~ Chapter Three ~

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It was a chilly evening as the young princess and prince walked down the path. They walked through the courtyard and walked over to a bench made of stone. He waited till she sat down first and then he sat down beside her. He was such a gentleman in her eyes. But was it real?

" So Princess Marena, why are you searching for a husband? Your still quite young, don't you have things you want to do before you settle down?" Thoin asked her. The question surprised her. Of course their was things she wanted to do before she settled down, but because of unfortunate events it put her down a different path.

" My father is sick, and um, he doesn't have long to live. I feel it is my duty to fulfill his last dying wish: for me to have a husband by my side when I take the throne." Marena said with a shaky voice, as she looked at the ground not wanting the prince to see the tears forming behind her eyes. She fought them back and looked Thorin in the eyes, forming a fake smile on her face to hide her true pain.

The young prince hadn't known her long, but he could tell in her voice that this was not what she wanted. " But is this, what you want?" his eyes not leaving hers. Her eyes fell to the stone tiled ground.

" It doesn't matter what I want anymore. I have to do what's best for my people. I won't let them be ruled by an outsider."

The prince was so envious of how much she carried for her people and willing to sacrifice anything for them; including her dreams.

" King Aldrin, is very lucky to have a strong daughter like you." Thorin said in his deep velvety voice that kept sending chills through her each time she heard him speak. Marena looked at him with such torment in her eyes.

" Right now I don't feel so strong, I'm scared." She admitted and once again her eyes fell to the ground. She felt a hand lifting her chin up.

" It's okay to be scared Marena, but you can't give up." Thorin said as a smile spread on his face; making her smile back at him. His hand dropped from her chin.

" Your Highness. Sorry to interrupt, but I have orders to escort you back into the castle. It is very late as you can see." The guard stated. She nodded in understanding. Thorin held out his hand to help her up from the bench.

" Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed it." Thorin said as he took the young girls hand and held it to his lips and kissed it.

She smiled. "As did I." she left with the guard to go back to the castle. Leaving the young prince to his thoughts. Marena walked into the castle and was escorted to her room up the stairs. She closed the door behind her and walked over to her closet for her nightgown and changed out of her dress. She climbed into her bed with good thoughts that this night wasn't a total loss. She fell asleep instantly; dreaming of Thorin oddly enough .

The sun streamed into Marena's room the next morning, she felt the warmth on her face and got up and out of bed, feeling different, then she did in the last few weeks. Something Thorin had said last night had perked her spirits back up, making her forget about the other prince's. She walked down to her fathers chambers; opening the door and walked in and shut the door behind her.

" Good morning father. How are you feeling?" Marena asked as she poured hot water from the pot for tea, and walked over to the kings bedside and handed him a cup. He let out a harsh cough, making Marena have no choice but to take the hot cup back and place it on the table and hand her father the glass of water.

" Thank you my dear."

The king took a big gulp of water as it dripped down his long white beard. When he could finally take a breath, he looked at his daughter with a smile.

" How was your night? Did any of our young prince's cross you mind?" He asked her. She half smiled. Last thing she wanted to do was add stress to her fathers illness about how rudely two of the princes treated her. If her father found out he would have a fit.

" I met Prince Thorin." She said not going into full detail about last nights walk and conversation.

" Ah yes. Young Prince Thorin, he's a good lad. I know his grandfather Thror, and his father Thrain. Both are dear friends of mine. Now what about the other prince's?" Her father asked her.

" Oh, um their....interesting."

The king let out a chuckle at his daughter's reaction only to bring on another brutal coughing attack. She handed him the glass of water again, showing no frustration, but only concerns for her father.

" Now my dear, I am sure you are going to have a busy day today. It would be good for you to go into the city. It will be beneficial for you, if the people see you out and about."

She didn't do it, but pictured herself rolling her eyes at this. She nodded to her father and left his chambers. She didn't get to far when she heard a familiar voice, she was hoping was only her imagination.

" Princess Marena." Ketrak called out. Marena turned on her heels to look at the prince. "As my queen, I demand you to tell me where you were last night?"

" I am not your queen." She said sternly.

" I thought I told you, I don't like you being feisty. I will not have my queen being feisty with other male dwarfs." Mori snarled as he walked towards them from the other end of the hall.

" Your queen? She's my queen!" Ketrak snapped, walking closer to Prince Mori.

" No. I saw her first, she agreed to court me." Mori stated in Ketrak's face. Marena couldn't believe this, they were arguing like she wasn't even there. As the two princes approached each other; Marena being in the middle of them was pushed aside by Ketrak as they were now in each others faces arguing once again.

Marena stayed against the wall, she decided to slip away quietly until she got to the end of the hall out of sight from them and began running. She was heading for the grand doors when she smacked into something firm and fell to the ground.

[Hearts and comments are very much appreciated! :) hope your all enjoying the story!]

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