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     Gaston couldn't wipe his smile off his face for the life of him. He had defeated Arthur in the battle for Madelaine's heart, and he stood up to his father. He was happy with himself and his life. 

     So as a reward, everyone was going to take a night off. Everyone. The town was silent. Everyone was either in their homes or eating at the tavern. Gaston and Madelaine were in the solidarity of his own house, not being bothered of the outside world. 

     While she sat on his bed cross-legged, Gaston was making some sort of dinner. Madelaine didn't question it, she just let it happen. Mainly because this has never happened before. She noticed he was changing, and the change was good. 

     As she read from the book that she found at the bottom of a box. It wasn't labeled, but she didn't need to look at it twice to know that it was from the war. And from long before the war. 

     Madelaine shifted through different papers while the book laid open on the bed. Most of them were notes to the village, and a few photo's. She stopped on one, staring at it. It was a woman that looked a little like Gaston. Her hair was jet black colored, and her eyes carefully resembled his. 

     She studied the picture, before picking up another one and seeing the same woman. She turned it over seeing a caption on it. 

     Ashleen Legume. 1759-1783.

     Twenty-four years of age and she died of a plague. It's heart breaking, and sad to know that Madelaine's parents went the same way only a few years ago. She set the pictures down, and picked another one up. It was a little boy, around seven years old. There was a caption on the back as well. 

     Gaston Legume. 1783. 

     It was the year his mother had died. She must have wanted him to get a self portrait before she died. And it somehow survived all this time. Here they are in 1801, no one dead of plague. Madelaine shook her head, gathering all the pictures and putting them back in the box. One specific letter caught her eye, causing her to stop. 

     My Dear Gaston,

          I will see you again. No matter when, or where, I will see you again. And this time, I will be ready to love you. We will be reunited, and we will live happily for the rest of our lives. Not only will I be ready for you, you will finally have learned to love and you will want me. No matter how long it takes, I will wait. Even if it's a thousand years, I will wait. Because I love you, even if you don't love me back.

     So here is my goodbye: Know that I will come back, that I will always hold you in my heart. That no matter what happens, we will always be connected. I wish you true happiness until I return. The year may be 1801, or it may be 1832. But I will find you, and we will love together, forever. 


     Madelaine read over the note several times. What? Someone else loved Gaston? The villagers never spoke of another girl being in the town. Though, there was a time period in the war, where no one knew what happened in personal lives.

     And that was when. For a few short months, there was an affair. After a while, Gaston realized it wasn't what he wanted. So he broke it off, then the girl left that note in his things. His things that contained personal mementos. 

     In fact, Gaston had never seen the letter in his life, this was the first time anyone was discovering it. Madelaine just shook her head again, shoving the note into the box with everything else then grabbed the book. 

     Romeo and Juliet. 

     Madelaine laughed quietly at the book, knowing it was Gaston's mothers. She flipped through the pages. It stopped on his that had a page marked. There was a small piece of paper inside, so Madelaine, with her curiosity, read it. 

     "One day I think that you'll meet someone, and you'll fall madly in love without even realizing it. - Mother"

     Madelaine inspected the words, reading them over and over again. Fall madly in love without even realizing it. And that's just what they both did, they fell madly in love, and neither realized it. 


     Gaston set the plate down on the table and turned to the two glasses. He grabbed them both and set them each on the table. There was a larger glass with wine, and a larger glass with water in it. He had just finished preparing dinner and was walking to go get Madelaine. 

     When he made it to the room, he saw her going through the box. She didn't take notice of the large man as she read through all the little notes in Romeo and Juliet. He had noticed there the one he had marked was lying on the bed, and his eyes softened. 

     "I see you found my mothers book," he said, getting Madelaine's attention. She smiled, nodding a bit. 

     "Yeah," she mumbled, looking at another page of highlighted words. Gaston walked over to the bed, sitting down next to her. He grabbed the piece of paper and took the book from Madelaine. He found the page it had marked, and slid it back in there. "What is so significant about that page?"

     "It's when Romeo realizes that he loves Juliet and would die for her. He would do anything for her," Gaston replied, pointing to the specific line. Madelaine quickly read it, nodding and smiling. "I had hoped that one day I would be like him."

     "You had a lot of hopes as a child," Madelaine said, looking up at Gaston. He tore his eyes from the book and looked at her. 

     "I still do," he whispered. They stayed there for a minute or so, before beginning to move towards each other. But Gaston stopped himself. "We have to eat dinner, love." Madelaine smiled, nodding a bit.

     She walked to the kitchen taking notice of the smell. It was fish. He had cooked salmon and other vegetables. She liked the weird aroma, it pleased her. Madelaine was pulled out of the trance when Gaston slid a chair out in front of her. 

     "May I have the pleasure of eating dinner with you?" He motioned to the chair again, a small smile on his lips. Madelaine nodded, smiling as well. 

     "Of course." 


I got all the feels while writing this. 

Don't get mad at me if you cried because of how many feels this gives you with the song. 

I realize the song was used in 13rw (not a spoiler) so even more feels.

I want your guys's opinion on this story so far, and I would like to say:


Okay, I'm done. 

By peeps.

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