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     Madelaine didn't know where she was. She actually didn't know how she even got to where she was, but she made it. And it was far out of the old town, where everyone remained. She looked around, noticing no people were out, the streets weren't busy. It was almost scary. 

     She got off her horse, she took him to some free stables behind an inn. After tying him up, she walked back out, looking around. She could see people in shops, just waiting for customers, but no one was outside working. 

     After a minute or so, Madelaine walked into a shop, and people looked over. They stepped back like she was going to hurt them or something other than that. 

     "Hi, I'm looking for a place to stay for the night. Do you know where the inn is?" she asked subtly. They shook their hands and she sighed. "Are you guys okay?" 

     "He's coming to collect our taxes soon," one little girl said with fear in her eyes. 

     "Who is?" she asked, crouching next to the girl. Before the girl could talk, the sound of a chariot and hooves rang outside. The family in the shop ran to the back, each grabbing pieces of silver. 

     Madelaine was about to say something, until two feet came out of the carriage. They walked slowly towards a shop, then came around the carriage. Who it was made her want to run outside and attack him. She waited a few seconds, then stormed out of the shop. 

     "Look what you've done! Scared a village half to death for taxes!" she yelled at the former war soldier. He looked over at her, smiling. 

     "So good to see you again. How is your trip with Gaston?" he asked and she groaned. 

     "Leave these people alone, Philip," she said, stepping up to him again. He smirked down at her, shaking his head. 

     "They are my people. I can't just leave them here," he said looking around all the shops. He saw people inside staring at her, noticing the shocked looks on their faces. "Besides, it seems as though they have taken a liking towards you." 

     "Probably because I'm not a jerk to others," she said following him as he walked to the inn. 

     "I'm not a jerk, I just simply collect taxes," he said making Madelaine groan. "And where is Gaston?" 

     "That's not the point," she said. Philip turned around, smiling. 

     "Trouble in paradise?" he asked. Madelaine crossed her arms, shaking her head. She was lying and she knew it. Though she probably should let Gaston explain. "Hm, I don't believe that." 

     "It's the truth!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms up. "And since when did you care about me and Gaston succeeding in our love lives?" 

     "Since I met Arthur. God, I hate that Prince," Philip said. Madelaine scoffed and agreed quickly. She remembered briefly that kiss they shared earlier. It only made her angrier than before. 

      "So you know him?" Philip asked, turning towards the inn again. 

     "Yes," she grabbed his arm and stepped in front of him, "I do."

     "Great, then you should know that he plans to rip away every ounce of your happiness," Philip said with a nod. 

      "How do you know that?" Philip turned, walking to a different shop. "Wait, no, how do you know that?"

      "I told you I met him!" Philip exclaimed loudly. He breathed in, nodding a bit and collecting himself. "He's an ass, okay?" 

     "Thank you, Captain Obvious," she said rolling her eyes. "You know what, never mind! You harm people in your own way. I'm going back to my town and I'm going to get to the bottom of this." 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now