~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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It's only been 2 days since Marena and Thorin's encounter with Lord Darklen and his threatening warning. Thorin hadn't aloud the woman to be out of his sights since. If she wanted to go somewhere, he followed and it was beginning to get on her nerves. The sun was just beginning to rise into the sky. Thorin had stayed over night in the princess's room again. He looked over beside him and saw the woman was still sound asleep. He climbed off the bed and wandered over to the door, taking one last look at her before he closed the door behind him quietly, so he wouldn't wake her. He made hast down the hall towards the king's study.

Once inside he closed the door behind him. He began searching for that letter he found weeks ago that the king wrote to his daughter. He knew Marena wasn't tell him something and it was clear she wasn't going to; someone was forcing her to stay quiet and he had a pretty good idea who. After searching through the mess of the journals and pieces of parchment he finally found what he was looking for and read the letter over and over again.

He couldn't believe the king would put his own daughter through this; how could he do such a thing to her? Thorin couldn't sit there any longer and he left the study and headed back to Marena's chambers. Many questions were running through his mind. Thorin opened the door and his eyes searched frantically around but the woman was no where in her room and he left to go find her asking anyone as they passed by, if they had seen her.

Marena was heading towards the city: Dwarrowdelf. For the last two days, she had been trying to think of a way to get rid of Lord Darklen and his son, she couldn't imagine herself having Ketrak as her husband and she knew she was running out of time. As she walked down the halls she could hear Thorin voice in her head, begging her not to go anywhere without him, but she couldn't stay cooped up in her room forever. The woman was heading to one place in particular that sold medical supplies and even some poisons. Marena was rounding the corner when someone grabbed her from behind, and pressed her against the wall.

"Where do you think your going?" Ketrak snapped.

"Let me go." She ordered him, but he didn't loosen his hold on her, inside he placed a small dagger at her throat.

" You haven't done what my father has told you. Thorin is still around. You don't want to see anything happen to him do you?" The prince threatened. "When are you going to realize that their is no way out of this." Marena said nothing but starred into the dwarf's cold eyes.

" Let Marena go." Thorin hissed behind him, as he held his sword, pointed at Ketraks neck. Ketrak let out a groan and slowly released his dagger at the woman's throat and she ran over to Thorin.

" Thorin. Nice of you to show up. Couldn't even let me have a little fun." Ketrak chuckled.

" Just leave her alone." He growled back at the dwarf.

"You better just watch your back. She just might be the death of you." Ketrak sneered at them and started walking away and then turned around to say one last thing. "Marena." She looked at him. "You're running out of time. One more day." He uttered at her as he smirked and then left. Thorin escorted her back to her room, not saying a word until the door was closed and locked behind them.

" Marena, I thought I told you: I didn't want you going anywhere without me." He stated angrily at her.

" Because, I couldn't stay in here any longer. I needed to get some air." She pressed, in a slightly annoyed voice and she turned away from him.

"Marena, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you." He insisted as he walked up behind her and turned her around to face him. "I just don't want to see you get hurt." The two of them starred into each others eyes and the prince leaned forward and crashed his lips on hers, backing her up against the wall as he deepened the kiss.

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