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     After what happened in the forest with Maurice, Gaston returned to the village. He didn't leave his house for five days, trapping himself in it with his thoughts only. Which were all about Madelaine. 

     He had to face it, he was head over heels for the girl. She wouldn't, couldn't, leave his head. Gaston was facing the fact that he actually cared for someone, that he had found something in her that he hadn't found with any other person. And he lost her.

     Madelaine, on the other hand was back in Paris. She was sitting in the weaponry shop with her boss, them talking about what happened in the village. 

     "So if you saw him, then why didn't you go after him?" George asked, leaning forward in his chair. Madelaine sighed, leaning back in hers. 

     "Because, I'm ashamed. Bad things happen to the people I care about, George. It was a matter of time before something happened to Gaston," she said, her voice strained at the end. George nodded, turning his mouth in satisfaction. 

     "How much do you really care for this Gaston?" he asked, catching Madelaine off guard. She paused, figuring it out in her mind. 

     "My mom once told me that when you have a home, you know you will because after you leave, you will miss it so much. Because you don't have a home until you miss it. When I was with Gaston, it felt like I was home. Like I was meant to be there." George was smiling, and was staring right at Madelaine. 

     "Go get your man," he said, patting her shoulder. 

     "It's a days journey, I'll make it by night fall," she said, denying that she could be happy. 

     "So? Go get your happy ending!" George shouted, making Madelaine nod. She stood up, walking towards the door, then stopped. 

     "What if he doesn't-" 

     "Just go!" George yelled, waving his hand at her. She smiled, running out of the door. Madelaine ran to her house, getting her horse. She mounted him, then set out for the little town. 


     Gaston walked into the tavern with Lefou at his side. The first thing he saw when he got inside was Maurice, and he was shocked to see the old man. Lefou and him abandoned Maurice to get eaten by wolves out of frustration, and everyone in the bar was at a loss of words. Night time had fallen, and the sound of hooves rang through the square. 

     Madelaine got off her horse, about to run to the tavern, that is until someone grabbed her. A sack was put over her head, and someone tied her hands with ropes. She struggled, but several people were gripping her. After she was thrown into something, the sack was taken off of her head. 

     She looked around, realizing she was in a wooden cage. 

     "Okay, don't panic, but the townspeople hate you," she whispered, looking through the bars. There were several townspeople standing there, and she recognized them. They had always been staring at her disgustedly. 

     "Burning that cottage down wasn't enough, and then you just couldn't stay away, could you?" a woman, Marie, said stepping in front of the cart. 

     "You realize I still have a voice?" Madelaine said, motioning to her throat. 

     "You think we won't hesitate in hurting you and Gaston if you scream?" the woman replied, making Madelaine scowl at her. 

     "Try me," she whispered, leaning forward. The woman only smiled, stepping away from the cage. There were hooves, and the sound of another cart approaching. Madelaine's started moving, and she started to hear riots outside. Once her cart was far enough away from the crowd, Madelaine started to pick the lock on her cage. The doors opened and she jumped out, landing on the ground rolling. 

     "Now," she mumbled, "let's get this done." Madelaine ran towards the village, hearing nothing. She saw a cage, and a man guarding it. Inside was Belle and Maurice. 

     "Madelaine!" Belle yelled, crawling to the bars. Monsieur D'Arque saw Madelaine, and ran for her. She saw her horse, and quickly sprinted for him. Madelaine jumped on the horse, making the Monsieur back down. Madelaine rode over to the cart, and looked in. 

     "How can I help you?" she asked, Belle looking up at her. 

     "Stop Gaston, no matter what the cost. Please, he's going to kill him," Belle said, in detail explaining. She briefly summarized the beast and her stay with him. Madelaine nodded the entire time. Then set off to stop Gaston. 


     Madelaine was rushing faster than ever to the castle. She didn't know Belle had escaped from behind her. Though the hunter did reach the castle first. 

     When Madelaine reached the castle, villagers were running out of it. A sign that they were defeated. Madelaine didn't take their defeat for an answer. She ran inside the castle, stepping over a candle that almost lit her shoes on fire. 

     "Someone stop her!" the clock yelled as Madelaine was sprinting up the stairs. She made it a few more feet before fabric had grabbed her feet. She got her dagger out and cut the fabric. Madelaine got back up again, sprinting up the stairs. It was a winding tower from there, and she was only at the top when she saw the beast holding Gaston by the throat over the edge. 

     "Stop!" she yelled, getting the attention of the beast. Gaston couldn't look over, he was losing his circulation. The former prince grunted, throwing Gaston to the ground. Madelaine found her way over to where Gaston was standing back up and ran to him. "Gaston," she breathed, stopping in front of him. 

     "Did my wit and charm make you want to come back?" Gaston joked as he was rubbing his neck. Madelaine rolled her eyes, scoffing. 

     "Hardly," she pasued, "it's because you're an idiot." Gaston chuckled, smiling down at Madelaine.

     "Well, not much of one. Your horse was in town the other night," he said, concluding it was her horse. 

     "Yeah, I was. I was delivering a package," she mumbled, looking down at their feet. She then realized how close they were. She looked back up at Gaston. 

     "Why did you leave me?" Gaston asked, hurt in his voice. Madelaine frowned, meeting Gaston's eyes. She was close to kissing him, but she held herself back. 

     "I didn't want to hurt you," she mumbled, knowing she already did. Gaston saw the hurt in her eyes. It was almost as if her eyes were broken glass. "And I did." Gaston nodded, lacing their hands together. 

     "That's why this time," Gaston said swallowing, "I have to let you go. Because I'm nothing but a monster." Madelaine's eyes widened, looking up at Gaston. He unlaced their fingers, walking past Madelaine. He walked across the newly put together arch, and into the castle where he walked out the back way. 

     Gaston tried to murder  the beast. He had been so heartless, and it was eating him away inside. He tried to let Maurice die to wolves. And he let himself do it. He knew it was wrong, and he knew what Madelaine would want him to do. Yet he made the wrong choice. And now, now Gaston thinks he's a monster


Editing Status: Done

OG Publish Date: April 5, 2017

Edit date: June 4, 2017

Last edit for today. Epilogue is being written :)

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