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     They reached the top of the hill. Gaston's horse slowed down a few ten yards back, making Madelaine confused. They were just in the woods, what was so significant? But one thing was for sure, her horse was there. He was tied to a tree, right next to an amazing view that Madelaine couldn't see, yet.

     The second Gaston stopped his horse, Madelaine got down, running over to Jeffery. She made sure everything was still there and that nothing was broken. Once she did that, she looked up to see the view. It was jaw dropping. She had never seen anything more amazing than what she saw at that moment.

     Madelaine took a few steps forward, staring out at the grass and village's that she could see. The little town she had just discovered, and her hometown. It was breath taking. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was calming, peaceful. The view was the best view in the land.

     The wind made the grass look greener than ever that day, and the crystal blue sky glistened against the bright sun. Small tree's swayed with the wind, leaves falling as fall was approaching after summer.

     She loved it more than words could describe, and it reminded her of something. It reminded her of home. Of her parents who would let her adventure. She would try to get to the highest hills, and look out. This by far was the best.

     As Madelaine admired the land, Gaston admired her. She was mesmerized, and he thought it was adorable. The way her eyes widened in astonishment, how her mouth fell into a perfect small 'o' shape that showed her shock. He admired her hair, how it was slowly falling out of the tight ponytail. Then her eyes.

     Her eyes were a sparkling light brown. Usually they were an auburn, but now they were a shining brighter than ever. They glimmered against the sky, and she fit perfectly with the rest of the outside world at the moment. Gaston didn't care for falling for the girl anymore, he just wanted to know if she felt the same way.

     It was eating him away inside, tearing him apart. The hurt of not knowing, and the terrible thoughts of thinking that she would reject him. Because let's face it, he didn't think anyone could be as kind to a jerk as she was. Maybe it was just her tolerating him. That's what he thought, but didn't want to believe.

     Madelaine then turned to see Gaston who was leaning against a tree. He was continuing in his thoughts, while Madelaine just admired. She loved his features. His jawline, his mouth perfectly crafted. His figure made her feel something different. But his eyes were the worst.

     If she stared into them long enough, she could get lost in the beauty of them. The dark brown had changed to a light brown, and it was as if the darkness in his soul had lifted. They shined with the brightness outside, and ticked with admiration as well.

     Both caught with words, couldn't say anything to each other. Madelaine wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything. It was absolutely stunning. Beautiful. Breath taking. Gorgeous. A million words to describe the scene and she couldn't use one.

     "Well if you're wondering by now why I brought you here," Gaston said snapping out of his thoughts when he saw Madelaine turning back to the scenery, "I thought you might like the change of scenery." Madelaine nodded, stepping to the edge where the best place to look was.

     "Absolutely stunning," she said to no one. Gaston smiled, staring at the girl again. Those are two words he would use to describe her. "Better than anything I've ever imagined seeing." Madelaine turned to Gaston, a small smile on her face. "I thought you were different. This town hero, who would do anything to save himself rather than the guy next door who's dying in a fire. I thought you were conceited, judgmental, egotistical. I was so wrong." Gaston walked to the girl, standing a foot away from her.

     "Then who am I?"

     "You care. You said you cared for someone, last night in my cottage. I may not know who, or where they are, but they're lucky. Lucky to have someone like you to care so much for them." Madelaine paused, swallowing the tiny lump in her throat. "Because at the end of it all, you're you. Not this fake man everyone thinks you are. And that would be enough."

     He wanted to grab her and kiss her immediately. But he didn't, he just stood there. Shocked, mostly. But happy. It seemed like she did care for him too, but neither wanted to tell because they were afraid it would ruin their friendship.

     "I came here when the war ended," Gaston started, motioning to the woods around him. "After seeing everyone that I fought with die, it was heartbreaking. Not only were they friends, they were almost like family. Coming here reminded me that they will always be with me, no matter what."

     This time Madelaine wanted to kiss him. She wanted to kiss him, and hold him forever. She didn't want to ever let him go. She wanted to feel the warmth of his body against hers, just to know what it felt like. But it was too risky.

     So the two stood in silence for a while, losing track of time and just staring at the land before them. The sun started to set, which was a sign for them to go back to town so they don't get eaten by wolves.

     "I'll race you," Madelaine said as she mounted Jeffery. Gaston looked over at her, a smirk growing on his face.

     "Whoever wins-"

     "Get's first hunt in the morning," Madelaine finished, making Gaston nod.

     "Fair enough," he replied, smiling. They glanced at each other before Madelaine bolted off with her horse. Gaston was only seconds behind her. She kept looking back, a wide smile on her face each time. It made Gaston laugh, making his horse go faster.

     Jeffery's hooves were the first to be heard in the village, meaning Madelaine had won. Two seconds later, Gaston's horse came strolling in. She looked back at the buffer man, and smiled.

     "I won," she gloated, turning to Gaston. "Hope you have a nice morning." She closed the stable after putting Jeffery in the stall. Madelaine walked away, trying not to look back at the man who was stealing her heart.

     Gaston, on the other hand, just watched her walk away. He didn't care that she was leaving, people must part sometime or another. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her, though. One thing is for sure:

     They were attached to each other, and neither are letting go anytime soon.


Editing Status: done

OG Publish date: Mar. 31, 2017

Edit date: June 4, 2017

This is probably my favorite chapter that I've ever written er mi gosh. 

Bye peeps. 

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