~ Chapter Eleven ~

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It was the next morning. The young woman stretched and let out a yawn as the sun shined in her room. She looked up and noticed Thorin wasn't there. Her eyes shifted around the room, when she caught sight of the rose on the side table. Marena felt a smile spread across her face and she got up and went to her closet to get dress.

Marena grabbed her "Green Dress" and put it on and went over to her mirror and began to braid her hair, thinking about only one thing. " Her Hair" She smiled to herself. But she was still bothered by one thing; who poisoned her and why? The last two people she suspected was Ketrak and his vile father. They needed her to take the kingdom, she wouldn't do them much good if they killed her. The kingdom would have just gone to a distant cousin of hers. She left the room and for once, Marena felt happy to walk the halls of her home.

While she walked she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear her own name being called. " Princess Marena!" She turned around, snapping out of her thoughts and saw it was her fathers Adviser. " Princess Marena, I have been looking everywhere for you. It's wonderful to see you up and walking. Now I know it's only been a day since you had been cured but I think it would be wise if we arranged a meeting with your people, so that they can see you are healthy and have nothing to fear." He advised. Marena nodded, that was the last thing on her mind, but he was right. " Oh, and the guard tells me, your gift for Prince Thorin will be ready today. The thing you had wanted prepared two weeks ago?"

"Yes, right I had forgotten about that." Marena admitted.

"That's very understandable, you've been going through a difficult time, lass. Now the meeting starts in an hour in the grand hall. I will make the introductions and you can give Prince Thorin your gift." The Adviser explained and Marena nodded in agreement.

They went their separate ways. Marena went down to the armory and found the Blacksmith she had spoken to a couple weeks ago about this, she had this prepared for other reasons but with everything that went on, she felt this was the more appropriate time.

" Your highness, it's good to see you again. Welcome back. I have your gift that you had asked me to prepare for you." The Blacksmith said as he handed it to her. She couldn't believe how light it was and she wondered sometimes if it could do all that her father had spoke of. Marena thanked the dwarf and went back to her room before she would have to make her way to the grand hall. She walked into her room, shutting the door and placing the gift on her table.

Marena suddenly heard her door open and she turned around to see who it was. "Thorin." She smiled.

" How are you feeling?" Thorin asked her as he shut the door and walked up to her, kissing her on the forehead.

" I am feeling better, But I have a meeting in the grand hall soon." Marena explained.

" I heard." He said as he walked over to the window ledge with his hands behind his back, starring at the view over the forest, in deep thought.

" Your going to be there? Right?" The young woman asked, making him turn around to look at her.

" Of course I'll be there." Thorin said. She felt somewhat relieved to hear that, but she still didn't want to go. Thorin noticed how nervous she seemed and he walked over to and pulled her into his arms. "Marena, it will be okay. No one's going to hurt you. I promise you." He whispered as he lifted her chin up, so she was looking at him and claimed her lips, she soon realized what time it was and she pulled away.

"I have to head down now. I'll see you in the grand hall?" She asked.

"I'm escorting you there, I'm not letting you go by yourself. It's not safe right now." Thorin declared. She was about to protest, but she would do it another time. Thorin took her and hand and they both walked towards the grand hall. Marena had to go through a different door and their hands let go slowly in the air as they went in different directions.

" Your highness your here, good." The Adviser said as he opened the door that led to the great hall. " I present her Royal Highness Princess Marena." The young dwarf girl walked passed the Adviser and turned to look at her people as they all bowed to her and then took their seats. The Adviser stepped forward beside Marena to speak to the people of Moria.

" Most of you, may not know this, but a couple of days ago the princess was poisoned and let's just say if it wasn't for a certain young lad, she would not be with us right now. I would like to ask Prince Thorin to come up." The dwarves clapped and cheered as Thorin stood up and started walking pass them and looking at Marena, a little shock, wondering what was going on. He made it to the top of the stairs and turned to look at the Adviser and the young woman.

"Princess Marena, would like to present this beautiful gift to you for your courage, cleverness and bravery. Please accept this gift as a token of appreciation for saving the princess's life." The Adviser spoke as he waved the guard over. Thorin looked surprised at Marena, he didn't need anything in return for what he did, seeing her alive was all that he wished for. Marena took the silver steel from the guard and placed it in Thorin's hands.

The young prince looked at it and realized what is was. Moria was well known for its find in Mithril. He looked at her. " Marena, you didn't have to do this." He whispered to her, as people watched them curiously. Marena stepped closer to Thorin.

" Yes I did. I don't want anything to happen to you Thorin. I love you, promise me you'll wear it." Marena begged him, starring into his eyes. Thorin didn't say anything but pulled the woman towards him and kissed her. The dwarves of Moria looked at them, smiling. Seeing their young princess would have someone by her side to take care of the kingdom.

Somewhere in the crowd of dwarves was Lord Darklen and his son Ketrak who were one of the few that weren't happy for them. Ketrak was slowly standing up when he was yanked back down on his seat by his father. " He's kissing my queen father. He needs to be stopped." Ketrak whined.

" Don't worry about it. I'll take care of Thorin." Darklen sneered as he looked back at the two of them. Thorin held the young woman close to him as the dwarves were getting up and walking over to them, to wish them all the best." Let's go." He ordered his son. The two of them made their way out of the crowd of dwarves. Ketrak pushed the odd dwarf out of his way until they made it to another hall and they were alone.

" Father! What is your plan now?!" Ketrak snapped, feeling anger and a rage of jealousy shoot through him, seeing Marena and Thorin kissing.

" If you hadn't poisoned the princess in the first place! She would have already been forced to marry you and the Kingdom would have been mine already, but thanks to your idiocy, I've had to make changes to my plan and wait to make a proper move. " Darklen hissed. Ketrak groaned at his father, wondering how this was his fault. Darklen slapped his son on the back of the head again, wishing he wouldn't be so stupid.

Ketrak rubbed his head, glaring at his father. " What are we going to do now then?" Ketrak questioned.

" I believe the princess just gave us an opening to put my plan into motion. We will get to her through her heart. " The lord snickered. Ketrak looked at his father confused and Darklen sighed and rolled his eyes, wishing he didn't have to explain every little detail to his son. " Have you not been paying attention? She's in love isn't she? If she wishes no harm to come to her people and the one she loves? We will force her to do the cruelest thing imaginable and then when she gets ride of Thorin and you marry her, the kingdom will be ours and then we'll kill the princess.

" Can I have her as my pet? I want her as a pet." Ketrak said in an annoying voice, making the lord roll his eyes at his son.

" You can do whatever you like to her son, but not until she is married to you. After that, do with her what you please." Darklen snickered as they left down the hall and disappeared.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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