Teaser ;)

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     "It's your birthday, my darling, make a wish," Gaston said, kneeling in front of his daughter, Scarlet. The sixteen year old girl smiled, closing her eyes.

     I wish to venture out of this town.

     Then, she blew the candle out. Scarlet smiled, stepping back from her father who stood up. Madelaine took the cake from Gaston, setting it on the table.

     "What did you wish for?" Madelaine asked, stepping towards her daughter.

     "If I told you, it wouldn't come true," Scarlet replied, slightly smiling as she stared at the candle.

     "Old parlor tricks again," Gasotn said, laughing. He leaned down, placing a kiss against her cheek. "Would you like to take a ride, my darling?"

     "I would love to," Scarlet said. She took her father's hand, letting him lead her outside. Madelaine smiled, then looked away. She knew she couldn't ride, not after her accident on her last horse, Jeffery. She still loved horse's she was just scared. They had to put the poor old horse to sleep for good.

     Gaston held a hand out for Scarlet. She gladly took it, hoisting herself up onto the horse. Out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around her father, scooting forward a bit.

     "Hold on tight," he said, then whipped the reins. Scarlet smiled as the wind rushed past her face. Her hair flowed back with the wind, making her feel more alive. The minute the horse stopped, Scarlet smiled, swinging her leg over the horse. After getting down, she walked to the cliff. Gaston walked over to her, getting on a knee to make her look over.

     "You have told me the story about this place a hundred times, why are we here?" Scarlet asked, turning to her father.

     "Now, I bring you here so you can hold great memories in this place," Gaston said. He held his hand out to the wide open space below, enough to make another town. "You can enjoy the view, like I did." 

     "Thank you, father," she said. Scarlet turned, hugging Gaston. He smiled, leaning his chin on her head. This was all he ever wanted. A family. One that loved him, too.

     "Do you want to head back now, dear?" Gaston questioned, pulling away from the hug.

     "No, I would like to stay here alone for a little while," Scarlet responded, making Gaston nod. He kissed the top of his daughter's head. He walked away, making his way back to the cottage. Scarlet smiled, sitting on the ground, letting her legs fall over the side of the cliff. She smiled to herself, then sang under her breath.

     "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear-"

     "I believe I don't know the next word." Scarlet turned around quickly, getting on her feet and grabbing the dagger out of her boot. "Woah, woah, woah. No need to be hostile."

     "Who are you?" she asked, threatening him by stepping closer.

     "Introductions are in place, I guess. I am Prince Daniel," he said, bowing a bit.

    "You're a prince?"

     "I'm the prince." Daniel smiled, making Scarlet put her dagger back in her boot.

     "I've never met royalty before. My parents have never taken me to the castle," Scarlet said, making Daniel nod.

     "You know that father of yours, always protecting you from the world," Daniel said, stepping forward.

     "What do you mean?" Scarlet asked. "Have you ever seen the world?"

     "No, I've always been in that castle. I've visited every room, nook, and cranny in that place. It's getting old," he answered.

     "I bet it isn't that boring," she shrugged, holding out hope.

     "It wouldn't be for you, but for me it is extremely boring," Daniel said. He smiled, breaking off a tree branch.

     "Don't do that! It's a valuable branch," she said, snatching it from him.

     "How so?" he asked. Scarlet looked up, nodding slightly.

     "It could've grown bigger to give me better wood," she said, throwing the ripe branch at the ground in the process.

     "Huh," he mumbled, folding his arms. "Never thought of that. Well," Daniel started, stepping back to his original spot, "I must leave before my mother finds out I'm here. Au revoir mademoiselle."

     "Scarlet," she said, stepping to him.

     "Au revoir, Scarlet," he said. Daniel walked away, Scarlet watching his every step. She didn't even notice that she was biting her lip until it started hurting. She shook her head, walking back to her horse. She mounted him, riding back to the cottage. 


Well, I thought I was done, but here is the teaser/prologue for the new book I have coming out titled Petals of Lies. 

I'm quite satisfied with the title. I was sitting in my room at 12 in the morning, trying to think of a good name. It went a little something like: "What's something that links Beauty and the Beast but also could be my spinoff?" 


And out came that title. Yup, and I'm not gonna change the cover, I like the cover.  Here it is: 

  Here it is: 

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Bye, peeps. 

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