~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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Marena woke up from a restless sleep. It's been two weeks since she was forced to make Thorin leave the kingdom. She missed him terribly and hadn't been sleeping well these nights. News had gone around that she would be getting married to Prince Ketrak instead of Prince Thorin, but her people being unaware of her situation were happy for their future queen.

The wedding was tomorrow, and the young princess wished she didn't have to go through with this. Lord Darklen's guards had moved into the Kingdom to keep an eye on the young princess if she tried anything. Prince Ketrak had been planning awful things for the woman to do, once he was King. Marena rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling above her, wondering how her life had come to this?

A loud knock came from the outside of her door; she ignored it. The knocked came again, and she ignored it still and the door suddenly opened to reveal Lord Darklen.

" Get out of here." Marena ordered. Lord Darklen came into the room with a few dwarf women behind him.

" I think it's time you got up, you have a lot to do today. These women are here to help you try on your dress for tomorrow." Lord Darklen declared in a calm voice. Marena glared at the Lord, these women were not her people, but the Lords. He was cutting off any communication with her people until the wedding was over.

Marena got out of her bed and Darklen left the chambers to let the maids get the princess ready for tomorrow. She got into her dress, and one of the dwarf woman buttoned up the buttons in the back. They moved her in front of the mirror, as Marena opened her eyes she starred at the girl in front of her. It was someone she no longer recognized. The dwarf continued to look at herself and then she saw it. Her hand slowly went up to her face. Her complexion was paler than ever, why it was? She didn't know.

" You look very beautiful, your highness." One of the dwarf maidens expressed to her. Marena said nothing but continued to look at herself. The dwarf maidens looked at the princess and noticed her expression.

" Why so sad?"

The question caught the woman off guard. Clearly these dwarf women, Lord Darklen had brought to her room, were just as in the dark as the people of Moria. No one knew the true intentions of the Lords purpose here. Marena shook her head at the woman who asked her. She couldn't say anything encase they reported back to him.

The princess got out of her dress, back into her normal clothes. She climbed back onto her bed, curled up laying there. The tears started up again, like every past night since Thorin left. Marena had never felt this pain before, it was if she had been stabbed a hundred times over and it wasn't going away.

As the sky darkened. Marena laid there shutting her eyes. Tomorrow was coming, and she couldn't stop it. All she wanted was to be back in Thorin's arms, where she felt safe.

Morning came. The maids came into the young princess room. Marena was forced to get up and two dwarf women got her into her dress, as another woman had come into her room and began braiding her hair. The door of her chambers opened. Marena turned around to see it was Darklen.

" Leave us." He ordered the dwarf maids. They bowed and left the princess's chambers and the two of them were alone.

" What are you doing here?" Marena questioned. The Lord approached her. His eyes narrowed and looked at her seriously.

" I'm here to see that you follow this marriage through. I don't want anything going wrong." He walked over to the young princess and pulled out from behind him, her mothers crown. He placed it on her head. Marena jumped when she heard the music begin to play from the great hall. The Lord smirked and held out his arm.

" Shall we?"

Marena hesitantly put her arm through his and the Lord led the princess out of her room and they walked to the great hall. Neither said a word as the music got louder. The doors of the great hall opened to reveal the people of Moria. They stood up to look at the young princess as she walked passed them down the aisle. Her people bowed there heads as she passed them and Lord Darklen walked her to her spot beside his son as he handed her to him.

Ketrak practically yanked her by his side as they faced the sermon. The sermon began the long speech. Marena had drowned it out. As she fought the urge to let out her tears, the only dwarf she had ever thought of having by her side; she had betrayed him in the worse way and she would have to live with it for the rest of her life.

Marena snapped out her deep thoughts when she heard the sermons next words. " The rings." The sermon said as a young dwarf child carried both rings. The sermon took them and handed Marena's hers to slip on Ketraks grubby finger and he took his to put on his future queen.

Ketrak lifted her hand up and slipped the ring on her finger and he smirked. The sermon looked to the young woman for her to do the same. Marena stood there, having second thoughts. She glanced up at her people, they were all smiling up at her. Her eyes shifted to the ground.

" What are you doing?" Ketrak hissed under his breath and she snapped her head up to look at him.

" Your highness?" The sermon said, waiting for her to carry on so he could continue. Marena could feel a certain pair of eyes burning into the back of her head. She took Ketrak's hand and began to slip the ring on with shaky hands and Ketrak had to push his finger into the ring to get it on. The sermon continued on. Another dwarf approached them, carrying the crown of the late king. Ketrak kneeled to the floor and the dwarf placed the crown on the prince's head.

Marena swallowed. " You may now kiss. " The sermon said. Ketrak pulled Marena right too him and planted his lips on hers. She quickly pulled away from him. Feeling disgusted and violated by this, not wanting his fowl mouth on hers anymore. " Long live the King!" The sermon shouted to the people of Moria.

" Long live the King!" The people shouted back as they wished their future king the best of luck. After they were both wished by her people, best of luck to defend this Kingdom. Ketrak pulled the young woman by her arm, towards his room. He opened the door and pushed Marena into his room and shut the door behind him.

She glared at him, wondering what he was getting at. " What was that?" Ketrak questioned, angrily about her hesitation from earlier. He pulled her by the arm and she began to struggle against him, wondering what he was going to do when he pushed her towards a cell he had his guards build for him and he pushed her into it. Ketrak locked it behind him, chuckling sadistically as he left his room and went to discuss things with his father.

Marena laid up against the back of the dungeon as she wondered what she was going to do now? and how she was going to fix this.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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