♡Chapter 23♡

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Jungkook's POV
I was about to go in my office but Sarang hugged me. "Oppa, can we go to Yoongi oppa first?" She smiled.
"I called them over to have lunch with us, don't worry you will be seeing him."

"Let's go to my office first, okay?"
"Okay!" She giggled.
When I opened the door, I saw a girl sitting down.
"Oh, you must b-" I was cut off when she looked at me.

"Soo Jin Unnie!!!" Sarang ran to her and hugged her. I sat down on my office chair and looked at her. She changed. "Ok, Ms. Jung, let me check your fi-"
"Are we on time?" Jimin suddenly opened the door. Soo Jin looked at them and they were panting, I think they ran all the way here.

"Soo Jin?!" Jimin asked. Soo Jin smiled and they ran and hugged her. I was just sitting there watching them hug her so I faked coughed. "Ehmm...." They let go of her. "We will just wait outside" Namjoon said.

The two of us was left alone in there. "So.... you will start tomorrow and all you have to do is check the everyday email from our bussiness transactions and also do the files that I'll give you"

"You really changed a lot, you already have a company" Soo Jin smiled.
"I just worked hard, that's all" I said trying not to make the conversation longer.
"Well.....I guess I have to go now see you tomorrow" She stood up.

Soo Jin's POV
I saw the others outside waiting.
"Soo Jin!!"They shouted and hugged me again. I saw Jimin nugged Sarang's arm
"Emmm.........Can I have your number?" Sarang asked.
"Sure! why not? do you also want guys" I asked the BTS.
"Sure!!" They shouted excitingly and I gave them my phone number.
"Bye, just call me" I waved at them.

I went home and greeted Hana. "How's school?" I asked.
"Can you help me here?"
"Sure what is it" She explained me everything and I teached her.

"Thanks a lot"
"It's okay it's just easy"
"Well....I have been having a hard time this school year" Hana said looking down.
"Don't worry I'll teach you"
"Thanks! You're the best!" She hugged me.


Later that night, I received a text from Sarang.


"Hi, why did you message?"

"Oh!, did I disturbed you?"

"Nope, just curious.....
do you also need
help for your homework?"

"Nope, it's just easy...."


"I guess I have to go"

"Sure, Bye"


I turned off my phone because it was already 12:00 midnight, then I slept.

《7:30 AM》

I woke up and checked the time, it was 7:30. I'm late. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After I took a shower, I ran downstairs and headed to the bus stop.

《At the work》

I ran to the office and opened the door and I saw Jungkook talking to a girl. They saw me.

"Bye babe" The girl kissed Jungkook on the cheeks.
When the girl left Jungkook and I was just staring at each other.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon"
"Unbelievable, you're late at your first day!"
"Now....give me a reasonable explanation"
"Well..... S-Sarang texted me last night and I slept late because of it"
I explained. He was just looking at me....
"Okay, You're excused" He said.


It was now home time, I was fixing the files on it's proper places before I go home.

"Aren't you gonna go home yet?" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.
"I'm still fixing on some files, you may go home now Mr. Jeon."
"No, I'm not leaving without you"
"Don't ask too many questions" He said being annoyed.

I was already done fixing so we both go home already.


When I got home I saw Hana with Sarang.
"Soo Jin Unnie!!!" Sarang hugged me.
"Yah! Sarang you miss my sister way too fast"
"I know right, we just met yesterday and now you miss me?" I asked. Sarang nodded.
"You even message me last night" I said while pinching her cheeks.

"What?! , I didn't" Sarang said
"Oh! Don't lie"
"No, I'm not"
"You messaged me at 12:00 midnight" I showed her my copy of our conversation in my phone.

"That wasn't me" She explained and showed me her message list and my name wasn't there.
"If it's not you, then who?"


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