Chapter 7: The break up?

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What was he going to say? Was it important? Was he scared for my reaction?
I'm posing myself all these questions in my head while walking to the subway.
When I'm almost in the subway I remember that I still have to stop by Leigh-Anne to pick up my car that still stands at hers.

Her house is not far away from the school, it only takes me five minutes with the subway. In contrast to me, she lives in Manhattan. Her parents are rich, they have a big flat, completely styled with modern art and furniture.

When I ring, it is immediately answered by a door that is swung open by Leigh-Anne.

'Mel, I already expected you!' She shouts, she sounds happy. It's probably just me. Harry is still in my head, that's why I can't be as happy as she is right now. Leigh-Anne always is joyful anyway.

'Great, I'll just take my car and leave cause I still have a lot of homework.'

'Wait..' She sighs. What's wrong with people needing to tell me something? First Harry, now she?

'What?' I ask hardly. I know I shouldn't be this hard. I just can't take this anymore.

'Devon is here... To talk to you.. About yesterday.' She says quietly. So now I have to talk with Devon? Now, at 5 pm? This is gonna be a long day, I just know it. This fight will not be solved rapidly. And after that I will still have to do all this homework.

'yeah sure, where is he?' I sough, not wanting this conversation, but I have to. I'm wondering why he even is at Leigh-Annes, he probably just wants to have this quarrel solved. I know he doesn't like quarrels, just like me.

When I see Devon, I say Leigh-Anne that we will talk somewhere else. Devon and me walk to the end of the street, not saying a word. When we reach the little park, we agree to sit down on a little bench, that is just as big enough for the two of us. It's not that cold, but without a jacket I would be shivering.

'So..' He starts. I can barely hear him.

'About yesterday.. I'm sorry for being so dramatic.. I know I am, but don't you think you were a little too.. You know what I mean.' I say, with no emotion in my voice.

'Yeah I know.. But I can't promise you to not drink anymore, I want to have fun in my life.'

'But you're so different when you drink. Maybe you have fun but I don't.' I lift my voice up. If the Devon of yesterday will be the Devon on every other party, I think I can't handle it. I can't handle the fact him dancing with other girls. Who knows what will happen next? He can't control himself when he's drunk.

'I'm sorry Mel, but that's just me. I'm almost 17 and I only was drunk for four times. I have to enjoy my life right now, not when I'm old.'

'I don't know or I can take that Dev! I can't deal with you dancing around with other girls! I'm your girlfriend, you aren't allowed to dance with other girls but me!' I'm shouting. There aren't many people in the park, but those who are, probably heard me yelling. But I don't care, I mean what I say.

'I'm not allowed?' He says surprisingly. 'You're not my boss, Mel! God, how did we became a pair in the first place?'

'What? How did you change so much in the last few days? You aren't this person, this person who's yelling at me, you were so lovable, so caring.' I say much more calm than I was before. He was saying that us, being a couple, was just a joke? We dated for four years and now he's telling me that it was just a joke? I'm feeling not good, I'm feeling myself getting pale, all the blood running away.

'I didn't change Melanie! This is me! I always have been this person! I was just keeping it inside and it came out now!' He's still yelling. Doesn't he see that I'm feeling sick? Sick of understanding where this will end. Isn't he as upset as I am? Who is this person standing right in front of me. I was the first one standing up and yelling at him, but I had to sit down again, cause if I didn't I probably would pass out. But he's still standing, shouting, not seeming to be upset. Does he have any emotions at all?

Oh god! I know why he is this way, I fucking know it. How didn't I realize it.
TRACEY, Tracey told him. She always wants to tease me. How could she? I know she's mad at me for breaking the alleged friendship that we had. But would she go that far? That's low, even for her! Oh my god I hate her! More than I did before.

'Melanie!' He cries at me. Waking up from my conclusions.

'What?' I answer messy.

'I think we have to break up.' He says, much more calmer than before. I knew this was coming, but not this fast. How did this happen? Two days ago I was so happy. That party changed my life.

'It's Tracey right?' I ask him.
'What about her?' He asks me back.
'She told you, didn't she?'
'What did she tell me?' He's playing with me. Why? He knows it right?
'She told you about Harry, that I kissed him. I knew it. i just knew it. That bitch!' I shout. What do you think you will reach with this? I ask myself, honestly I don't know, but it could explain a lot. Then this wouldn't be all my fault, it wouldn't be the fact that I'm so dramatic.
'Wait.. You kissed someone? Oh my god Melanie! That's just so.. I don't know.. I don't know what to think of all this?! This is worse than worst?! You're telling me to stop dancing with other girls, just dancing! And you go around kissing all these guys! Oh my god Mel! I can't believe it!' He's shouting and laughing at the same time. Would he be upset? I can't tell..
He didn't know.. Tracey didn't tell. Oh no! What have I done? I had to tell him, but this wasn't a good time. Not at all!

'yeah I kissed him, I'm so sorry. But I didn't want to! He kissed me and well.. I just didn't stop him.' I explain, knowing that I was wrong. I know the kiss was wrong, but it felt so good. What? I can't think about how good the kiss was. I'm in a fight, with my boyfriend, who's about to break up with me. Oh god he is.. He really is! I never expected this day would come. But what did I expect? that I was going to grow old with this man? I was living day in day out with him? In all other things I'm so prepared, so planned. I just didn't expect this to end, it was just all so perfect, well.. till now it was.

'Melanie! That's not an excuse.'
'I know it's not an excuse, but please forgive me..' I beg him.
'I forgive you, but I still think we have to break up. Our whole relationship was just a joke, it was fun, but not real.' Not real? We had something for 4 years! Real enough for me..
'What?' I ask him confused.
'Come on, admit it Mel. I've even never been in your home.' It's true though, I just have a really small house..
'I had my reasons for that..' I'm talking much more quiet, knowing that the end of this relationship is near.

'I know.. But you didn't think this was going to last forever? Or did you?' He asks. I'm not sure what I thought..
'I don't know..'
'Well, let's just go straight to the point..' He says. Oh god, this is coming so fast.

'I break up with you. Sorry Mel, but it might once have happened. And better now than later.' He says. He walks away directly after it, leaving me on the bench. He's not running, just walking.. When will I see him again? When will I see his pale face again? When will i talk to him again?

I'm starting to cry.. I don't know why.. I knew this was coming. It's just so weird.. Four years, and now it's just all over.

I think I sit on that bench for more than 2 hours. I don't think anymore. I'm just watching, watching people who walk happily in the park. After a while I don't even watch anymore, I just stare at a tree right in front of me, tears still streaming. But now less than an hour ago, it's like there aren't many left anymore.

After a while I'm walking back to Leigh-Anne, not having any tear left, I don't know what to feel. Should I feel happy because, like Devon said, better soon than late? Or should I feel so sad because it's over?

When I'm at Leigh-Annes I just grab my car and go straight home. It's probably already past 7, maybe 8. But I don't care. It's like I don't exist. I think that if I did an accident at the moment, I wouldn't care, I would still have the same emotion, what is no emotion.

The car drive lasts at least an hour, but I don't know how long exactly it lasts. I don't know what houses I pass, it's like my body knows what it needs to do, but my mind just can't register it.

When I'm home, I strately goes upstairs. I see that it's already past 9. I lie on my bed. And the tears come back, not knowing from where, they just are there again. I don't know when the tears will stop again.

After an hour crying and not answering the questions my gran asks me, I finally fall asleep.

(I hoped you guys liked the chapter! What will come next? Feel free to comment :) Please vote <33 and spread the word! Thanks!! <33 )

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