~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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" It's time!" A dwarf maid shouted. The young queen of Moria was ready to give birth to her child. Marena was in an upright position on her bed.

" Okay Marena, You need to push. " The maid urged her. Marena took a deep breath and pushed. She let a scream of pain out, grabbed at the sheets as she continued to push. Another woman came up behind her, putting pillows behind her back trying to make her more comfortable. She was panting heavily, she could feel the sweat coming down her face as she pushed more. Another dwarf woman placed a cool cloth over her forehead. Marena was growing exhausted quickly, as she continued to pant.

" Marena, you have to push one last time, its almost here." One of the maids pressed to her. She let out a breath as she gathered what strength she had left. She gripped the sheets even tighter and took in a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could, as she let out another cry of pain. When she suddenly heard the most beautiful sound. It was the sound of her child.

" Congratulations your highness, you have a daughter." The maid stated as she cleaned the child up and wrapped her in clean blankets and placed the child in Marena's arms. She smiled down at her as she felt tears come down her face. She kissed her forehead

" My beautiful little girl, mama loves you." Marena cried as she held her child close to her.

" Do you have a name for her?" The maid asked her, as she approached the bedside. Marena looked down at her child and smiled when she thought of a name.

" Athena." She said when she began coughing. The maid took the child from Marena as another maid handed her a glass of water.

" Your highness you need to rest. Get's some sleep. Your need your strength back." The dwarf woman insisted. Marena nodded and rested her eyes as she looked at her daughter one last time and closed her eyes.

It was the next day. Marena got up feeling better, but the medic told her it would be best that she took it easy still. She spend every minute with her child. She just finished feeding Athena and put her down for a nap, when her door suddenly opened.

" Your looking quite well, congratulations on a healthy baby girl. It's too bad Thorin couldn't be hear to witness his beautiful child. " Lord Darklen teased.

" You come near her, and I will kill you." Marena threatened.

" Relax silly girl, I'm not here to kill your child. I'm here to tell you that she will be raised as one of us." Lord Darklen said sternly. She glared at him.

"I will not have my daughter raised like your pathetic whiny excuse for son. " Marena snapped.

" If your forgetting Marena, you could just suddenly disappear from this place. My son has an heir, their would be no need to keep you alive.You should know that by now. If you want your daughter to have her mother still around, than I suggest you reconsider" Darklen hissed at her. Before Marena could say something they were interrupted by a guard.

" Your majesties. I'm sorry to disturb you both, but I have just receive word that the dwarves of Erebor have fled from the Mountain along with the people of Dale. The Dragon came and took refuge inside the mountain." Marena went over to the ledge and starred off into the distance. Her heart sank, at that news. Their was only two possibilities. The one she feared the most: he didn't make it out, and the other was that Thorin was among the dwarves that had escaped the Mountain. Something inside her told her he was and she had to hang onto that.

" Thank you for informing us this most unfortunate news. Lets hope the ones that didn't make it, didn't suffer too much." Lord Darklen stated. The guard left the room. " Now, where were we? Ah yes, once your daughter is old enough she will be trained the way we want her to run this kingdom. Marena glared at the Lord, but found it useless to argue with him anymore.

" Fine, now get out. My child is sleeping." Marena ordered.

" Aren't you going to tell me her name?" Darklen questioned with a smirk.

" Athena." Marena said as she looked from her sleeping child to the Lord. He was nodding his head in approval.

" Good, strong Moria name." Darklen pointed out as he walked towards the door and stopped and turned around. " Now remember what we agreed too. If anything should go wrong, your daughter wont have a mother around and I'm sure you don't want that; she's already with no father, I would hate to see her lose her mother as well. "

Marena said nothing, and the Lord finally left. She walked over to her bed and laid there, knowing she had long years ahead of her, and now she had to be stronger than ever if she wanted to keep her child safe from these awful people that had come into her life and took it from her. Marena wasn't going to let her daughter suffer through it alone. The young woman finally passed out on her bed, praying Thorin was alive and she hoped one day she would see him again.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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