♡Chapter 16♡

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Sarang's POV
I have been depressed this passed few days maybe because I told the truth and betrayed my friends.

I don't know what to do anymore everytime I see my friends I feel bad. I just wanted my brother to accept me for once.

But ever since I told him everything, he has been happy and that's all, he didn't thank me for telling the truth all he did was the same thing as before and it was ignoring me.

I hate my life, I never felt happiness since our parents left both of us for their own families.
I just wanted to be happy and in peace and all I could think about to achieve peace is suiciding.

I was alone at home because I didn't go to school and my brother didn't even care.

Maybe.... I could do it this time. I check the basement for any rope and saw one. When I got the rope, I go in my room and tied it on one of the hooks on the ceiling.

Then I settled a chair, but before I hang up myself, I wrote a letter to my brother and folded the paper then put it on my computer desk.

I stoop up on the chair and grabbed the rope, I put my head inside then tied it tightly. I gasped for air a little bit but continued.

'I know there is a better place for me in heaven, I'm sorry for leaving you alone, I know I will be selfish, but I just want to think about my happiness, just for once' I used my feet to push the chair away and everything went black.......

Jungkook's POV
The whole school time I was sad but I don't know why even my friends are worried if I was sick or something.

It was home time but me and my friends decided to stay at the park near the school to have some fun and play around.

We were sitting on the benches while talking when someone called, Soo Jin stopped talking but I signalled her to continue while I answer the call since I wasn't bothered.

It was Sarang's number........

"Hello?"I asked "Are you Jeon Jungkook?" The man asked through the phone. "Yes I am, why do you have my sister's phone?"I asked "..........You're sister is gone....."the man said.


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