~ Chapter Five ~

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"What is wrong my child?" The king asked like any concerned parent. Marena couldn't hold it in anymore and she snapped.

" How could you not tell me!" Marena growled. The king managed to sit up with great pain so he could look his daughter in the eyes.

" Marena, I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about?" King Aldrin confessed, looking confused at his daughter, when in truth he knew what she meant all along. She couldn't believe this. She strolled over to the end of the bed.

" Your going to tell me you don't remember the deal you made?" She pressed hoping he would tell the truth if she asked in a calmer tone. The two of them looked into each others eyes, Marena waiting impatiently for her father to answer her.

" Marena for the last time. What are you talking about? What deal?"

The princess shook her head in outrage. " The deal!" She yelled. " The deal you made with Prince Ketrak's father? How could you do this to me? It never mattered in the end who I choose? Did it!" She shouted feeling betrayed. The king looked at his daughter's flustered face, hoping this day would never come. He let out a sigh.

"Marena I never wanted you to find out like this, but someday you'll understand why I did what I did." The King said as he let out a painful cough.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that all the other Princes that were invited here was just a cover so I would find out what was really going on?" She questioned in anger; not showing any signs of calming down soon.

" I was actually hoping you would have grown fond of Prince Ketrak and--" He began only to be cut off.

" And what? Thought I would fall in love with him and never know that this was all planned all along!" Marena said, finishing for him. The only thing she saw in the Prince was how greedy he was and that he was completely obsessed with himself.

" But I heard whispers from the guards that you had been spending a lot of time with that Prince Thorin and I knew then you would never choose Prince Ketrak." He stated as if he was disappointed in his daughter.

" Your right. I will never choose him and I will not be used as a pawn, because of some deal you made!" She yelled at him. Her father however remained calm; knowing his child had ever right to be angry.

" Marena, you don't have a choice, if you don't go through with it--" The king was cut off again by the young girl putting her hands up that she had heard enough.

"Or what?"

"If you don't agree to marry Prince Ketrak, they'll kill you." The king pressed, in a serious tone. The young princess had a blank expression on her face and wondered what kind of deal they made. She was filled with mixed emotions that she didn't know what to say or do, but leave the room.

" Marena come back!" The king yelled as he coughed once again. She ran down the hall and down the stairs, passing Thorin who saw her crying as she got down the last flight of stairs and he took off after her, realizing now where she was headed. Marena ran out the grand doors. She lifted her dress and ran down the stairs that led to the path down to the garden. She stopped and looked at the dead garden as tears fell down her cheeks as she collapsed on the ground wondering:

how could her father make such a wretched deal, that if she did not comply with it; her life would be ended.

She tried to dry her tears with her fingers but they were coming down just as fast as she would wipe them.

" How could you leave me mother?" Marena voice broke through her tears. Knowing she wouldn't get an answer, but wished more than anything right now her mother was still alive. She had no idea that someone had stopped at the entrance of the garden, listening to her every word through her tears. Thorin walked over to Marena and pulled her up by her arms and the two of them walked over to the bench and he got her to sit down, and he sat down beside her.

She didn't have to look to see who it was and she laid her head against his chest as tears hit his clothing. He wrapped an arm around her in comfort and couldn't help but notice how cold she felt against him. He stroked the side of her hair as he pressed his lips against her forehead. Marena didn't say it but she was glad Thorin was here with her now; she had grown quite fond of his comfort. She had fallen for him, his kindness towards her, how he always knew what to say to her and that he wasn't greedy like the others.

The prince treated her like she was his treasure. He sat up straighter, making her shift her position so that they were both looking into each others eyes.

" Marena. What is going on with you?" Thorin asked her. She shook her head, indicating she couldn't say anything and she looked to ground. He knew something was up and he wasn't going to stop asking her until he figured it out. She didn't know, but he had also fallen for her too. He envied her loyalty to her people and father, and her kindness. She was not like other princess he had met; they were greedy and only cared about gold and jewelry; she didn't care for gold or even wear expensive jewelry.

He lifted her chin and their eyes locked. They starred into each others eyes, as Thorin started moving closer to her. Marena could feel her heart racing as she held her breath, when Thorin suddenly crashed his lips against hers and she closed her eyes. They both broke apart to catch their breath and he looked at her.

" Marena, you can trust me with whatever it is that's scaring you." He assured her. Could she trust him? For all she knew, he could be just part of her fathers scheme just like the others. She wondered to herself: should she tell him what she knows? or should she keep it a secret before someone gets hurt?

Neither of them knew but another person had followed the prince out to the garden and hid in the bushes to listen to their every word, including seeing them kissing.

This person now knew they had to think of something quickly before their plan failed....

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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