Chapter 20: slow down

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The sunbeams light up this unknown bedroom when I open my eyes. As soon as I realize that this cannot be my room I sit up and look around. I remember the walls, who are white, I remember the furniture who is too modern, but I can't place it. I don't know where I am. I have seen this room before. Everything has this cool color, that I'm not a fan of. The room is bigger than three times my room. I'm lying in this double sized bed that is the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in, not a surprise actually, I've only slept in two different beds in my entire life. The first bed is my own, the second is my parent's. 

I'm starting to panic.. I still can remember a part of last night, every single thing I can remember until I said I love you to Harry. I can't remember what his response was. I only know that I was tired as hell. The whole week I've been so tired already, but last night it became too much. Every lack of sleep came on my shoulders, and I couldn't handle it anymore. 

I don't know what Harry did with me after I fell asleep. And suddenly I remember, I remember who's room this is. It must be Harry's. Oh my God, I'm in Harry's room, I'm in his bed.

I panic, getting out of bed as fast as possible, as if it would burn me if I would be in it any second longer. 

He must have laid me in this bed.. I look down to myself and to my relief, I realize that I'm still wearing the same clothes as I did last night. 

What time is it? Where does my gran think I am?

I walk towards the door and I need more than eight steps to reach it. I'm looking for a mirror, I cannot show myself looking like a total disaster. I don't use many make up, but with no make up on, I look like a ghost. Unfortunately, I don't find any mirror in this big, too fancy room who doesn't seem Harry's. I know it's Harry's though, but you wouldn't think it's him, if you look at his rough appearance. 

I open the door, and I hope so much that his parents are still abroad. I have to cross the whole corridor to reach the kitchen. Hopefully he's in the kitchen, cause if he's not I don't know where I should look. To my big relief there is a big mirror on the wall in the corridor, I look at myself, and I must say that I had expected worse. My make up from last night didn't prejudge. I try to brush my hair with my fingers before I walk across.

I reach the kitchen, what I think is an achievement on itself. This apartment is so big and has so many doors and rooms, but fortunately the kitchen was just at the end of the long corridor. It's weird how the apartment is classified, but a very famous architect has it probably designed. Everything is one entirety. Every single detail belongs to the entirety. The plants, the picture frames, everything. But I'm not jealous, yes I'm jealous that they have to do the jobs where I'm dreaming of and can afford it, but if I had the amount of money that they would have, I wouldn't spend a lot in my house. I want a cozy house, not big with a fireplace, with brown walls, with a lot of old furniture, and not this too modern furniture. This house is so cold.

I walk the kitchen in and see Harry lying on the couch. He's awake, I think. Just too lazy to stand up. I look around the, again, too big place, searching for something that gives the time. But no simple clock is present. 

I worry way too much, but I can't do something about it. The intentions that I made earlier this week to stop worrying so much, are failed by myself. And I hate myself for being this dramatic, but it seems like I couldn't do something about it.

"Here." He says, handing me over a cup of coffee. I must have been daydreaming long, because I didn't mark him waking up or making coffee.

"Thank you." I simply answer, taking the cup in both of my hands.

I'm not feeling that tired anymore than I was yesterday. I must have slept pretty long. It could only be seven pm as I've fallen asleep, and now the light of the sun is already easing the whole room. Of course this is also due to the large windows, who are perfectly cleaned like the rest of this place.

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