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     Madelaine walked towards the dress room with Belle. She insisted on getting Madelaine a new dress for the ball that night, and was planning to guide her through without seeing Arthur. 

     "So, Paris? How was the city besides everything else you did?" Belle asked glancing at Madelaine. 

     "It was quite beautiful. I had lived there for two weeks before, and I think you would love it," she smiled as they turned a corner. A door opened to a darker skin colored woman with fabric and dresses all around her. She looked up from the current dress she was sewing, and smiled once she saw Belle. 

     "Belle, so good to see you my dear!" she exclaimed, walking to Belle. She side hugged her, then stepped back taking a look at Madelaine. 

     "Madame Garderobe, this is Madelaine. She's a friend of mine and she needs a dress for the ball tonight," Belle said with a smile. Madame looked at Madelaine, who smiled a waved. 

     "I have the perfect dress." 


     Night time had fallen. The ball room was full of woman in dresses and men in suits. Madelaine was wearing a black and cream colored swan dress that cut off at her shoulders. She was almost the most beautiful in the room, but people still believed it was Belle. She was the queen of course. 

     Also by this time, Arthur had made his way into the castle. He was scanning the crowd for one specific mademoiselle, and that was none other than Madelaine. However, she hadn't made an appearance yet. She and Belle were both still behind the grand door. But only seconds later, that door opened and everyone saw the hunter slowly walk through in her dress. 

     "May I present, Mademoiselle Madelaine!" Cogsworth belowed throughout the ball room. People silently clapped. She looked over at Prince Adam who nodded at her. She gave him a small smile and went off to find either Lefou or Gaston. Only to be cut off by Arthur. 

     "May I say you look rather ravishing tonight," he stated, looking her up and down. She went along with her fake actions and smiled at him. 

     "Thank you, Arthur," she nodded, and tried to walk past him, but he cut her off. 

     "Wait, wait," he said, stepping back a bit. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gaston staring towards them. "Would you care to dance with me?" 

     "Nobody is dancing," she said, looking around the room. 

     "Well, I am a Prince. I have my perks," he smiled, not taking her answer. She looked over at Adam who was clueless. He had talked with Arthur earlier that day about how Madelaine was not available for marriage, so both were confused. She sighed, holding her hand out. As the music was silently playing, the two's steps were in sync. 

     "So why did you choose me to dance with?" she asked, looking away from him. 

     "Because you're beautiful," he said, making her look back at him again. 

     "Didn't Adam talk to you?" she asked, not being able to hold the question back anymore. Arthur nodded, looking away again. 

     "Yes, he did," Arthur replied with a sigh. "I was hoping that you wouldn't bring that up." They noticed more people dancing, and it was time for a partner change. Madelaine twirled, finding herself now in Gaston's arms. 

     "Well hello, darling," he smiled, causing her to smile back. 

     "Didn't think I would see you in something like this again," she commented, looking at his clothes. He chuckled as they stepped together again, being even more in sync that she and Arthur were. 

Madelaine// Gaston |1| Where stories live. Discover now