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     "H-He what?" Arthur asked looking over at Lefou. The group had come back together, including the companion.

     "I'm afraid it's true, King Edward has taken Belle for your hand in marriage. He heard of her and took her while she was in the garden tending the rose bush." Everyone let Lefou's information slowly sink in.

     "So he practically kidnapped her?" Gaston questioned, raising an eyebrow.

     "In a way," Lefou responded.

     "Lefou, how do you know all of this?" Madelaine asked, staring at the floor boards.

     "It's what Adam told me. He's preparing a carriage for the morning but I fear he isn't going to do any help. He's just a Prince of a small town, not a soldier," he replied bluntly.

     "He was a beast, though," Gaston muttered, only loud enough for Madelaine to hear.

     "If Adam is going alone, and Arthur isn't there, then who is Belle meeting today?" she asked. Everyone paused, letting that sink in.

     "I know who," Arthur mumbled, closing his eyes. Everyone looked over, eager to find out. "My brother."

     "Dear god, there's another one," Madelaine mumbled.

     "If you thought I was bad, he's worse. Edward, he isn't marrying Belle to me, he's marrying. Belle to my brother. My father disowned him from taking the throne, but now, who knows what my father will do. He's thirsty for attention and power. He would make a peasant a queen just to gain the people favor. Making it a beautiful woman with a crazed Prince. Well, who knows what chaos could happen."

     "Another war," Gaston suggested.

     "Mass destruction, execution, all sorts of things. My brothers not a bad person, he's deranged," Arthur said making everybody look around in silence.

     "What have we got to lose?" Allison asked standing up. "Shall we go save the Queen?"


     Madelaine stopped at the palace, seeing the currently unoccupied carriage ready to leave. She sighed, running up the steps of the palace. She knocked loudly against the wood, enough to get Adam's attention. He turned his head to the door, walking over quickly. When he opened the door, his face was slightly lifted.

     "Madelaine, it's so good to see a friendly face. I need-"

    "My help, I know. Lefou told me everything and I am very willing to help," she said, carefully choosing her words.

    "You will?" Adam asked, hope in his voice.

    "Not just me, of course. Gaston, my sister, Lefou, and even Arthur. There's more than two men in the royal family. There's another Prince that was disowned from the throne. We're afraid he'll harm Belle," Madelaine said holding a hand out. Fear grew in Adam's eyes as he heard her words. "We're leaving after dawn. Are you ready? Because we aren't going down without a fight." Adam growled, making Madelaine smile.

     "I'm always ready," he replied, a smirk hinting at his face.


     The group of adults, three hunters, a prince, a king, and a companion, all traveled down the road. The way back to the kingdom of France. 

     "So, once we get there, what's the plan?" Lefou asked, looking around at all the others. Seeing as he was behind the group. 

     "Well, Arthur is going to head into the castle, Allison by his side. He'll tell his father he will take up the throne with Allison instead of his brother. Then the King gives Belle back. Hopefully all will be okay after that," Madelaine explained gripping the reigns on the horse tighter. 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now