~ Chapter One ~

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It was a cold and gloomy morning. Their was no sound to be heard down the halls built of stone, but a young dwarf girl humming a melody. Her footsteps echoed off the walls, as her dress flowed with every step she took; making her figure even more beautiful as she walked. She opened the grand doors, to the bitter coldness that was outside. She lifted her dress and walked down to the bottom of the stairs and walked down a path and she followed it, until it came to a garden.

The garden was once filled with beautiful flowers and trees, but it slowly decayed over the years. Strangely the young girl found it very peaceful out here. She came here often after the death of her mother when she was only six years old. Her mother died giving birth to her little brother who also died in birth. The princess only had her father left, but they had grown far apart over the years since that tragic day.

She sat down on the cobble stone platform, her fingers slid up the limp stem of a rose as she gripped it tight and tugged at it and the stem broke in half. She held the half dead rose close to her, tearing petal after petal; watching them twirl in the air, until they hit the ground. As she tore the petals off she was in deep thought about so many things, that she didn't know what to think about first. She pulled the last petal, held it by her lips and blew softly and it flew peacefully through the air, and then dropped out of the air and now laid limp on the ground beside the other ones.

" Princess." A raspy voice called from behind her. She turned her head slowly and looked behind her, her smooth black hair slid over her shoulders as she turned, seeing one of her father's guards. The dwarf bowed to the girl, and stood back up to speak.

" Your father wishes to see you in his chambers. I am instructed to escort you there."

She got up from the ground, but did not speak a word with this dwarf. She followed behind him. As she walked she was dreading whatever it was her father needed to speak to her about. She climbed the stairs to the doors very slowly as the guard was already at the top holding the door open for the young princess to go through.

She stepped onto the platform and turned to face the forest for a brief second as she let out a sigh; seeing the cold air escape her mouth and turned to the entrance and walked through the doors back to her prison as she followed the guard down the hall to her fathers chambers. They came to a halt at a door on the right and he pushed them opened for the girl.

" Your Highness, your daughter is here to see you, as you requested." The guard stated. An older dwarf turned to face the guard and the young girl.

" Thank you guard." A deeper rough voice came from this dwarf and he waved for the guard to leave. " My dear come here, please." The King said as he patted a spot by him on the bed. She walked over and took the spot beside her father and looked him in the eyes and just the way they starred at her, she could tell something was wrong.

" Father what's wrong? " She asked, with such pain in her voice and her eyes searched her fathers hoping it wasn't something bad and that she was just over reacting.

" Marena, I'm dying and I don't know how much longer i have..."

Marena's eyes were filled with tears coming down her face; hearing this from her father, wishing for it not to be true. They may not have been close like they used to be. But deep down in her heart she still loved her father more than anything and for the first time in a long time she rested her head against her fathers chest, as he held her tight to him and kissed his daughter's forehead. The moment did not last for them both as they were interrupted by another one of the kings guards to tell them it was dinner time.

The two of them walked down the halls in silence to the feasting room. After hearing the news her father gave her, Marena no longer had an appetite. She grabbed a plateful of food, knowing she would barely touch anything on it and she took her spot at the table with her father.

" Marena, I have sent some guards out to different kingdoms of our Kin; to invite the young princes to come to the castle." He begun. Marena looked up at her father confused. "You need to find a husband. If our line is to be secure again, you'll need to conceive an heir." The King stated. Marena spat out her meat she was chewing on, almost choking.

" W-what? Father, I'm only eighteen years old. I'm not ready for a husband, or children for that matter!" She cried out. She was not even close to thinking about finding a husband.

" As future Queen of Moria; it would be proper for you to have a husband by your side. If you are to be taken seriously as queen." King Aldrin stated to his daughter.She looked at her father with wide eyes. The young dwarf was highly upset with this idea, her life had only just begun. She hadn't even began to enjoy it and her father was already pressuring her to find a husband to marry. " As my last dying wish, I asked that you do this for me....Marena, I don't want you to be alone when I'm.....when I'm, when I pass on." The king practically had to choke his words out as he looked at his child with a smile and stroked her face.

" You have become a beautiful young woman, just like your mother was."

Marena tried to be happy by her fathers compliment but she knew the face she had on was just a mask, hiding how she truly felt. Marena starred down at her food. she couldn't even force herself to eat a piece of bread and left the feasting room and climbed the stairs to her room. She opened the doors and closed them behind her and walked over to her window that looked over the forest just outside the kingdom that went on for miles.

The cool breeze blew through her hair as she thought about everything that had just happened today. Her father informed her that the dwarf princes would be arriving in a couple of weeks; she could already feel the pit inside her when that day comes, she was going to dread it... She got ready for sleep and climbed into bed. Marena turned on her side and blew out the candle on the stand and closed her eyes as she dreamed about a life away from here.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

Light In Your Eyes[Thorin Love Story]Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now