~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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" Your highness?" The maid cried out, shaking the young woman to wake up. Marena remained unresponsive. The dwarf maid called out for help. A few guards came running in and saw the young girl on the floor. One of the guards picked her up and carried her to her room.

" One of you get the medic dwarf in here." A guard ordered one of the dwarf maids. She nodded and went to find the medic. The guards heard someone else come into the room.

" What is going on here?" Lord Darklen questioned as his son came into the room behind him.

" My Lords. The queen collapsed. The medic should be here soon. " The guard informed. Ketrak rolled his eyes, not caring the young girl collapsed and walked over to her side.

" Leave." Ketrak ordered. The guards bowed and they vacated the room. Lord Darklen approached his son, annoyed wondering if had tried another idiotic idea to poison her again.

" You didn't poison her again, did you?" Lord Darklen hissed. Ketrak turned to look at his father.

" Of course not! I haven't done anything to her, besides making her do all these brutal chores all day long for the last couple of weeks, and starving her." Ketrak explained with a chuckle. The medic dwarf came into Marena room and went to her side. Lord Darklen shooed the maids out of the room so it was just the four of them.

" Can you tell, what's wrong with her?" Lord Darklen asked, trying to sound concerned for the young woman's health. The medic looked at her skin color, seeing how pale she was. He then asked if they had noticed anything odd about her lately. Lord Darklen did all the talking; explaining she wasn't eating and she was exhausted lately, for no reason and he finally came to only one conclusion.

" If I didn't know better I would say our young queen here, is with child." The medic informed. Both Ketrak and Darklen looked at the medic in shock.

" Leave now. My son and I have some things to discuss." Lord Darklen ordered. The medic bowed and left the room and shut the door. " Well. I'm impressed my son, your finally doing things on your own. I thought I was going to have to tell you that you were going to have to have an heir, but you've taken care of that. As soon as the child is born we can get rid of her, or keep her as your pet if you wish too." Darklen snickered to himself. Ketrak turned around looking at his father confused.

" It's not mine. She hasn't let me come anywhere near her. She wouldn't even take my offer when I told her I would end her misery, if she gave me an heir but she would rather suffer and die." Ketrak sneered. Lord Darklen looked infuriated at this and shook his head, wondering what gave him the thought his son was actually smart enough to pull this off on his own.

" If it's not yours then who--" Lord Darklen began when he stopped himself. He turned to the sleeping girl.

" Do you know who's it is?" Ketrak whined.

" Thorin."

" Thorin, I'm going to kill him....." Ketrak went on with his threats when his father interrupted him. Marena's eyes fluttered opened and saw the two of them in her room.

" Well, well look who's awake. Congratulations on conceiving an heir." Lord Darklen declared in a sadistic tone. Marena looked at him confused, wondering what he was getting at. " Hmm, you haven't figured it out yet? Haven't you been wondering why you've been so pale looking, and barely eating, exhausted for no reason for the last few weeks?" Marena got out from her bed and went to her mirror and looked at herself. She saw her extremely pale features. Her hands went to her stomach and she turned around to look at them.

" You and Thorin had a night of bliss, did you." Darklen stated, giving the woman a suspicious grin. She looked at the ground, not bothering to deny it. Ketrak was angry and went to slap her across the face when his father stopped him.

" Just wait a minute son. We could actually use this to our advantage." Darklen proclaimed. Marena's eye's narrowed; wondering what he was talking about.

" How?" Ketrak questioned.

" Guard!" Darklen shouted. A guard opened the door and came into the room.

" My Lords." The guard said as he bowed to them.

" Send word out to all the dwarf kingdoms, that our King and Queen of Moria have been blessed with an heir." Darklen ordered.

" Yes, my Lord." The guard agreed and bowed one last time.

" No!" Marena yelled and went to stop him, but Ketrak grabbed her. Lord Darklen approached her.

" Marena, I think it's time you start accepting that Thorin is not ever going to be coming back. You really think he wants to know the child is his? You should be happy. Were doing you a favor." Darklen hissed at her. Marena's eyes were watering at the thought of what this was going to do Thorin. She had hurt him so much already.

" Please don't do this." She begged them.

" Dry those eyes, it can't be healthy for the baby. I think it's time you forgot about Thorin and start worrying about the safety of your child and its health. You can start by eating again. Ketrak take your wife to your room and get her something to eat and than I have things to discuss with you." Darklen ordered. He nodded to his father and took Marena by the arm and dragged her along with him, cursing under his breath. He pushed her into the cage and locked it.

Ketrak ordered a guard to bring a tray full of food to his room. Minutes later a servant came with the tray of food. Ketrak opened the cage and shoved the tray in and locked it. " You and I will be discussing things later." Ketrak threatened and he left the room. Marena sat there starring at the food. She couldn't believe it, she had been blessed with an heir, but she began to have doubts if she should even bring this child into this world. The child would never know who it's father really is, would be brought into a life of sorrow.

The dwarf girl sat their in deep thought, and knew that she couldn't do this to herself, and never knowing this child inside her. She was starving she began eating after a few helpings of everything she was feeling somewhat better than she had in awhile. Meanwhile Ketrak had went to speak with his father.

" Father? Why would you agree for her to keep the child, it's not even our blood." Ketrak pressed having a point.

" No, but we can raise the child the way we want, and than get rid of the mother or you can keep her as your pet. Thorin won't be a problem once this news reaches Erebor. He'll soon realize the girl he once loved has moved on and he will have to do the same. Now, until this child is born she is to be treated with care. That means no outburst on her, no hitting her or demanding her to do chores for your amusement. You have long months ahead until this child is born.

Ketrak nodded that he understood and left the room and headed down the hall cursing under his breath once again.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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