to our lovely couple, Madelaine is still haunted by the thoughts of something happening.

     She heard rumors when she lived there, and only wanted to enjoy her short stay now without the paranoia.


     Gaston looked around the street corners, admiring how everything was so in sync with the other. One baker passing another, the two exchanging loaves of bread. As said, in sync.

     Dress fitters would have women lined up and down the streets for balls that were surprises, but still scheduled. That's what was wonderful about the city. Everyone was so... Normal.

     It was the most wonderful life anyone could live. Almost.

     "Where shall we go first? Bakery? Weaponry?" Madelaine suggested, looking around at all the different shops on the corners.

     "I never have seen you in a dress," Gaston smirked, turning to Madelaine. She looked up at him, raising and eyebrow.

     "I don't think I want to ever wear a dress again. Not for me," she shook her head in disapproval. She spotted the shop she worked at with George, and a small smile grew on her face.

     "What?" Gaston asked, following her gaze. He saw the weapons shop, then turning back to Madelaine. "Care to explain?"

     "I have a friend in there, I want you to meet him," she said, turning to Gaston. He couldn't turn her down once he saw the smile on her face, so he motioned for her to lead the way.


     The door to the weapons shop opened, causing George to look up from the counter. He saw Madelaine walking in and smiled.

     "Mademoiselle! So great to see you again," he exclaimed, walking to her. They hugged, then George saw Gaston. "And who is this?"

     "George, this is Gaston," Madelaine said, a smile plastered on her face. George's smile curved in satisfaction and happiness that they were reunited.

     "Ah, I should've known. Good day to you, Monsieur Gaston," George smiled, tipping his hat to Gaston.

     "A good day indeed, Monsieur," Gaston smiled back, waving two fingers at the man.

     "If I must say, I've heard only good things about you Gaston," George smiled wider, glancing over at Madelaine. Gaston did as well, a smirk plastered on his face.

     "I would love to here more, but we best be going. A two day visit does go by quickly," Gaston nodded stepping back. "I hope we meet again, Monsieur."

     "It would be a pleasure," George nodded. He waved at the two as they backed out of the shop.

     "I'll see you soon, George," Madelaine waved. The man waved back, and the two landed out in the bustling streets of Paris.

     "Only good things about me?" Gaston questioned once they were outside. Madelaine blushed, starting to walk through the crowd.

     "That was maybe two weeks. But now, I don't know," Madelaine joked, causing Gaston to shove her lightly. He stared at her, realizing that he would have never had this happiness with Belle. That he's happy that he didn't kill the beast for good. He then spotted a woman with flowers, an idea coming to him.

     "Wait here," he said. Madelaine rose an eyebrow at him as he dug for change in his pocket. She couldn't see through the crowd what he was doing, that is until he walked back up and handed her flowers.

     "Wow, I-"

     "Madelaine," Gaston said cutting her off, "would you care to go to tonight's ball with me? Accompanying me as the most beautiful woman in Paris, of course." Madelaine smiled, accepting the flowers.

     "I would love to, Gaston," she nodded, a smile forming on his face as well.

     "This means, you have to wear a dress," Gaston whispered in her ear as he stepped closer to her. She screwed her eyes shut, accepting that at least.

     "And you have to change out of hunting clothes," she replied, looking up into his eyes. Gaston frowned, accepting his change of clothes as well. "How about we don't see each other until tonight? Until then we can plan what we're going to wear."

     "May the best dressed get to have the best side in bed," Gaston smirked. He let go of her, walking away confidently. She looked back, a blush flooding her cheeks.


     Madelaine looked at all the shops that held dresses, trying to pick one out. As she was scanning the dresses, she saw one that was a light blue, and have laced designs at the bottom that popped out to her.

     "Interested in buying, mademoiselle?" a woman said walking up to her. She looked at the woman, nodding slightly. "You are welcome to have it fitted first."

     "Thank you so much," Madelaine smiled nervously. She looked around, her paranoia now taking over because she was alone. She felt safe with Gaston, and now her inside feelings about the city are beginning to show. The girl is said to be fearless, but everyone has their flaws.

     She tried on the dress, admiring how it fit on her perfectly. The blue complimented her skin and eyes amazingly. She knew Gaston might have something better, but he will always give into her beauty.


     Gaston looked at the brown suit on him in the mirror. Now, don't get me wrong, he is handsome as ever, but he could only think of how Madelaine would react. He had forgotten of the words he told her earlier, and only wanted to see her again in the dress she might wear.

     As he got back in his own clothes, he sighed. A slight frown formed on his face as he remembered how he abandoned her after he almost died. Of course, in the course of that time he did terrible things that he regretted. But he abandoned her in a time she most likely wanted and needed him.

     But there was no way of changing the past. And if Gaston was going to learn from his past, he was going to do it properly.

     He was going to become the man that he wants himself to be.


Whoop whoop. Gonna update a day early because IT IS LUKE EVANS BIRTHDAY!!!

Hope that crazy guy had a great day, he deserves it. (Also happy bday to our amazing Belle- Emma Watson- and Mrs. Potts- Emma Thompson- as well)

This is one of my favorite "leading up to" chapters, hope ya like it. Ball is next 😉

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now