♡Chapter 19♡

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Soo Jin's POV
I came home and saw that all of the lights were off, I guess they are sleeping already. I was about to get some drink when I saw Hana in the kitchen.

"You're still awake?" I asked Hana.
"I'm not yet sleepy though, by the way why are you late?" Hana asked
"You still don't know?"

"Know what? Did something happened to Sarang?" Hana asked
"Why?" I was confused, maybe she knew about it already. "Well....it's just that her last message in our group chat is weird" Hana said.
She showed me the conversation.

I'm sorry for everyhing
I did to both of you guys
I'm sorry if I defend others
against you, but I want you
to know that you were my bestest friend, I love both
of you always, I may not be
there when you make bad
plans but I will always
support you in any decision you make❤

            Are you ok girl?

Did something happened?
-Tae hee

"Then the rest of our replies was unseen by her already" Hana stated. "Well....Something happened to her, don't get shocked but....... she's dead" I said as my eyes were getting teary.

"N-No she's not, she just message us" Hana's voice cracked as she cried. I go to her side and hugged her. "She can't, how will we live without her" Hana continued as she cried even more.

"We promised each other that we will be friends until the end and that no one is gonna leave" Hana sadly said while wiping her tears.

"The funeral will be tomorrow, 12:00 pm." I reminded her.

《11:00 AM》

I woke up while stretching my arms because today is weekend.
Then I suddenly remembered about the funeral it was today.

I checked the time and it was 11:00 AM. I rushed to the bathroom and took a shower.
After I took a shower I choosed to wear a simple white lace top and black jeans.

I went downstairs and saw Hana eating breakfast and she was all dressed up.

After we ate, we go to the hospital to see her for the last look.


When we arrived we saw everyone. "Sorry, were late" I said then the doctor came out of the autopsy room. "You may come in" The doctor said.

When we came in we saw her body laying with a white blanket covering her face. Jungkook slowly pulled down the blanket and we saw her emotionless face.

Jungkook's POV
I cried so hard when I saw her emotionless face. I started remembering everything when we were still kids.

"Oppa, can you buy me ice cream?" Sarang asked.
"Oppa doesn't have money" I lied
"Please~" She whined "Ok fine" I said. We go near the ice cream truck and bought some ice cream. "Is it yummy?" I asked
"Yes, thank you" she said while licking her ice cream.

   End of Flashback

If she was still alive I would always buy her ice cream everytime she wants. But she is gone. I never said I love you to her, I hate myself for not caring about her.

Soo Jin's POV
I was just standing beside her dead body, crying, then I suddenly saw her fingers move slightly.

I gasped and wiped off my tears.
"She moved!" I shouted. "Huh?"Jungkook asked. "She moved her fingers!" I shouted again.

      《Time Skip》

Jungkook told the doctors to check if she is still alive. The doctor came out of the ICU room. "You may come in" The doctor said. Me, Jungkook, Hana & Tae hee came in.

"I'm sorry, but we tried to check if she's alive but unfortunately she's dead." The doctor declared

We were about go out when we heard "Doc, her heart is beating!" The nurse shouted.


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