~ Chapter Six ~

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The young woman was quiet for a long time, deciding if she should tell Thorin about what she knew. He never left her eyes, as he waited patiently for her to say something. Marena started to opened her mouth to tell him, but was cut off by a sudden voice.

" Princess Marena!" A guard called out frantically until he came to the entrance of the garden. Marena looked at the guard.

" What is it?" She asked nervously, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. The guard sighed before answering the young princess as he looked at the prince who was anxiously waiting to know why the guard had come down here.

" I am sorry to tell you this lass, but your father has passed."

The air around the young woman suddenly felt colder than it was. Marena's heart sank, it wasn't what she was thinking. It was worse as she sat there frozen, unable to move. Thorin noticed her face had gone paler than usual. Marena could hear the guard's words repeating in her mind and she was wondering is she even heard the guard correctly.

" Marena, I am so sorry." Thorin said as he held her close. Tears slowly fell down her face. She was truly alone now and the last thing she and her father did was argue and now he was gone. She continued to stare at the ground, trying to let all this sink in.

" Princess Marena, I know this is a difficult time for you, but you are the next heir to this Kingdom." The guard stated not really caring what state of mind the princess was in. She wouldn't talk or even blink. Thorin noticed how impatient the rude guard was being.

"I'll escort Marena back into the castle, when she is ready!. Give her a few minutes." Thorin snapped, making the guard surprised by the prince's sudden rage towards him. He glared at the young dwarf and than left. He turned his attention back to Marena, who was now shaking. Thorin removed his coat and covered her.

" Come on, we need to get you back into the castle." Thorin insisted, even though he knew that was the last place she wanted to be right now. She didn't even nod but aloud Thorin to take her hand as he led her back to the kingdom. As they entered inside an occasional whimper escaped the woman's lips as they walked down the hall, towards the stairs that would take them to her fathers chambers.

All the guards had heard the tragic news and bowed to the young girl as she walked by. Marena and Thorin walked up the steps and headed towards her fathers chambers. As she got closer her heart began to pound, wondering if this was even real. Thorin stopped her at the door and stepped in front of her.

" Marena, you don't have to go in there. You don't have to remember your father like this." He begged her. She thought for a second, but knew she had no choice.

" I have to.." She said as she shook her head, looking at the ground, trying to gather what strength she had in her. " I have to see it for myself."

Thorin took her hand so she wouldn't have to do it alone. She opened the doors. Marena could already smell the decaying body. Her eyes shifted right to the bed and she could feel the burning sensation behind her eyes as tears were fighting there way through and finally won and they came rolling down her face once again.

She let go of Thorin's hand and dashed over to her dead father's side of the bed, but not before she tripped and fell to the ground by the bed. Tears had flooded her eyes, She had lost everything now. "Why?" She cried in hysterics, as she covered her face as the tears continued to come. Thorin walked over to her and helped her up from the ground and held her close, shielding her from the sight of her dead father as she tugged at his clothing. They were soon disrupted when Thorin shifted uneasily, making Marena turn around to see what had caught the prince's attention.

" Well this is really unfortunate. It is so nice of you to console the princess, in her most difficult time Prince Thorin." The voice sneered. Thorin glared at the intruder, but said nothing. Marena looked at him in confusion, trying to figure out who he was when Ketrak walked in from behind and she realized now this had to be his father, Lord Darklen.

" I understand it must be a burden for you; being the only surviving heir left in your fathers line, but you must understand princess. A woman can not run a Kingdom by herself. It is not rational. Your people will never take you seriously if you don't have a husband to conceive an heir with. Your line will be no more." Lord Darklen explained, as if he was trying to scare her but she had only grown angrier. Remembering the deal she had over heard Ketrak telling Mori and she lost it.

" Look! I don't care what kind of deal you made with my father, but I will not marry your lying, greedy, disrespectful, cowardly son!" She roared. Lord Darklen was enraged by this and surprised how the princess had gained this knowledge and gave his son a suspicious look. Thorin as usual was confused, as to what they were talking about. Ketraks father took a breath and spoke calmly to the young woman.

" Princess Marena. I don't know where you came up with these silly accusations, but if I remember correctly, your father had asked all these prince's to come for you to choose a husband. Now I suggest; you do as your father wished. It would be wise on your part. You wouldn't want your fathers death to mean nothing, would you? Unfortunate things tend to happen around here." He pointed out. Marena continued to glare at him.

" Get out!" She yelled. The lord snickered as he turned to his son, motioning him to leave. Thorin and Marena were alone.

" Marena. What is going on?" Thorin asked her, looking at her confused. She knew he had every right to demand an answer, but she didn't even know exactly what was going on. Thorin's questioned had drifted passed her as she was in deep thought once again. Thorin shook her by the shoulders, snapping her out of her daze.

" Marena? Please tell me what he is talking about. What deal?" He begged her again for an answer.

" Does it matter? I'm not going to go through with it. I wont have my people ruled by him." She insisted, trying to avoid telling him, even though it was true, she will not go through with a marriage to Ketrak. She would die before she ever agree to that, but the main reason why she held back the truth from Thorin, was because of what Lord Darklen had said a few minutes ago. ' Unfortunate things tend to happen around here.' She was scared now something would happen to Thorin and she would never forgive herself if something did.

" Princess Marena, I am sorry to interrupt but I must ask that we bring your father to the burial chambers, and lay him to rest with the other kings that have passed." A guard kindly spoke, She glanced over at her father. She had been so angry with Lord Darklen and everything else, she forgotten her father was still laying there in his bed.

Marena took a deep breath, trying to make the tears stop from coming though again. " Right.. ah...okay. " She said softly, waving for them to come take him. She starred at the ground, wishing none of this was real. They had him lying on a wooden platform to carry him to the burial chambers. She began to follow behind them when she felt a hand take hold of hers. She looked to see it was Thorin. He wasn't about to let her go down there alone.

Although the whole Lord Darklen, Ketrak and this deal was bothering him, because he had no idea what was going on. He knew she would tell him, when she was ready. Thorin pulled her close to him as they walked behind the guards. Everyone had now heard the news that the King of Moria had passed and all came to the chambers to pay their respects to the dead and to the young princess.

They had now laid her father to rest. Thorin continued to hold her close to him as she began crying once more. A certain dwarf prince in the crowd of people noticed and snarled in disgust, as if he actually carried.

Marena and Thorin were the last to leave as she walked over to her father and kissed his hand and gently laid it back down by his side as she said her final goodbyes and they left.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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