♡Chapter 21♡

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Jungkook's POV
I have to tell her how I feel about her. She makes me happy when I'm sad, She gives me hope when I'm giving up already, The only person I liked, Soo Jin.

I decided not to go to school today because I have to take care of my sister and the school excused me.

《At School》
《Dismissal time》

Soo Jin's POV
I was fixing my locker when I heard a group of boys talking and laughing. I looked back and saw Jimin hanging out with the GOT7. We looked at each other and my heart started beating fast.

"Are you even listening?" Jackson asked while raising his eyebrow to Jimin. They looked at me and I was embarrassed so I looked back to my locker.

Once I was done fixing my locker, I go towards Jimin. "Can I excuse Jimin?" I asked them kindly. Jimin looked at them with a terrified face, they smiled and nodded.

I pulled Jimin to the corner of the hallway. "Did you apologize to Jungkook already?" I asked and he shook his head as a "no".
"It doesn't matter to me now, I have new friends" He smiled.
"And you think I'm happy about it?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
His smile slowly faded away.

"Ok, I'm sorry" He said. "I have forgiven you already, since before" I said. "Come with me" I pulled him. "Where are we going?" He stopped. "You're gonna apologize to him." I said and continued to pull him.

We saw the rest of the BTS members about to go out of the school. I called them and they go near with angry faces. "Why are you with him?!" Yoongi asked as he pull me near him. "He's here to apologize" I said. "What?!"Jimin asked. I glared at him as his eyes soften. "I'm sorry" He apologize as he look down at the floor.

It was silence.... until Yoongi came towards Jimin and hugged him. "I miss you" Yoongi said as he tightened the hug then the rest of the BTS members hugged him. It was unexpected, VERY unexpected. "Join us!" Namjoon said and I hugged them too.

《At the dorm》

Jungkook's POV
I was feeding Sarang when I heard the front door open. "We're home!" Taehyung shouted. "I'll check them downstairs first" I told Sarang.

I go down and I saw Soo Jin with the other members. I also saw Jimin. "Why is he here?" I asked.
"He just want to apologize" Namjoon said. "Apologize for what?!" I shouted. I go back upstairs to my room and shut the door.

Soo Jin's POV
"Don't worry, maybe he was just shocked to see you. I'll talk to him" I said and Jimin just nodded.

I go upstairs and knocked on his door. "Jungkook, open the door" I said softly. There was no response so I twisted the door knob and opened it. I went inside and closed the door.

"Why are you like this?!" I shouted. "What?!" He shouted back. "Why can't you forgive him?" I asked softly. "I-I just don't know" He answered as he put his head on his hands.
"He is your friend, you have been friends more than we do." I explained. "I guess? maybe? I don't know?" He said confussingly.

We go downstairs and saw the others playing video games. They looked at both of us. "I forgive you already" Jungkook smiled at Jimin. We had group hugged until we saw Sarang going out of her room.

We all looked at her as she smiled at us. "Let's eat?" Jin asked We nodded and ate together.


"Goodnight!" I waved at them. Jungkook lead me to the gate.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Sure!, What is it?" I asked.

"I have been keeping this for a long time already....."


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