~ Chapter Four ~

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"Princess Marena? Are you alright?" Marena sat up; both palms of her hand pressed against the stone cold floor. The room spun around her, making it difficult to see who spoke to her, but she recognized the voice.

" Thorin...?" She said in a bit of confusion as she got up from the ground; only to be steadied by the prince when she almost fell to the ground again, clearly more dizzier then she thought. Before they could say anything, she heard their voices coming from further down the hall. They had figured out she got away from them. Thorin didn't have to ask her what she was running from.

" I-I ah have to go." Marena quickly said. But before she even got five steps passed him he grabbed her arm and pulled her behind one of the open doors, just as the two other prince's came down the hall.

" Princess Marena! Where did you go?" Ketrak called out as he searched the hall for any sign of her.

" Were going to find you, wherever you are hiding and make you choose one of us to be your husband." Mori threatened.

" Did you hear that?"

Ketrak started walking over to the door they were hiding behind, with Mori right behind him. Thorin covered Marena's mouth when she started panicking and pulled her away from the door and they hid behind a dusty old trunk, and the door swung open, crashing against the wall. The two prince's looked around the room, they listened for the same sound they heard a few minutes ago.

" She's not here." Mori insisted as they both left. Marena let out a sigh of relief when they finally left. She could still hear them bickering down the hall.

" She will pick me." Ketrak stated.

" No she will pick me. I am the handsomest Prince here." Mori pointed out, Making Ketrak infuriated.

" It doesn't matter who she picks, her father made a deal with my father years ago." Ketrak explained. Their voices were growing fainter in the air as they disappeared down the hall and they were alone once again. Thorin release his hand that was covering her mouth and the two of them left the dusty old room; now that it was safe.

" I guess I owe you for saving me from them once again." She said as she let an awkward chuckle escape her lips.

" Happy to be of service my lady." He said as he winked at her. She smiled at him.

" Well, I should be going now. My father has asked me to go to the city, to show our people I am out and about and not sulking in my room...over my father's...condition." She said as she practically choked on the last word. She bowed to the prince and he in returned bowed back to her. She went on her way down the hall towards the city. A voice in her head was screaming as she continued to walk down the hall almost around the corner when--

" Marena!" Thorin called out as he ran down the hall to catch up to her. She turned around to look at him, as he joined her.

" It would be my pleasure to escort you through the dwarf city; if you like." Thorin offered her. She thought to herself.

"Was she yelling it out that she wanted the Prince to come with her through the Dwarf city or could he just tell in her voice that she didn't want to go down there alone?" she couldn't tell, but she was glad he asked. She nodded with a smile and he walked beside her down the hall that looped around a corner that led to the ground floor.

They entered the realm of the dwarf city, Dwarrowdelf. The working dwarves took a minute to bow to the young princess and prince as they walked through the city. The halls were filled with the sounds of hammers, as the hard working dwarves banged metals together for making all sorts of weapons.

As the two royals walked the halls, a couple of dwarf children ran in front of them; laughing, playing without a care in the world. Seeing this made Marena smile to herself; seeing all their joyful faces. The prince noticed this and thought to himself.

" You want any, someday?" Thorin asked her, pulling her out of her dazed thoughts.

" What?....children?" She stutted in a shocked voice, not expecting this from Thorin at all . He nodded to her. She turned and looked at the children that were now watching the hard working dwarves.

" I don't know....maybe someday." She said, knowing she had no choice, if her line was to continue she would have to conceive an heir before she passed on. Her father and mother never had any other surviving children before her mother passed and her father never remarried. She was in deep thought by this. She never realized until now what a heavy burden her father had put on her. She was only eighteen. How was she supposed to have the ability to run a kingdom, when their was going to be no one to show her, when her father passes on.

The young woman had abruptly stopped in the middle of the hall. Her eyes were focused on something, but it was nothing in the area. Thorin hadn't realized she stopped, until he took a couple more steps and noticed she wasn't beside him. He turned around to see her standing there like a statue.

" Marena? Is everything okay?" Thorin asked her, feeling concerned that his sudden question had put her in a strain of thoughts and he approached her. " If it's what I asked you about having children someday--" Thorin began only to be cut off by her shaking her head.

" No...it's not that. Something else I just realized. I-I have to go." Marena insisted. Thorin gave her a strange look. She turned around and took off back towards the castle, leaving the prince wondering what on earth she was thinking about that would make her take off like that. She ran passed a couple of guards, who saw her rushing up the stairs. Thorin tried to catch up to her, but she ran faster than he had thought she would and he lost her through the crowd of Dwarves.

As she climbed the last flight of stairs, she slowed down and went back to a walk as she approached her fathers door, about to go in when the guard put his hand up for her to halt.

" I need to speak with my father; it's important." Marena insisted as she tried to catch her breath.

" I am sorry your highness, but your father is busy in a meeting with someone." The guard explained. She looked at the guard confused.

Who could he be having a meeting with? She wondered.

" I don't care if he's in a meeting, I need speak to him at once!" She yelled, getting flustered. The guard shook his head at the princess. She ducked under his arm, turned the knob of the door and pushed it opened walking in with the guard trying to stop her. She looked around her fathers room, their was no one in the chambers but her father.

" Your Majesty, I tried to stop her." The guard insisted

" It's fine Signard, you may leave us." The king demanded. The guard bowed and closed the door behind him

" Father we need to talk." Marena stated seriously, giving her father a serious look on her face.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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