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     Gaston paced around the forest, completely stumped as to what to do. He kept running his hands along his hair, stopping every so often, then pacing again. Everyone couldn't help but watch the poor man in pain. Belle felt the worst, thinking it was partially her fault. 

     Lefou stood aside. He was still speechless about Madelaine's actions to get Belle out of that tower. It was the actions of a true hero. He finally understood what it was like to truly sacrifice yourself for the ones you love. It was a painful thing really. 

     "We need a plan," Allison said, breaking the silence. 

     "What we need to do is murder the king," Gaston spat at her. He huffed, turning away for a second and taking a deep breath. "I want to know why she did it." 

     "What?" Adam questioned. 

     "Why did she say she would marry him for Belle to be free?" Gaston asked, turning to the group and looking around. None of them said a word, not knowing what to say at all. "Come on, most of you were there. Why would she leave me?" 

     "She did it for the Queen," Arthur said walking to the group from the woods. "So you could have your Queen back." 

     "You," Gaston growled, shocking everybody. 

     "Oh no," Allison mumbled taking a few steps back.

     "You let this happen. Go get her back," Gaston said walking towards the prince. 

     "I am deeply sorry, Captain, but I can't do that for you. My father won't give anyone access to the tower except himself, other guards, and my brother," Arthur said looking around. "The wedding is happening in two days time." 

     "Two days to get her back. And if we can't do that, we'll testify against it at the wedding," Allison said with confidence. 

     "For now, I have a plan," Gaston said, looking right at Arthur. "And if you fail, you will for sure not walk back into that castle ever again." 


     "No, Belle. This was my chance at happiness, and it has been ripped away from me. How do you think I feel?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, your highness, but this isn't your kingdom. Now I'm going to get Madelaine back, you are either with me or against me." Everyone was silent, waiting for the response. Belle then nodded, looking at Arthur. 

     "Proceed," she mumbled, stepping back. 


     Arthur grabbed the gear from the wall, muttering different words to himself as he did. Mainly stuff about how his father was going to kill him if he found out about this. He put the black night clothing over his armor and grabbed a helmet. He put it on, then walked out, and down the hall. There was a cloth covering his face so no one could see who it was, but luckily, he could see through it. 

     He rounded the corner towards the tower, seeing several different guards guarding the door. He mentally sighed, proceeding to the tower. Arthur almost jumped when a hand touched his shoulder and turned him around. 

     "Guard, where are you going?" It was his brother. Arthur swallowed the lump in his throat and pointed behind him. Then deepened his voice. 

     "Extra protection for your wife, sir," he replied, nodding slightly towards the end. 

     "You're already talking like she's mine. Get her for me, I want to have lunch with her," the prince said, walking way from Arthur. He let his shoulders sag before turning and proceeding to the tower. He stopped in front of the door, then two guards opened it for him. He smiled under the cloth, then walked the stairs. 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now