~ Chapter Nine ~

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It's been two days since Marena was poisoned. Prince Thorin had been in King Aldrin study from morning till dark, searching through the journals of the past Kings of Moria and he wasn't even through half of them and there was no mention of any rare herb the medic dwarf had spoken about and the young princess was running out of time.

A knock came from the open door of the study. Thorin looked up from the journal he was reading. " I'm sorry your highness, but you are needed in the great hall with the other prince's." The guard ordered. Thorin got up and walked passed the guard and headed down the winding stairs that led to the hall. He came around the corner and saw the other prince's as well as some of the guards.

Prince Ketrak was moping around, wondering why he had been summoned. Prince Mori was getting impatient waiting, hoping whoever had demanded his presence had a good reason for it and Prince Dallin just stood there waiting. " Your Royal highness's, I have summoned you all here because of certain circumstances.

A couple of days ago Princess Marena was poisoned, and she may only have a few more days before we lose her too. Their for, as the king and his daughter's advisor, I have come up with a task for you four. There is a myth, that a rare herb exist on the grounds of the kingdom that can cure someone of anything. Whoever finds it, will have the princess's hand in marriage." The adviser explained.

Ketrak stepped forward. " Isn't this a job for the guards? Clearly our time could be spent much better then searching for stupid herbs." Thorin turned to look at Ketrak.

" Leave then." Thorin snapped, getting tired of his attitude. Ketrak smirked at Thorin and stepped a little closer to him.

" How cute, you really care about her. Don't you?" Ketrak teased. Thorin didn't say anything, and Ketrak didn't need him to answer his question he already knew the truth. His suspicions were answered weeks ago when he had followed him out to the garden and found him kissing the young woman.

A burst of anger came out of Thorin as he punched the snickering prince in the face, making his lower lip bleed as he fell to the ground. Ketrak got back up and threw his fist towards Thorin's face; dodging out of the way. Prince Mori cheered Ketrak on as Thorin was about to throw another punch.

" Enough!" The adviser shouted, causing the two of them to stop. " Now if you two wish to continue fighting like animals, I will have you both thrown out of this castle!" He shouted. " Well I think we've wasted enough time. Good luck to you four."

The prince's all went in different directions to begin there search for this rare herb. Ketrak pushed Thorin, knocking him to the side, as he continued to go the way Thorin was about to head, or so he thought. Thorin decided to go back to the kings study and look through the rest of the journals.

He opened the door and went straight for the table full of books. As he began reading a new journal, he caught sight of a piece of parchment that had been folded numerous times stuck between the pages of another book. He unfolded it and saw it was addressed to 'Marena' he turned it over and read the note. His eyes shifting after reading every line until he finished it.

Thorin had been suspicious of Lord Darklen and his son, but he had no idea it was this bad. He stuffed the note in his pocket and continued to read the journals. It was getting to be later in the day and he was growing more exhausted with not sleeping these last few days. He was about to go search somewhere else around the castle when the next sentence he read caught his attention.

" To cure someone of anything, you must have one Shroomery; which blooms in the Dawn Lotus only on the first day of summer. Mix it in Ale with Kingfoil." Thorin got up from the table and went over to the window ledge that was in the room that looked over the East side of the castle. Thinking to himself. " What an odd mixture for a cure, but if it worked for this King, he didn't care how bizarre it sounded."

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