~ Chapter Twenty ~

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It's been thirty years since Marena had last seen Thorin. So much has happen to her. Her kingdom was taken from her. She was a prisoner in her own home, forced to banish the one person who loved and trusted her, and now he'll never know that they had been blessed with a daughter. Her daughter as she got older reminded Marena more and more of Thorin. Athena had her fathers eyes, his pride and his strength and it killed her ever day as she thought of him more. Lord Darklen and his guards had eliminated her guards and people of Moria, who were against following under his sons rule over the kingdom.

Chaos had taken over the kingdom. Marena had been sentenced to be Ketrak's pet and slave once again, once Athena was able to take her first steps. What killed Marena the most was that she had to lie to her child who her real father was and Athena loved Ketrak, like he was her real father. The child was unaware of what the King was doing to her mother. The two of them were never in the same part of the castle during the day and when they were together at meal times. Lord Darklen would force her to get cleaned up and dressed like a proper queen should look so her child wouldn't get suspicious.

Whispers had begun to spread throughout the kingdom that the mining dwarves had awoken an ancient demon. Marena feared if they didn't leave the kingdom soon, the shadow would soon be upon them and bring death to everyone in Moria. Marena sat at the back of the cell, in deep thought. It was summer, the worse time for Marena. She was already forty-eight and still the time that had passed, never erased her memory of Thorin, she found herself thinking of him more, often wondering if he had found someone else and if he was happy.

Ketrak came into the room and approached the side of cell. " Have you changed your mind?" Ketrak questioned, with a smirk. She looked up and glared at him.

" No and never will. So you might as well give up asking me." Marena snapped.

" Not if it even meant spending more time with our daughter?" Ketrak chuckled. The woman hated it when he tried to use her daughter against her to get what he wanted.

" She's not your daughter." Marena hissed at him. Ketrak opened the door and yanked the woman out. " I think it's time we go for a walk through the city. We haven't been seen together in a long time. We wouldn't want our people to get suspicious of us?" Ketrak joked. Marena rolled eyes. "Now, get dress we have things to attend to." Ketrak snapped, as he shoved her towards her dressing room. When she came out, he placed the crown on her head and held onto her arm loosely pulling her beside him.

The dwarves bowed to their king and queen as they walked. Marena tried to pull away from Ketrak but he tightened his grip on her arm and she flinched in pain. " Don't you try anything." He sneered at her through his teeth.

" Where is Athena?" Marena questioned.

" She's in the Armory with father." Ketrak stated as he would wave to his people. Marena wondered why they were there. Suddenly the two of them stop. They hear heavy footsteps coming towards them, and people screaming. Marena looked on in fear.

" Run!" The people shouted in panic. Orcs were charging towards them with torches and weapons. Ketrak let go of Marena running in fear. Marena felt the ground shake. "It couldn't be" she thought.

" Run for your lives!" Marena shouted to the people as she took off towards the Armory. As more and more orcs fled into the dwarf city. Marena saw her daughter running towards her.

" Athena!" Marena yelled. The two of them ran up to each other, somewhat relieved that they were both alright.

" Mama what's going on?" Athena cried.

" We have to get out here." Marena ordered. Marena turned around when she heard the shouts of orcs right behind them. She took her child's hand and they ran through the armory over to a secret passage way that only a few dwarves knew about. It would take them to the Dimrill Gate.

" There catching up to us!" Athena screamed as they weaved through the dark tunnel. Marena would see behind them, the orange glow catching up.

" Keep going, Athena, we can't stop." Marena urged as the two of them kept running, ignoring their exhaustion. The two of them saw the light coming in front of them, they were close to the end of the passage way, approaching the entrance to the gate. Marena looked around at the horrifying sight. Her people laid dead before her, children, women and many of the guards that had fought to protect them.

Marena realized they were surrounded as an Orc shouted in black speech pointing right at them. Marena made a run for it, pulling her daughter with her towards the gate but they were both grabbed from behind. The orcs were about to end their lives when another one shouted in black speech ordering the horrid monster to stop. Marena caught only a few words that she could understand which were " Want's them alive."

" Are we going to die, mama?" Athena asked in a scared voice. Marena shook her head.

" Were going to be alight. I promise you." Marena assured. The orcs began dragging the queen and the young princess to wherever the orc had order them to. Marena struggled with the orc as they were dragged passed the grand doors, when the two of them were suddenly flung to the ground. Marena rolled on her back quickly to see the two orcs fall beside them to the ground dead.

The woman's eyes were filled with shock. " T-Thorin." She stuttered. Her daughter looked at her mother confused.

" Marena, you have to get out of here!" Thorin demanded. He pulled her up to her feet and that is when he laid eyes on the young girl beside her. She was a splitting image of Marena, with long black hair, and grayish eyes. He realized this must be the child he had heard news about, thirty years ago. Marena noticed his sudden stare, but snapped out of it.

" Guard!" Thorin shouted to one of his soldiers. The dwarf ran up him. " Get these two out of here, and don't stop until their safe." Thorin ordered him.

" Yes, your highness. Come on you two we have to get out of here!" The dwarf shouted at them as he pulled at Athena, and tried to pull at Marena but she grabbed Thorin's hand causing him to look at her.

" No, I'm not leaving here without you. " Marena cried, Thorin starred into her eyes. He felt chills at her touch. He had forgotten what it felt like when he left and he had missed her terribly.

" Marena, I promise you. After this is over I'll find you." Thorin pressed to her and he stroke the side of her face. He pulled her towards him and kissed her lips. She felt a tear roll down her face. " Now go!" Thorin urged them as he swung his sword, slicing the orcs head off.

" Lass come on!" The dwarf yanked at her. The three of them left. Marena turned around one last time to see Thorin leading a charge of dwarves towards the Dimrill Gate. The guard and the two women were in the wild, still running when, they stopped to catch their breath. They heard snapping of branches. The guard told them to hid in the bush and not to make a sound. He left and held his sword at the ready when he was ambushed by a group of orcs.

Marena muffled her daughters sudden shriek and heard the orcs approaching them. Marena turned to her side and saw a blade pointed at her and the two of them were captured.

[One more chapter and then the first story is complete! Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

Light In Your Eyes[Thorin Love Story]Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now