~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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The Prince finally woke up and noticed the Princess was still asleep, holding his hand as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. He managed to sneak his hand out of hers without waking her. He got up and got dressed. Thorin walked passed the bed he noticed the gift Marena had given him still laying on the table. He picked it and put it on, astonished at how light it was.

He tried to creep out of the room without waking her but he wasn't quiet enough. " Where are you going?" She asked in a sleepy voice. He looked at her and walked back over to her side of the bed and sat down.

" I was hoping I wouldn't of woken you up. I have something I need to take care of, I will be back." He said to her. Marena gave him a weary look.

" Is everything alright?" She asked him, as she sat up, covering herself in the blanket. He smiled at her and cupped her face.

" Everything's fine. I just have one important thing to take care. I'll meet up with you later." Thorin assured her as he pressed his lips against hers. "Marena, just please don't go anywhere without me, or just don't go alone. Please do that for me." He begged her. The two of them said there goodbyes. Thorin left and Marena got up to get dressed. She put on her blue dress and left her room against Thorin's wishes. She had to put an end to this. The princess wanted the two of them gone. Marena decided she would venture through the city to see her people. It would be crowded, no one would dare try and harm her while she was surrounded by her people?

Marena smiled as she saw dwarf children playing and running through the halls. She smiled to her people as she walked through the halls. As she got further down the hall, their was less people and something caught her attention.

" Let me go." A child's voice cried. Marena went around the corner away from her people and followed the sound of the child as it got more, more louder.

" What are you doing?" Marena questioned the dwarf who had his sword pointed at the child that was stuck in a corner, scared for his life. She went to step in front of the child, when she was grabbed from behind, a hand instantly covered her mouth as she struggled with this person.

" Marena, you seem to not be taking me seriously. I thought I made it pretty clear, that if you didn't do as I said and get rid of Thorin. Someone was going to get hurt." Lord Darklen snapped as the child whined looking at the Lord terrified.

" Be quiet!"

The child stopped and looked at the princess for help. " Now I'm going to tell my son to release his hand off your mouth if you so much, make a sound I will kill the child. " Lord Darklen threatened. Marena nodded and the Lord looked at his son to release the princess. Ketrak let her go and she pushed the young princes away from her.

" Let the child go." Marena pleaded.

" I don't think so. The child is here because of you, if you wish to see this child unharmed than I suggest you tell Thorin that you have had a change of heart and you never want to see him again. The young girl felt a sudden pain shoot through her. She couldn't do that to him, not now.

" You can't ask me to do that. I will never marry your son." Marena pressed. Lord Darklen face went emotionless as he had enough giving the young dwarf girl the easy way out and turned around and pushed his blade into the child. Ketrak covered Marena's mouth, muffling her scream as she watched the child fall over dead, with his eyes open.

Marena could feel the tears coming down her face, never thinking that the Lord would actually use a child against her. She stopped struggling against Ketrak as she continued to look at the child that was now laying there dead because of her.

Light In Your Eyes[Thorin Love Story]Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now