~ Chapter Two ~

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It's been weeks since Marena found out her father was sick and their was nothing they could do to help him. Her father was going to die, the only question was when? She wished she could help take her fathers pain away, but their was nothing she could do; except wait. She knew the Prince's from other kingdoms would be arriving soon and she was in no state to meet them, or let alone have a conversation with them, while her father grew more ill each day.

The young dwarf girl was in her room sitting on the stone windowsill ledge looking at the forest that surrounded the kingdom, it was dying like her father was. Slowly, but painfully. She took in a breath of air as the wind blew through her hair when a loud knock came from the other side of her door and she turned around to look at the door.

" Come in," She called out. The door slowly opened to reveal a guard.

" Princess, your father has summoned you to come to his chambers." the guard snarled. Marena sighed at this. Not wanting to go anywhere.

" Tell my father, I'm on my way." She replied glumly to the rude guard; looking away from him. The guard however never left the room and she felt his presence still in her doorway and she looked out of the corner of her eye and saw he was still standing there.

" I can not do that young princess, my orders are to escort you to his chambers." He stated in the same manner as he did when he entered her room. Shaking her head, wishing she could just have a few minutes to herself. She hopped off the ledge and brushed by the guard that held the door open. The guard led out a huff and went to follow and found he had to walk fast just to keep up with this young lass. She stopped at the door with her arm extended to grab the handle of the door, but the guard grabbed it for her and opened it and bowed to her and she gave him a stern look.

" Your majesty. Your daughter is here as requested." the guard informed, speaking as if he had done a noble thing. The King was lying in his bed. He willed himself to sit up, but not before letting out a painful cough.

" Thank you. Leave us now, and send for the maid." The guard bowed one last time and left the chambers. The young girl walked over to her fathers bed side.

" You wished to speak to me father," She said in such a soft voice. The king smiled to his beautiful daughter and took her hand in his.

" I have some good news for you my dear. The guard has just informed me the young dwarf prince's have arrived. Their will be a maid here shortly to help you with your dress and hair." He informed her as he began coughing again. Marena grabbed the pitcher full of water that was on the bedside table. She poured the water into a glass and handed it to her father, as she looked at him with concerned eyes. He finally took a sip from the glass and she took it from him and put it back on the table beside the pitcher.

" Maybe...I should stay here. instead."

The King gave his daughter a look, as if she had just said something outrageous. " You will do no such thing. I will not have our guest that have traveled a great distance, be disappointed that the young princess thinks she needs to take care of an old lad like me. No this night is for you my dear, I will not have it ruined." he said, sternly.

" But...father."

The king began coughing once again and she handed him his water, looked at him with sad eyes. " No, you're a kind and beautiful person Marena, and I hope whoever you choose to be your husband will see how lucky he is to have you in his life." He said through a cough here and there. She felt like crying, it's been a long time since her father spoke to her like this.

Just then, a maid came into the kings chambers. " Would you like to come with me your highness?" The young dwarf maid asked the princess. Marena looked to her father who just smiled even though he was in pain.

Light In Your Eyes[Thorin Love Story]Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now