~ Chapter Eight ~

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"Marena?" Thorin called out for the last and final time, and the prince still got no response. He went to turn the handle of the door; only to find it locked. He shook the handle and looked around the hall. Thorin saw a guard standing around with an axe. He yelled for the guard; who was taking his sweet time coming over.

The prince grabbed the weapon, clearly frustrated with this guards slow response and started chopping his way through the door. He hacked and hacked; feeling the sweat coming down his forehead, but he wasn't going to stop until he got through the door opened. With one last swing he hacked the door and it swung open.

Thorin's eyes shot down to the stone floor where the young princess laid. He rushed over to her; dropping the axe as it clanged against the stone and he dropped down to her side. He cradled her in his one arm as his free hand traced down her skin.

" Marena.." He whispered as his thumb slid over her lips. The prince could feel her breath hit his sweating hand. He let out a sigh, knowing she was alive still, but for how long? And why wasn't she waking up? Thorin heard someone coming down the hall; probably to see what all the commotion was about a few minutes ago.

Thorin could hear him running now as his armor clanged together, when the guard came through what was left of the door way and saw the young princess, laying there. " She needs help" The prince demanded. The guard nodded and ran to get their medical dwarf. Thorin picked the young woman up and carried her and laid her on her bed.

The prince caught a whiff of something in the air. It smelt to him almost fruity. Thorin turned to look around when he saw the spilled wine on the floor, right where Marena had been laying. The medical dwarf came into the room, with the guard behind him and went to the woman's side to examine her.

" Thorin waited nervously, wondering how bad it really was. The older dwarf let out a sigh and turned to face the young prince and the guard.

" I've seen this happen before. King Aldrin had some of the same symptoms before he died, but hers, if it's what I think it is; she has been poisoned.

" How long does she have?" Thorin asked, getting right to the point. The medic looked at the young dwarf girl and then looked at the prince.

" Maybe a week or two; if her fever doesn't burn her out first, but their might be a cure." Dwarf explained and Thorin wasted no time in asking.

" What is it?"

The dwarf looked at the stone floor, before answering. " We'll I'm actually not sure." He admitted. " One of the Kings of old had found a certain rare herb that grows on these lands that can cure someone of anything. He wrote down somewhere the remedy that had cured his wife from a brutal stabbing, but the people that have known of it, are long gone."

Thorin looked at the princess who was still laying there peaceful looking as he began to dread there was nothing they would be able to do, to keep the only heir left to the kingdom of Moria from death. He began to wonder if the death of her father was on purpose. Someone was trying to end the royal line of Moria and he was deep in thought about this when the guard interrupted.

" What about the king's study? He spent a great deal of his time in that room. Maybe theirs something there that can help save the lass " he suggested, making a point. Thorin nodded as did the medic.

" If someone's indeed trying to end there line; the princess must be kept under protection at all hours of the day and night." The medic insisted and he looked at the guard. " Round up as many guards as you need and only ones you trust. We do not know who this person is that is trying to end her line."

The guard nodded and left the room. "I'll check my medical supplies to see if I have anything that can slow the poison, maybe Kingsfoil. " The medic explained. The prince nodded and the older dwarf left to check his storage. Thorin walked over to Marena's bed side. Holding her hand in his. He felt with his free hand; placing it on her forehead and felt how hot she was against his cold skin, and she was only going to get worse.

He stroked her face and leaned over towards her ear. " Marena if you can hear me, were going to find the cure. I am not going to let you die. Please don't give up now" He whispered to her and he kissed her forehead. He heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall and he assumed it was either the guard or the medic.

" We'll this is not good. First the King, now his daughter. This does not look good for the people of Moria at all. " Ketrak declared as he walked into the room. Thorin glared at him in anger walking over towards Ketrak and grabbed him by his clothing, pushing him against the wall.

" You did this to her, didn't you?" Thorin roared and Ketrak burst out laughing.

" Now why would you assume it was me, when she's destined to be my queen." He snickered only making Thorin more angrier and he slammed him into the wall again, when someone else walked into the room. " Father, Prince Thorin here is accusing me of poisoning the princess."

Thorin let go of the other prince, and looked at the other dwarf that had now entered the room. " And do you have proof my son did such a cruel thing?" Lord Darklen questioned.

" No, but I will." Thorin threatened.

" Prince Thorin, why are you looking for trouble when none exists. Now if you don't mind my son and I have things to discuss." Lord darklen sneered; leaving Thorin to continue to glare at them both suspicious.

" But--" Ketrak freaked

" Now Ketrak!" Lord Darklen ordered.

" This isn't over." Ketrak stated and he followed his father out. Prince Thorin had to agree this was hardly over; it had only just began. As Ketrak and his father walked down the hall around the corner. Lord Darklen came up behind his son and smacked him behind the head, hard.

" Ow!" Ketrak cried out. " What did you do that for?"

" You fool! What were you thinking? Poisoning the young girl like that" Lord Darklen snarled at his son.

" I was doing what you wanted me to do. Get rid of the princess so you can be King of Moria like you should have been two hundred years ago. " His father shook his head at his idiotic son.

" No. We cannot take the kingdom, if the princess is dead you idiot. The throne will go to a relative of hers. Marrying Marena is the only way to take the throne from her. So you better hope Thorin figures out the ancient cure before it's too late. I will not have you disappoint me again and make me look like a fool because of your stupidity. " Lord Darklen stated to Ketrak.

" How are we supposed to make her choose me to be her husband? She's going to pick her knight and shining armor over me. " Ketrak declared, making a valuable point to his father, but he already had the answer to his question.

" Don't you worry my son, if the girl wakes I'll make sure she picks you, if she wishes no harm to come to her people." Ketrak smiled sadistically at his fathers cunning plan as the two of them disappeared down the hall.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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