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     Madelaine sat at Gaston's side in the medical hospital. There were other people there, but their stays were merely temporary. Maybe two to three days. But Gaston's was major. The liver? Of all the places? He was going to be under critical condition for weeks. A month at most. 

     "Madelaine, it's been a day, you should go home and get some rest," Lefou said from behind the woman. She looked down at her hand that was latched onto Gaston's. She nodded, standing up. 

     "I'll see you later, Lefou," she said, wiping her cheeks once again. The hunter had been in and out of consciousness for the past twenty four hours, and Madelaine had been awake each time. It was brief, but he had fallen asleep quickly after. She brought Gaston's hand up and kissed it, smiling a bit. She then walked away, past the chubby companion and out of the doors. She didn't go back to Gaston's cottage though. 

     She turned the corner, walking to her horse Jeffery. She took him out of the stables, mounting him quickly. Her mind was set on one thing and one thing only: Getting revenge on Arthur. She wasn't like most women. She wasn't going to mourn and get over it. She was going to avenge the man she loved, and this was going to be the last stand. 


     Belle quickly walked to the door of the castle. Her white dress brushed at her feet as she walked to the door. She wasn't expecting anyone that day, but she could only think of one person who would need her without giving notice first. 

     When she opened the door, she saw Madelaine with her cheeks still puffy, blood shot eyes, and tear streaks down her cheek. Belle was shocked. She hadn't expected this when she opened the door. Her heart pounded, then she pulled Madelaine inside. 

     "Madelaine? What happened?" Belle asked, putting her hand on the woman's arm. 

     "Well," she started, then heard foot steps coming down the stairs. She saw Arthur rushing to leave and glared at him. "That. He's what happened." 

     "What?" Belle asked. But before she could react, Madelaine was already running toward the Prince. Arthur had taken off the other way, not wanting to find out what the maiden was going to do to him. She had caught up though, being more athletically inclined than the Prince. She grabbed him, pinning him down against the marble flooring. 

     "Why?! Why did you do it?!" she yelled, hitting his back against the ground. He shook his head, not wanting to answer. "Answer me you coward!" 

     "Because I love you and I want you for myself!" he yelled, making Madelaine glare at him. 

     "So you shoot the only man I've ever loved?!" she yelled. Arthur stayed quiet, fighting back tears. Madelaine felt two arms grab her and pull her off of Arthur. She glanced back to see Adam's face out of the corner of her eye. He pulled her back again, and Arthur stood up quickly. 

     "Arthur, I think you should leave," Adam said from behind Madelaine. Arthur walked to the stairs grabbing his bag. "And Arthur?"

     "Yes?" the man asked turning around. He saw Adam standing in front of Madelaine. 

     "Don't bother coming back," the Prince said. Arthur looked at Madelaine who stepped forward a bit. Arthur nodded, walking to the door and out of the castle. Madelaine breathed in unhappily, her breath still shaking. She turned away from the door, wiping under her eyes. 

     "Madelaine," Belle said, walking towards the hunter. 

     "Please, don't say anything," she replied, shaking her head. She looked at Belle and Adam, shaking her head. Belle walked over and pulled Madelaine into a hug. They both stayed quiet, but Madelaine pulled away. "I, I have to get back to the village. I'll visit with any updates." 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now