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     The entire tavern had been staring at Gaston. He was just staring into the fire, not saying anything to anyone. Even Lefou. He was just staring at the fire, his thoughts surrounding him like his usual cloud of ego. But this time the thoughts were about Madelaine. 

     No one could really read the expression on his face. They didn't understand. It was a look they had never seen before. It was something along the lines of confusion to them, but it was something more. It was almost... Admiration? No, it couldn't be. Only for Belle, though. Right? 

     They simply couldn't bear it. Few knew why he had this look. It was because of Madelaine. The townspeople knew Gaston and Belle were meant to be together. The two most gorgeous people in town. They had to get rid of this Madelaine, no matter what the costs. 


     Madelaine jumped onto her horse. She was going to go back to her cottage tonight so she could wake up early the next day for hunting. She had already returned her things from her parents house earlier, and was ready to go back home and get a good nights rest. 

     The thing was, she wasn't going to. While Madelaine was riding back to her house, there were townspeople sent to burn it down. They thought it would work. So as they set fire to the small wooden cottage, they ran away on horse's to not get caught. They used sheep wool, whiskey, and stones to start the fire, not thinking there would be a source. 

     As Madelaine stopped in the woods, she smelled the smoke from almost half a mile away. She looked up through the thickets to see smoke rising from the source of her destination. 

    "No, no, no, no," she said, hitting the reins. Jeffery ran to the house, approaching the large fire. Madelaine got down, slowly walking forward. She couldn't keep it in, tears left her eyes. She covered her mouth, sobs leaving her abruptly. She crouched, holding her stomach as if she was going to be sick. 

     All her parents possessions, her aunts, and hers were inside. She would be lucky if anything survived. She sat on the ground, watching the fire take away everything she owned. Sure, she could've tried to put it out. She just didn't have enough water for that. 

     So here Madelaine was. Finally alone, torn apart, with nothing left in her life. And that's what it felt like. For the night, she forgot about Gaston, she forgot about her hunting life, who she was. And all she cried about was her parents dying. Because it felt like it was happening all over again. 


     Gaston stepped out of the tavern, seeing the party of four riding back into town. The minute they saw him, their whispers died down. After Gaston had mentally psyched himself up to go tell Madelaine how he feels, he felt something was wrong. 

     He ignored the people, and walked to the inn. The entire time, attempting to rehearse a speech. Failing miserably each time. It either sounded desperate, or like a call for help. Which is certainly two things Gaston wasn't, or didn't need. 

     Once reaching the inn, Gaston walked up to the front desk. The innkeeper was at a bar behind the counter, serving other people that were shortly passing through. The innkeeper noticed Gaston, and turned around. 

     "What can I do for you, Gaston?" the innkeeper asked smiling. "A drink, perhaps?" 

     "I am actually looking for Mademoiselle Madelaine," he said, gathering his courage in the moment. 

     "I'm afraid she checked out only about two hours ago. I'm sure you will be able to find her," the innkeeper replied, looking up and down at Gaston's figure. He only nodded, stepping back and thanking the man. He walked to the back of the inn to see her horse gone, and his still there. He mounted it, and set into the woods. 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now