Chapter 3: A long drive

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"But I have three rules: don’t speak to me, don’t touch me and when I’m home we’ll act like nothing happened." I say.

"Okay sure." He answers. I really didn’t expect him to say that, but I’m really glad he didn’t make a big deal of it. I’m really tired and the last thing I want to do now is to have a discussion with him.

We walk to his car, not speaking a word. Would he really take the rules serious? I hope so.

When we arrive at his car, I get in the fastest way as possible. I didn’t realize I was this cold. 

He starts the car and we drive in silent for 5 minutes. I don’t know how, but he seems to know where I live.

"Where to?" Or not.

"Just go to Brinkers, I can walk the rest." Brinkers is a pub. Everyone knows it, probably because they serve beer for less money than the most pubs.

"Okay." He simply answers.

And there we are again. Sitting just next to each other in silent. The radio is on, but you can barely hear it.

"I’m sorry." He says. So now he’s going to apologies?

"It’s okay." I answer. I know I should be mad at him, but then we will have a fight and I really do not want that right now.

We will probably at least drive for 1 hour, hoping that there will not be that much traffic tonight.

When we drive along in silent, I see afar a queue. Oh no! Not now.

"I think there has been an accident." I say.

"Yeah I see." He says.

He really is following my rules..

"I’m really sorry, Melanie." He says again.

"I already said that it’s okay."

"I know but you don’t mean it." He says. He’s right. I don’t really mean it.

"What do you expect? That I’m just okay with all this?"

"No, but I don’t want you to be mad at me."

"Why do you care me being mad at you?" I ask.

"I don’t care. Just forget it." He says. I really wanted to know, but I hadn’t really expected him to be that open anyway.

"You broke the rule, Harry." Why did I say that? I don’t know why but deep inside, I wanted him to broke the rule I think.

"I’m sorry." He says. He’s so different than in the beginning of the night. He seems disappointed. Disappointed because the kiss didn’t go as he wanted or is it something else?

"It’s nothing." I say and mean it. Hoping that he will answer.

But he doesn’t, he doesn’t answer. He’s quiet again.

And what’s worse: we just don’t go any further. The traffic is really bad. I think we only passed 5 houses in the last 5 minutes. If it won’t be fixed soon, I won’t be home before 2 am. And now it’s 11 pm.

"So.." I say trying to break the silence. I really can’t hold the silence anymore.

"What?" He asks.

"Let’s just break rule one and talk cause I can’t hold this silence anymore." I admit.

"Okay. Talk about what?"

"Just random things?"

"Like what?" He asks.

"How’s school?’ I ask. I know that question is stupid, but I really have no other inspiration.

"Like usual, just fine."

"Really?" I ask too soon. Now it sounds like I believe all the rumors in school.

"I’m sorry." I react immediately. Hoping that this will make my previous reaction good.

"It’s okay, I know everyone is thinking that of me. And I can’t deny it, I haven’t the best grades, but I’ll get through it." He answers. I expected him to be angry, but he’s not.’

"I’m really sorry I made you cry, Melanie." So now we’re back on that discussion? Great.

"It’s okay, Harry and I mean it." I really can’t make him feel bad that he made me cry. It’s not his fault that I’m not like other girls who go out and don’t care about who they kiss.

"How do you know my name by the way?" I ask. It’s weird that I’m thinking this now though, but I think I was just too emotional when he came to me and said my name that I didn’t notice it.

"Well, first of all you go to the same school as I do and second I heard you and your friends talking."

"Oh okay." He’s talking way less sad than before. Probably because we have cleared out the fight about the kiss.

"How do you know my name?" He asks. As if he is surprised I knew his.

"Really? Everyone knows your name, I mean you’re pretty striking.You have that curly hair you can’t miss and your accent is just perfect." His accent is really perfect, how the words flow from his mouth is just so perfect. That British accent and his curly hair are the only two things I love about him. Did I say love? I mean how can’t you fall for a British accent? So now I’m falling for him? Okay no. I just push the thoughts away.

"Thanks." He laughs. I laugh along.

For the rest of the drive he tries to teach me how to pronounce some words in British. But it just doesn’t seem to work with me. The traffic is over before I know and time seems to go a lot faster than first.

We laugh a lot and it feels good, but I know we can never laugh again cause nobody can know about anything of this. I’m with Devon and I think that’s for the best.

"I think we will be there in 5 minutes, Mel." He says. I laugh again.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks.

"Because you just called me Mel."

"Well, I thought we had sort of a band now."

"Well, maybe but you have to know that nobody can know about anything what happened this night between the two of us." I say with sad feelings. I want to last this night forever. But I have to go back to reality.

"I know." He says quietly.

We both stay quiet. Probably realizing that the night will be over soon.

"Here we are." He says.

"Okay." I simply answer.

"Are you sure I don’t need to drive you to your front door?"

"No, I’m good." I answer.

"Okay then, I’ll talk to you soon." He says.

"I won’t be sure of that." I answer.

"I’m sure."

"Remember rule three, Harry, people will ask questions if we would be talking in the hallway."

"I know." He says.

"Good night, Harry." I say with sadness in my voice.

"Good night, Mel." He answers. He called me Mel, again. I just love top hear that from his mouth. All my friends call me Mel so I’m used to it, but just not from his mouth. And with that accent, it makes it so much more perfect than any other time I was called Mel. Will I ever hear it again? I hope so.

 When I’m home, I’m walking straight to my room, hoping not to wake anyone. When I lie in my bed, I fall asleep in only a couple of minutes, what unusual is. 

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