~ Chapter Twenty One ~

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The battle continued on through the night until early morning of the next day. Most of the orcs of Moria had retreated back inside the kingdom. The battle was over, but their dead was beyond the count of grief. Only a few had survived. Thorin was amongst the surviving, searching through the dead for any signs of his father, but he was told that his father Thrain was gone, along with his younger brother.

Thorin felt discouraged by this. He had watched his grandfather slain by the most vile orc of it's kind and now his father was missing. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar whining voice. He turned in the direction it was coming from. " You." Thorin hissed as he approached the two dwarves that had a hold of their new prisoner.

" Thorin, what a lovely surprise. Never thought I would see you again." Ketrak stated as he chuckled. Thorin was not amused at all, feeling the rage building up in him, he grabbed Ketrak by his clothing ripped him out of the hold of the guards and was inches from his face.

" You coward. How could you just leave them there, running for their lives. Your own daughter." Thorin snapped. Ketrak burst out laughing at this. Thorin continued to glare at him.

" You have no idea, do you." Ketrak pointed out in a sadistic voice.

" What are you talking about?" Thorin questioned, he had no time for this.

" I'm not telling. Tell me something, did it hurt to see Marena again? Or did she even make it out?" Ketrak questioned as he let out another chuckle.

" There both safe and far away from you. You never going to hurt them again." Thorin threatened as he pushed the king onto the ground. Thorin pointed the tip of his sword at the dwarf's heart. He had forgotten that he wasn't alone and they were watching there young dwarf prince accusing this dwarf of things. Most of his people had no idea he had fallen for the princess of Moria, except for a few, his only friends who were more like brothers to him, was Balin and Dwalin. He trusted them with his life, and his grandfather and father who had convinced him to go there so there kingdoms could unit.

" What are you going to do? Kill me?" Ketrak stated as a smile spread on his face.

" You took everything from me." Thorin snapped angrily as he stepped closer.

" Oh you have no idea what I've taken from you. You have no idea. You have no idea what I've done to her." Ketrak grinned, only making Thorin more furious. Thorin raised his sword about to plunge it into his gut.

" Thorin no!" Balin shouted, stepping forward, grabbing Thorin's arm that was wielding the sword. Thorin looked at the older dwarf. " Your better than him, don't do this. Marena would want you to turn into this dwarf." Balin pleaded, to his leader. They had witness enough of their own kin dying to last them a lifetime, even if this one deserved to die. Thorin sheathed his weapon. The dwarves helped Ketrak up off the ground.

" Is that the best you got?" Ketrak challenged. Thorin stopped and turned around slamming his fist into Ketraks face and knocked him to the ground, unconscious.

" Let's go." Thorin ordered as he carried his oaken branch that had saved his life from almost being killed by the pale orc. The surviving dwarves followed the young prince. Thorin figured they were at-least a day behind the guard and the two women. Thorin wasn't going to stop until he caught up to them so he could hold the love of his life in his arms once again.

The young dwarf leader had already forgiven her in his mind for what she did to him and hopped when he found her she would at-least tell him why. The light had gone and Thorin and the surviving dwarves stopped for the night to rest. Balin could tell the young prince wanted to keep going, but he was exhausted from the battle they had just fought. They were hungry.

The dwarves began gathering firewood to build a fire, as others went into the woods to hunt for meat. Not long Dwalin and few others came out of the woods caring a dead dear. Thorin was away from the others starring off into the blackness, wondering if his love was alright. He heard someone approach him and he turned to see it was the older dwarf.

" You should eat laddie, your going to need your strength to continue you on. I know your worried about them, but I'm sure the guard you sent them with has them well looked after, you'll see her again." Balin assured him. Thorin knew the older dwarf was probably right. Balin patted the prince on the back as they both walked over to the fire to eat something.

They were to leave at dawn. Thorin tossed through the long hours of the night. He sat in front of the fire that was slowly dying smoking his pipe, the light behind the trees were just coming over. Thorin couldn't sit around any longer and ordered the others to get up so they could get moving.

It was the late afternoon and they were trudging through the forest.

" Over here!" One of the dwarves shouted. Thorin Balin and Dwalin and the others ran over to the area where the dwarf had shouted from. They stop when they see the dead guard with a orc blade sticking into his chest. Thorin recognized the guard that he had ordered to get them to safety.

" Marena!" Thorin shouted as he started searching through the forest.

" Thorin!" Balin called out. The prince finally stopped. " Thorin their not here. I'm so sorry, laddie."

" I should have gone with them. " Thorin cursed at himself as he starred through the forest. Wondering if he was every going to see her again. Thorin ignored the older dwarf and wanted to be left alone. He had lost everything.

In a different part of Middle-Earth Marena's eyes fluttered open. It took a few minutes to realize she wasn't in the forest they were in earlier. She looked around and panicked when she saw her child wasn't anywhere to be seen. " Athena!" Marena cried out as she got up from the cold ground and began searching this terrifying place she had been brought to.

" Mama!" Athena shouted. The two of them ran over to each other. Marena hugged her child. " Where are we?" She asked in a shaky voice. Marena looked around, and saw they were in what looked to be an abandoned fortress. She walked over to the edge and peered over and saw a couple of warg's fighting with each other. " Mama?" Athena stuttered. Marena slowly turned around and saw a giant pale orc in front of them, smiling at them sadistically.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story! The first Book is complete! I will post a link when we have the next book published!]

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