♡Chapter 7♡

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Hyeri's POV
"Hoseok?!" I half shouted
"Why are you here?!" I asked
"To fetch you home"He answered
I would'nt deny it, but I blushed because of what he said.

"So you came all the way here to bring me home?"I asked calmly
"Yes"He answered "Alright then, let's go!"I said as we walked home.


We reached my house safely while talking. "Goodbye~" I said
"Goodbye"He said and I closed the door and leaned on it.

'I didn't know he was that sweet'
I thought and squealed afterwards.


Soo Jin's POV
I woke up as I heard my alarm ring.'OMO! I almost forgot today is the dance competition'


I go to school earlier than before and saw my groupmates waiting for me.

"Guys let's practice"I said straightly and they nodded happily we practiced

It seems like they practiced really hard because they memorized all. Starting from the position, the dance and all.

Our teacher came so we stopped practicing. "Good Morning class"
"Good morning Ms. Han" we greeted back.

"Ok class, we won't have regular classes. And for the contest, it will start at 8:30 so all contestants must be ready before 8:30"Ms. Han explained


We were now waiting at the backstage. "That was a really great performance but show isn't over yet, so let us now call on BTS"The MC said as they go to the backstage

The BTS proceeded to the stage and once the music started fangirls started to squeal and put up their banners and BTS started to dance 'Not Today'.

They were all stunning on stage but the most stunning was.........


• My Biggest Mistake... • || BTS J.J.K FFWhere stories live. Discover now