Chapter 6: Is the Tracey problem solved?

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The rest of the day goes by quickly. I still have to talk to Devon and Harry. I still haven't see Devon or Harry. 

When the bell rings I grab my bag quickly to ran out of class, so I hope to still ran into Devon after class.

'Melanie, can I talk to you for a second?' My teacher asks me when I just grabbed my bag. Great. Now I certainly will not ran into Devon. Devon always goes home quickly, so he can start his homework early.

'Yeah, did I do something wrong?' I ask nervously.

'No, don't worry. It's just you looked very absent in class. You didn't see to pay attention. Normally you always answers in class and now you didn't do that once. Is there something wrong.' He's right. I haven't paid attention. I don't even know what the lesson was about. This is gonna be a disaster at home. I'm so bad in self-studying. 

'No, there's nothing wrong. I was just tired.' I answer, again lying. There was clearly something wrong, Harry. I wish last night just never happened. Well I wish it happened, I just don't want the effects of it. I'm not this girl who's not paying attention to the lesson.

'Are you sure?' My teacher asks. I forgot to say that I had French. That's even worse than worst, cause I suck in that subject. I only took it because it's my dream to go on a trip to Paris, and I've heard that they can't speak a word English. 

'Yeah, can I go now? I have many homework.' I have many homework. But fortunately not French, I have that subject only three times a week and Mr. Adams didn't give us homework. 

'Yeah, sure Melanie.' He says. I ran out of class hoping that Devon will still be outside.

There aren't many people still in school. Did the talk last so long? When I walk out of the door of the school, I don't see Devon or my friends. They probably are already gone. It's already past 4 when I turn on my phone. I don't use my phone a lot, just in some cases. I have an old Nokia, so I can't play apps, I only can call and text and play some of the old games.

I walk towards the subway when I see a curly haired boy leaning against the wall. 

This is the perfect time to talk to him. 

'Harry?' I ask unsure or it's him. I know it's him I just didn't know how else I should start the conversation.

'Melanie? What are you doing here?' 

'I can ask you the exact same thing.'

'Is there something wrong? What about your rule of not talking in school?'

'Technically we're not in school.' I explain myself. 'And yes there's something wrong.'


'Tracey, she knows about our kiss.'

'Tracey that blond bitch?'

'Yeah I know she's a bitch, but that's not the point, well it is in a way, but the most important thing is that she knows about it.'

'You mean our kiss?' He asks. 


'Are you sure?'

'90 procent.' I answer. He's laughing at me. Why is he laughing?

'Why are you laughing?' I ask him.

'Because you're so dramatic. Of course someone saw us, we were outside.' 

'This wasn't supposed to happen Harry, this was supposed to be a secret.'

'You honestly think that you could keep all this a secret?' He says. Oh my god. This isn't helpful at all. He's making me much more nervous than I was before. Before I was thinking that shewas wrong maybe. And now he's saying that of course someone someone saw us. Why did I even like this guy? He's so rude. Much more ruder than he was last night.

'This was so stupid. Well, I mean I was. How could I be this stupid?'

'What do you mean Mel?' And know he's calling me Mel again? I love my name from his mouth, but he can't do that now. i'm mad at him. Mad for making me so anxious, anxious because I don't know what will happen next. What Tracey will do. 

'This whole thing, the drive, the talk, the kiss it was all so stupid of me.' I explain.

'So what now?'

'I think we can't do this date. I cancel it.' I say. I don't want to cancel it, but it's better for both of us. This isn't how it goes normally. I can impossibly be friends with this boy.

'You promised Mel!' Does he want this date so badly?

'That's not true, Harry!'

'We had a deal, that's the same as a promise.'

'Okay, but we have to do something about Tracey.' I say, hoping he will come up with a good plan.

'We can't do something, Mel. We just have to hope that Tracey will keep her mouth shut.' This isn't helping at all, knowing who Tracey is, she won't keep her mouth shut.

'I have to tell Devon.' I say out of nothing. 

'What? I thought you wanted to keep it a secret?' 

'Yeah I wanted, but I can't keep secrets for him, and if Tracey tells it him, what she probably will, he will be more mad than if I tell him.'

'Okay then tell him. I will take care of Tracey.'

'What do you mean take care?'

'I will make sure she doesn't tell anyone.'

'How?' I ask him. How will he? He can't threat her, can he? He wouldn't do that right?

'Leave that to me.' He says.

'Okay deal. I got to go now.' I say when I see that it's already past 4:30.

'Wait Mel, I have to tell you something.' He says nervously and anxious at the same time. What is so important that he has to tell now? 

'What?' I ask.

'Well..' He hesitates.

'What Harry?'

'Nothing, it's nothing. I have to go. Bye.' He says and runs away to his car. He's keeping something from me, I just know it. What would it be? 

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