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     The next morning had approached after the night before. Gaston was out hunting while Madelaine walked down the street to Belle's old cottage where her father lived. She wanted to visit to let the old man know how his daughter was doing. He hadn't seen her in weeks and someone should tell him what is going on in the kingdom. 

     Madelaine would start with just a friendly conversation, then hopefully Maurice would ask about Belle. He knows that Madelaine is a trusted friend of his daughters so why wouldn't he ask her about Belle? 

     She arrived at the door, slowly knocking. A few seconds later, music stopped and slow footsteps made their way to the door. It opened after that, revealing Maurice in his usual home attire. He seemed shocked to see Madelaine, but grateful at the same time. 

     "Madelaine, what a surprise," he said, making her nod. 

     "I just thought I would stop by and say hello," she said, then held out the basket of bread and other foods. Maurice looked at the basket, shocked. 

     "Why thank you very much, mademoiselle," he said, setting them on a table near the tiny sink and cabinets. "Why don't you come in?" And she soon found herself sitting in the tiny living room of the cottage. 

     "I was coming by to check on you, hoping you would be at the castle," Madelaine confessed as she sat down in the chair. 

      "Why did you hope I was at the castle?" Maurice asked confused again. 

      "Well, Belle is your daughter. I figured you would be living with her and not so far away from her," Madelaine suggested, scooting forward in her chair. He took that as a valid point and nodded. 

      "I see where you are coming from, mademoiselle. But I was not invited to live in the castle." The was a pause while Maurice took a deep breath in. "May I ask, how is Belle doing?" Madelaine nodded, joy flushing in her chest. 

     "She's really happy, you really should visit her sometime," Madelaine said, scooting forward again. Maurice shrugged, shaking his head. He looked over at the painting of his wife and baby daughter in his wife's arm. 

     "I love living in this cottage, and believe me, Belle visits quite often without a chariot and escorts." Madelaine smiled, laughing a little bit at the sarcastic statement. "No really, though. I am fine living here." 

     "That sounds great, I was just coming to check on you," Madelaine said, She breathed in a bit, standing up. "Well, I best be going. It's almost lunch and I have plans." 


     "How did you know?" Madelaine asked sarcastically. She smiled, nodding a bit. "He's sorry by the way." 

     "For what?" Maurice asked picking up a little cup. 

     "For all the things he did while I was gone. He feels terrible and hopes that you could forgive him someday," Madelaine said, reassuring him, making Maurice smile. 

     "Thank you so much, Madelaine. And thank you for coming as well," he said, standing up. She walked to the door, grabbing the handle. 

     "Thank you for having me, Maurice. Have a great day," she said, nodding at the old man. 

     "You too, mademoiselle." She smiled as she walked out, down the street to the tavern to meet Gaston. 


     Gaston walked into the tavern five minutes before Madelaine arrived. He noticed not a lot of people were there, but once they saw him, they started to leave one by one. He then saw Lefou at the bar with a man, and smiled.

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now