~ Chapter Ten ~

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It was going to be a long night for the prince and the guard he had come along with him. Thorin was fighting against his exhaustion to stay awake until morning, but every once in awhile he would doze off and his head would drop, making him snap awake in surprise with the guard still standing there not paying any attention to the young prince nodding off.

As the hours went by Thorin couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he fell into a deep sleep. " Your highness?" A frustrated voice called out, only to receive no answer back. " Prince Thorin!" he yelled louder and shook the young dwarf. Thorin bolted right up from the bench he had passed out on. He rubbed his eyes and waited for the black spots in front of him to disappear and he noticed it was nearly dawn.

The sun was slowly creeping up from behind the Mountains. The journal had failed to mention what time of the day this flower would bloom, but he had a good feeling that by the name of the flower "The Dawn Lotus" if he was right, it should be blooming around here at any moment.

Thorin got up from the bench and took a few steps over to where the dying plants and trees were; that the princess had found so peaceful. The guard was slowly becoming more and more impatient, standing there waiting for this mythical flower to erupt out of the ground. If it even existed.

" Maybe were in the wrong area?" The guard insisted. Thorin turned to look at the guard, getting sick of everyone giving up so easily.

" No were not." Thorin hissed as he turned away. The sun was just about over the trees and would soon be shinning down all over Moria.

" We have been out here all night and its already dawn and still no flower in this dead garden! The princess is going to die! and there's nothing you can do to change that!" The guard yelled in frustration. The prince used every ounce of control to not bash the guards face into the hard wall of the castle that was only inches from where they were. He took a deep breath and relaxed before he spoke again.

" She's not going to die. We are in the right place and ill find the Dawn Lotus, with or without your help!" Thorin snapped. The guard stood there, flustered not sure what annoyed him more. Was it the fact that the prince wouldn't accept the last remaining heir to the thrown was probably going to die anytime, or that he wouldn't give up on this search for the flower that unlikely existed.

The sun was now high in the sky. The guard was about to say some more unwise words of wisdom to the prince when something caught both of there attention. Thorin walked over to the thing that was trying to push it's way through the earth. The guard came up behind him, just as curious.

The dirt around this strange thing that was trying to come out, started sinking, when a purple petal had formed out of the ground, into a closed flower. Thorin looked at it strangely, wondering if it was going to unfold to reveal the herb anytime soon. He let out a disappointing sigh when it did nothing. He slowly moved his finger towards the top of the flower and stroked it, making him pull his finger back as it opened and there it was.

The rare herb known as the Shroomery. Thorin stared at it in awe, he never imagined something so fragile and small could produce a powerful cure. He removed the mushroom looking herb and ordered the guard to tell the medic to get the other ingredients ready. The guard took off running as fast as he could. Probably feeling embarrassed that he was wrong to doubt the young prince.

Thorin wasn't far behind him, as he ran up the stairs into the castle, making his way down the halls as others starred at him in confusing wondering what his hurry was all about. The guards and Medic had kept just how bad the princess's condition had gotten a secret from the people of Moria. He got up the last set of stairs and found it odd that their was no guards in front of Marena's doors.

The prince walked over quietly as he noticed the door was opened. He peaked in and saw a guard had his sword above his head, ready to plunge it into the girls chest. Thorin drew his sword and dashed into the room at the guard. Stabbing him through the back before he harmed the princess. The guard fell over on his back, still clinging to his sword.

Thorin recognized the guard, it was the one that he had told to get the medic to prepare the final ingredients. Why the guard didn't kill him when he had the chance? He didn't know. The medic came running in with a couple of guards behind him and they saw the dead guard on the ground and the prince still clutching his sword.

" Do you have it?" Thorin asked as he turned around. Not bothered at the fact he just killed a dwarf. The medic nodded and took the Shrommery from Thorin and plopped it into the mug that was filled with ale and a pinch of Kingsfoil. The two guards removed the dead dwarf on the ground and cleaned up the blood. The herb dissolved into a powdery substance and the medic stirred it up and handed it to the prince.

Thorin walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Propping Marena into a sitting position, wrapping his arm around her for support. She was panting faster then she was the other night and could tell that if he didn't do something now she wasn't going to last much longer. He tilted her head as he slowly poured the drink down her throat.

Marena began struggling against him as he fought to hold her still and continue to force medicine down her throat. He stopped when she began coughing and chocking. The medic took the tmug away from the prince, while the princess coughed a few more times before she started breathing normally.

" Marena?" Thorin whispered as her head rested against his chest. She groaned in confusing as she slowly lifted her head, feeling weak.

" Thorin? W-what's going on?" Marena asked in a shaky voice. The prince couldn't even speak, he was so happy, knowing she was finally awake. As he held her tight to him. The medic walked over to the young girl and checked her over and he was surprised to say the lease that the symptoms of her every being poisoned had completely vanished. The medic ordered the guards to leave, the princess was well looked after. The older dwarf left not long after the guards to let them have some privacy and he closed the doors.

The prince slid his hand on her face, tilting her head towards him. Marena was about to speak, wondering what was going on, when she was cut off by him leaning in towards her and pressed his lips against hers. The princess found herself weaving her fingers through his hair, and then her hand slid down his arm as they deepened the kiss. Marena didn't realize how weak she really was and the princess finally had to pull away. Both of them were breathing fast, she needed a breath of fresh air.

She used the bed for support to get up. Thorin looked at her confused, wondering where she was trying to go. " Marena? Everything okay?"

" I-I just need to get some fresh air." Marena insisted, as she continued to get up from the bed, finding it difficult, trying to stand on her own two feet and she collapsed back towards the bed and Thorin caught her. The prince realized this cure must have done a number on her and she needed to rest.

" Marena, you need to rest." He said as he helped her climb into bed and covered her up. " I'll come see you in the morning." The prince stated and he began to leave when he felt a cold hand grab his and he turned around to look at her.

" Please stay with me." She begged him. Thorin turned around and looked at her. And saw the exhaustion in her eyes. And then it just occurred to him, what even gave him the idea that he should leave her alone.One of her father's guards just tried to kill her. He nodded as he climbed on the bed beside her. She rested her head against his chest as he wrapped his arm around her, moving her hair out of her eyes, and stroking her face as she tried to stay awake, not wanting him to disappear.

" Get some sleep my love, you need you strength. " He whispered to her, as he pulled the covers over her. She finally closed her eyes and murmured " I love you." The prince smiled to himself and kissed her forehead and whispered back to her.

" I love you too." Not long after Marena had fallen asleep, the young prince finally passed out from exhaustion as he rested his head against hers.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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