~ Chapter Seven ~

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Weeks have gone by since Marena's father's sudden death. They young woman would barely leave her room for anything. She also has been avoiding Thorin a lot. He wouldn't give up. He always came to her room and knocked on the door to make sure she was alright, but Marena would always kindly tell him to leave her alone.

Marena had been working on a bottle of wine that she was drinking out of constantly in her room as she thought hard about her father's last words to her. If you don't agree to marry Prince Ketrak; they'll kill you.

What had he meant by that? What was this deal that he made that could end her life so easily, if she didn't do as instructed. She tipped the bottle and gulped back the last of the wine. The drinking had made it easier for her to forget all the pain she was in from recent events. Until it's effect would ware off and she would feel her emotions rushing back in, making her remember which reality she was really in. The princess also began to notice how strange it was that her guards haven't made Lord Darklen and his son Ketrak leave the Kingdom immediately. Instead they continue to stay in the castle and watching the young woman's every move, Including Thorin's.

She sat their for another few seconds on her bed wondering if she should send for the guard for more wine, when a thought occurred to her. Her father had spent a lot of time in his study before he got sick. Marena got up from her bed, almost stumbling as she got to the door. She opened it; peaking around to see if anyone was in the hall.

Marena saw it was safe and left her room and walked to the East side of the castle where her father's study was and opened the door and locked it behind her. She went and sat at the table and began searching through everything in sight. She grabbed every book her father read; frantically flipping through the pages looking for anything he would have wrote down on a piece of parchment of this deal he struck with this Lord Darklen.

She would toss book after book on the floor when they turned up nothing. Normally she had more respect for her fathers belongings but Marena was running out of time. After no luck of finding anything in the stacks of books left on the table; that were now all over the floor. Marena went over to the south side of the room where King Aldrin kept all his journals about the history of Moria.

Each King from the past had written something important during their time of ruling, whether it be a secret passage way in the kingdom that no one knew about, to a certain plant or fruit that could cure you. The princess grabbed all the journals from the shelf, hoping to find some good news. She dropped them on the table, making a cloud of dust form in the bright light that shined through the window in the tower. She sat at the table and began reading through the journals.

Hours had gone by and she was beginning to think this had all been a waste of time as she found nothing mentioned about a deal with Lord Darklen. Marena was in the last journal; scanning it fast and found nothing. She threw the journal in anger and frustration, when she saw out of the corner of her eye a piece of parchment had flung out of the pages of the journal and landed three feet from her. She got up from the table and walked over to pick it up. Turning it over to see it had her name written on it. She eyed it curiously and unfolded it to reveal her fathers writing.

"My dear sweet Marena,

If you are reading this, I'm already dead. I knew when this day would come, you would figure it out. You were always so smart; just like your mother. I know right now your probably wondering how I could make such a cruel deal and for that I am so sorry for the burden I put on you. I can't say though I regret the decision I made forty years ago. Having a blessing like you, was the greatest moment of my life.

Your mother never knew of the deal either; which is why she is dead too, yes I got her killed. She never died from giving birth to your brother. Your mother and I were never supposed to be married. She was betrothed to Lord Darklen, but that night I met her at the ball; I fell in love with her.

Darklen soon found out and threatened to end her life if I didn't hand over the Kingdom to him at the time of our deaths. I made the deal, that when we pass the kingdom was his. Twenty-two years later I found out your mother was carrying a child; you. I have never seen your mother so happy when she had you. Lord Darklen was furious when he had heard the news that the Kingdom of Moria would have an heir.

So in order to protect you; I had to promise you to his son or else he was going to kill you, and I am so sorry Marena; for everything. I never wanted to do this to you. I know right now, you are probably angry, confused, disappointed and worse you probably hate me, but please promise me one thing.

Don't get killed and be careful who you trust in the castle. Especially the guards. I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done, and to see it was the only way to save you. I know one day we will meet again, I love you so much.

Your loving father. "

She finished reading the last line and the piece of parchment slipped through her fingers and landed diagonally on one of the journals. Her father had one thing right. She was very confused, she wasn't sure if she hated him, but she was filled with mixed emotions about all this.

Her mother was killed because she was born. Was it her fault her mother was dead, along with her baby brother, because of her? She wondered.

Marena got up from the table fast, having to place her hand on the table for support from suddenly feeling light headed. She couldn't process any of this, it was way too much for her right now. She need something.\, a glass of something strong; like wine or ale to calm her nerves.

She left the study, walking fast down the hall to the wine cellar. She opened the door and grabbed a mug and walked over to one of the wooden barrels filled with wine and began filling her cup up. The young woman left with her wine and headed for her room. Opening the door and quickly shut it and locked it. Just as she was about to take a sip a loud knock came from the other side of her door and she slammed the mug down, not wanting company at the moment. Marena waited to see if the knocker would speak to reveal who he or she was.

" Marena? I know your in there. Please come out or let me come in, talk to me." The voice begged her. She realized it was Thorin. She had been avoiding him so much lately, just so she wouldn't have to explain any of this, but now she realized she needed someone she could confide in. Marena couldn't keep this secret hidden any longer, but at the same time, did she really want to burden her families problems on him.

" Thorin, please....just go away. I'm not really in a talking mood right now." She pressed, hoping he would understand and leave. At first she heard nothing and she thought he had left, until she heard heavy boots shifting outside her door.

" Marena, I am not leaving until you open this door. So either you open this door or I will. " He demanded, making it clear he wasn't going away anytime soon. She groaned in frustration and got up from her bed, grabbing her wine. She took a gulp and swallowed. Marena grabbed the handle and Thorin saw on his side it was turning and he was relieved that he would be able to finally see her again. As he heard the first click the knob went back to its spot.

Marena let go of the handle. She felt really strange all of sudden. The princess began to feel dizzy and her vision was starting to go blurry on her.

" Marena?" Thorin called out to her confused as to why she hadn't opened the door all of a sudden. Marena collapsed onto the stone cold floor, dropping her mug and it crashed on the ground when she did, oozing all over the floor.

" Marena?"

Thorin heard the noise that came from her room and grew worried when she didn't respond after the third time he called out for her. "Marena?"

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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