Bloopers ;) (& deleted scenes)

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      Daisy (Madelaine) grabbed an arrow from the holster, only to have it slip through her fingers. Luke (Gaston) covered his mouth in an attempt not to laugh. Daisy sighed, looking at the ground. 

     "I think that's the fourth time," she said picking the arrow up. 

     "No hard feelings on you, Daisy!" Josh (Lefou) shouted from off set. Everyone laughed, then began the scene again. 


     Luke looked forward into the fire, then tossed the dagger in his hand. He stood up, ready to aim for the wall and throw, but he fumbled with the weapon and it fell to the floor. Josh chuckled, watching Luke pick it up. He pointed it around, sitting down again. 


     Josh walked into the tavern, ready to begin his scene with Alexis (Stanley). He went to pick up a beer cup, and then spilled the drink everywhere around him. 

     "Great, I think we need to take five on that one," he said looking around. Alexis walked up to him, laughing and patting his back. Then they both walked off set. 


     Daisy grabbed the rag prop, ready to touch Luke's shoulder with it. 

     "Alright, tough man, this is gonna hurt," she said, reciting the line she memorized. 

     "I went through war, I'm practically Superman," Luke said, turning his head away from Daisy in sass. She couldn't help but laugh and lean her head against his shoulder as she did. "Alright, I got it out of me, let's do this." 


     Daisy went up to fake hit Luke across the face, only to actually hit his jaw a bit. She gasped as he stepped back laughing and holding his jaw. She covered her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh. 

     "Oh my god, I'm sorry," she said, smiling and grabbing his hand. 

     "It's alright," Luke laughed, leaning backwards. "Okay, let's do it again." And they got back into position. 


     Paul (George) leaned towards Daisy, ready to say his line. 

     "So if you saw him, why did you go after him?" he asked, then furrowed his eyebrows. 

     "I didn't know I went after him," Daisy said, looking off into space. She smiled, sitting back up and nodding. "I guess your work here is done then. Thanks, Paul." 

      "Hey, no problem," he said, laughing with her. 


     Daisy ran into the castle, running over the pretend antique's, then made it past the fabric. Once she made it to Luke, she tripped over her feet on the pavement, on her way to say her lines. She stayed on the ground, looking up and seeing Luke already standing and laughing. 

     "Don't give me sh*t about this, Luke!" she yelled, getting back up and walking over to where she would run in. 


     It was the scene right after Gaston had tried to kill the beast, then thought of himself as a monster. Daisy was in the middle of the scene, yelling her lines. 

     "You can start by trusting me!" she yelled, glaring up at Luke. They connected eyes for a few seconds, then Daisy started laughing. "I'm so sorry, let's do it again." 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now