~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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" Get out." Marena ordered the Lord. He continued to snicker at the young girl as he stepped closer to her, making her back away and he raised his eyebrow at her.

" Have you forgotten already?" Lord Darklen questioned her. Marena looked at him with a blank expression. " I believe we have a deal to settle." Everything came flooding back to her. She shook her head in denial.

" I will not marry your son. Now if you and Ketrak do not leave this castle right now. I'll have a guard escort you out!" Marena threatened, but Lord Darklen continued to smile sadistically at her.

" I don't think you seem to understand...Marena. You have no choice. Your father agreed to that deal and now you have to suffer with the consequences. The deal was made to keep you alive. Now I suggest you honor his sacrifice before someone else gets hurt." He sneered. The woman flinched at his last words.

" Leaven now." She ordered, but he only grew angrier.

" Perhaps I'm not making myself clear!" Lord Darklen snapped as he walked passed her and over to the open window ledge and then turned and looked at her. " Well don't be shy. Come see for yourself." The princess slowly walked over to where the Lord was standing and she peered over the ledge.

Marena saw Thorin, he was still talking with the guard but something else had caught her attention. On one of the towers a guard was aiming his bow and arrow right in the direction of the prince. She glanced at her bed and saw the Mithril laying there and before she could yell or scream a hand clamped around her mouth, muffling any sounds that could have escaped.

She struggled against the stranger that held her, but he only tightened his grip on her. Marena wished she hadn't come up her alone without Thorin. Lord Darklen took a few steps until he was in line with the woman and looked at her.

" Like I said Marena, you have no choice. Your father decided your fate long ago. Now if you wish no harm to come to Prince Thorin, then I think you know what you must do. You have a 4 days or else! The only thing your going to find left of him is an arrow in his heart." Lord Darklen declared in a harsh voice.

The young dwarf girl felt tears coming down her face, not wanting to even think about finding the love of her life dead. " But father! You said she was mine!" An annoyed voice whined. Marena snapped out of her horrifying thoughts when she recognized the voice of the person who was holding her and covering her mouth and she only struggled against him more.

" Now, now my son. I think we owe the young princess here to fix her mistakes. It's not like your in-love with him." Lord Darklen stated. Marena's eyes shifted to the ground, knowing she couldn't even try to deny the truth; she was deeply in-love with him and she couldn't bring herself to leave him or let alone hurt him, it would kill her inside.

The Lord let out a laugh. His son eyeing him confused; clearly missing everything that was just said. "Hmm. Well then, I guess you really have your work cut out don't you? It's a shame Thorin's never going to understand the real reasons that you're leaving him. He will end up hating you when you were only doing it to save him. " Darklen said as he laughed, making Marena wish she could just leave this place.

" Loves a dreadful bond Marena, only fools fall in-love. Just like your father. "

Marena couldn't listen to anymore of this. She slammed the heel of her boot into Ketraks, making him yell out in pain and therefor releasing his hold on her. The princess tried to run pass the Lord to her door when he yanked her by the hair, causing her to let out a scream and he shoved her against the stone wall.

He slapped his son on the back of the head for being so weak. Lord Darklen went back to the window to see if his guard had taken care of the prince. Ketrak rubbed his head and stomped over to the woman to hold her captive as she struggled to get up. She felt Ketrak grab her by the arms, when someone from behind grabbed him. Ketrak dropped Marena and he went sliding across the floor.

Lord Darklen drew his sword as Thorin stepped in front of Marena, shielding her from them as he had his sword out in front of him.

" Thorin. How nice of you to show up." Darklen stated as the two of them glared at each other.

" Get out of here!" Thorin yelled at them. Lord Darklen grabbed his son by his arm and they both walked towards the door. Ketrak glared at Thorin before he walked out of the room. The Lord stopped at the entrance and faced the two of them.

" You have three days Princess Marena, or you know what happens." Lord Darklen warned. If you want someone to blame, blame your father." The Lord left the room and Marena raced over to her door and locked it. Thorin looked at her addled.

" Marena, what is going on?" Thorin questioned as he sheathed his sword and she caught him by surprise, when Marena turned around and ran right into his arms and held him closer to her. Thorin held her tightly but then pulled away from her when he heard her crying and looked into her eyes.

" Marena. Please talk to me. What is going on? What did he mean about your father." Thorin questioned. She looked at stone floor shaking her head not wanting to talk about this. The prince didn't press for an answer but pulled her back into his arms and kissed her forehead and they stood there in the middle of her room for a few moments.

Marena left his arms and began pacing back and forth in her room. Lord Darklens threat was running through her mind over and over again, and she didn't know what she was going to do to stop it. Darklen didn't say it, but the princess wasn't stupid. If she said a word to Thorin about this, they would make sure she found him...dead. Thorin watched the young woman and he finally couldn't watch her do another circle of her room and he stepped in front of her, causing her to nearly run into him.

" Will you tell me what it is that has got you scared Marena." Thorin pleaded to her, not wanting her to be afraid to tell him. She looked from the ground to the prince and then back at the ground. He could see her lip twitch, she wanted to tell him, but something was holding her back. He lifted her chin. "Marena, please. You can tell me. I wont let anything happen to you."

" I--I thought I almost lost you." Marena voice broke as she looked into his eyes. He looked at her, wondering how many times he had said this to her.

" Marena I told you. I'm not going anywhere. Your not going to lose me." He assured her as his hand stroked her cheek. He starred into her eyes before he leaned down and kissed her for the longest time and she rested her had against his chest.

"Nothing bad is going to happen Marena. I promise."

Marena was quiet, she wanted so much to believe what Thorin was saying to her to be true, but she knew deep down Lord Darklen and his sadistic son were only just getting started and she held onto Thorin.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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