~ Chapter Twelve ~

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It's been a week since the gathering in the great hall. Marena had forgotten entirely about the horrible deal her father had agreed to, with Lord Darklen. The young woman had been to distracted, spending time with Thorin. She never thought she would ever fall in love. Marena and Thorin were out on a walk through the forest that laid just outside the Kingdom.

The wind began to pick up, making the leaves on the forest floor blow pass them and dance in the air through the trees until they crashed back down to the ground. The prince twirled the princess as they walked along the path. Marena smiled and let out a giggle; which only made him smile seeing how happy she was with him. The young prince of Erebor, had never felt this way for any woman, and yet this young princess made him feel things he never thought he would.

Marena took both his hands and pulled him closer to her as she crashed her lips on his. Her hands traced up his arms and they made their way into his thick wavy black hair, as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him as they stood there on the path alone, only hearing the beautiful sounds of bird-songs echoing through in the air.

Their foreheads touched as they both breathed heavily. " You sure you want to do this?" Thorin asked her softly as his breathing got back to normal. Marena pulled away from him so she could look him in the eyes.

" I need to learn how to properly use one." Marena pressed. Thorin gave her a serious look, making sure this was what she wanted. He reached behind him and pulled out a sword. He held the weapon by the blade, pointing the handle towards Marena and she took it not realizing just how heavy it really was. Thorin unsheathed his weapon that was attached to his belt.

" Marena, you don't have to do this." Thorin stated, attempting to talk her out of doing this.

" No, I want to do this. I want to be able to protect myself." Marena said, reassuring him. Thorin looked at her, thinking that was his job. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

" Okay then. Let's get started." Marena got into fighting stance, gripping her sword with both hands. Thorin had his sword pointed to the side. " Now all I want you to do is block my swings as I come at you. We'll go nice and slow." He explained. Marena nodded that she understood and already felt her heart racing. The dwarf princess was scared and he could tell.

Thorin swung his blade when she was least expecting it and instead of blocking the attack; like Thorin instructed her to. Marena jumped back out of the way, stepping on lose rocks and falling backwards against a tree. The prince didn't move an inch from his spot. He watched her as she got up and walked over and picked her sword up.

" Are you alright?" He asked her as he saw her face expression had gone to annoyance of her action and he pointed his sword at the ground. " I wasn't going to hurt you, Marena if that's why you leaped back...maybe this isn't such a good idea." Thorin admitted as he tried to talk to her out this again.

" Thorin, please don't try and talk me out of this. I've decided I want to do this, and I'm going to." She declared as she got back into her stance. Thorin let out a low chuckle at how stubborn she had become since he first met her.

" What?" The prince shook his head as he gripped his sword holding it in front of him.

" It's nothing, are you ready?" He asked her. Marena nodded. He came towards her throwing the same move he had done a few minutes ago and instead of jumping back as the blade came at her from above. She held her blade in front of her as his blade lightly hit hers.

There you go." Thorin said trying to encourage her. He removed his blade as they both began circling starring into each others eyes. Thorin decided he would try and come at her from a different angle swinging it downwards again. The princess went to block it only to have her sword slip, cutting Thorin on the arm. He gasped at the sudden burning sensation, as the sharp blade sliced through his skin, causing him to back up a few paces and press his other hand on the fresh wound.

Marena gasped, thinking she had seriously hurt him and dropped her sword running to his side to look.

" I'm okay, it's just a scratch." Thorin assured her. Her fingers held his bare arm. Her eyes shifted to his button sweater that showed just a little of his chest and noticed her wasn't wearing it.

" Your not wearing it?" Marena pointed out, and he could hear in her voice that she was clearly upset by this. His eyes drifted right away to look at the spot she was talking about and then looked back at her.

" I didn't think I needed to wear it now. Were just out on a walk. What could happen?" Thorin questioned, trying to make it sound like it was nothing to worry about. Thorin ripped the bottom of his sweater and tried wrapping it around his cut.

" Let me." Marena insisted as she took the ripped clothing and tied it around his arm tightly. He got up from the rock and looked at Marena helping her up so he could look her right in the eye and he cupped her face in his hands.

" Don't worry so much Marena. I'm not going anywhere." He promised as he kissed her forehead and pulled her against him as she rested her head against his chest. The prince noticed daylight was fading and he walked over and grabbed the sword off the forest floor and sheathed it in the case protector, and then he did the same to his.

" Come on it's getting late, we should get back." Thorin stated. He took Marena's hand and they made there way back along the path to the castle. They began climbing the stairs that led to the grand doors. They had just climbed up the last step and now were standing on the platform when Thorin stopped.

"What's wrong?" Marena asked, looking at him concerned.

" I'll meet you upstairs. I need to talk to the guard." Thorin said, pointing to the guard that was standing at another entrance into the kingdom. He kissed her on the lips and went back down the stairs. Marena went inside the castle and made her way up the stairs towards her room and opened the door.

" Princess Marena. It's wonderful to see you again. You and Thorin enjoy your walk?"

Marena glared at the person in her room. " What are you doing here?" She questioned as the person came away from the ledge and looked at her.

" I think it's time we talked." Lord Darklen insisted as he snickered. Making the room seem colder all of a sudden.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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