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     The light sound of hooves clicked against the cobblestone as they all left the village. Nobody spoke. Madelaine was leading the group with Gaston riding next to her. Allison was in the back while Philip and Arthur were in the middle of it all. 

     Madelaine glanced back every so often to make sure every was still there. She knew Allison might try to run, it's what she's good at. Arthur would run out of fear. Then Philip would run for running. He had been tricked and wanted to leave. 

     The only person that was completely clueless was Gaston. Well, that's a lie. He had regained a year and a half of memories over the course of the past few days. He wasn't willing to tell anyone, though. He still didn't know who Philip and Arthur were. Those memories would be restored over night. The last half of this year. 

     As for Madelaine, she had her plan set. What she wanted to happen was going to happen. Maybe it would go as planned, maybe it wouldn't. Maybe someone would die. Maybe everyone would walk away happy. 

     But that wasn't going to happen. The destination: the cliff where Madelaine and Gaston first connected. Gaston remembers that quite well at the moment. It was like it had happened only yesterday to him. Because that's where his memory recovery had stopped. He was still going to hide it though. 

     Madelaine stopped the horses, making everybody else stop. She dismounted Jeffery, walking to the edge of the cliff. Gaston slowly trailed behind, holding his right side of his chest. He walked forward, then stopped as he could feel more pain in every step. 

     "I bet a few of you are wondering why you're here," Madelaine said, then turning towards everyone. 

     "Yes, I would like to know why you brought us all to a cliff," Allison said stepping forward. "Would you like to tell us?" 

     "Yes, if you would let me finish. That would be wonderful," Madelaine smiled at her little sister. "Arthur, I'll start with you. You shot Gaston, the only man I will probably ever love. You hurt him, made him lose two years of his memories. But most of all, you have officially lost me. So, meet my little sister, Allison. You two seem perfect for each other. Both complete and utter jerks that would leave Gaston for dead." 

     "Do we have to go over this again, or can I leave now?" Philip questioned from where he was standing. 


      "Oh, dear Philip. You are torturing people. I just hope you get what's coming to you," Madelaine said looking over at him. 

     "Why are we here?" Allison asked again. 

     "I told you, we are ending this. Here," Madelaine grabbed the three journals out of her bag, holding them up. "Philip." She threw his to him. "Arthur." He caught his without hesitation. "And Gaston." She walked to him, holding it out. "I want you all to read the last entry, and see how far you have all come from the war." 

     They all opened the journals, reading the words. Gaston almost started crying, realizing he was almost himself again. He felt happier as he read the journal, his life becoming clear to him. And his memories restored. 

     Arthur was staring intently at the passage, reading it over and over. He flipped to others, reading them as well. Philip felt almost angry reading his. He didn't need to be reminded of the war, how terrible it was. He was finally at peace, and this didn't help. 

     "If you think that me reading this," Philip started, closing the journal, "is going to change me, then you're wrong." 

     "I get it, you're probably angry that I made you read that," Madelaine started, walking towards him. 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now