Being an Idol

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"Did you hear, you are collaborating with a band from JYP at the awards tomorrow night." One of my friends clapped her hands.

My eyes rolled not taking my focus off of him. "Aish, Krystal be quiet. I'm admiring him right now, so cute."

I heard four sighs behind me as Luna spoke up. "He's too old for you, he would never look at you more than a simple dongsaeng."

"You guys are so mean, love comes in all shapes, different ages. Its possible." I sassed.

"Oh yeah? Let me call them over for you." Amber laughed standing up. "Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon! We have a question!"

I turned around slapping her arm as she laughed. Three members of Super Junior walked over giving us warm smiles. Thanks to my friends, I barely could move a muscle because he was over here, sure he was a bit older than me but god he was cute.

"What's up, girls?" Siwon smiled.

"Leena had a question." Victoria smirked.

My body froze when eyes landed on me, I was an idol who had millions of fans watching me all the time but froze when he looked at me.

"Heh, right. Uhm, just wondering if you are preforming tomorrow night? What songs if you are?" I glared st my four friends from f(x). How rude, they are just trying to sabotage me and my fantasies.

Eunhyuk ruffled my hair. "We won't tomorrow because Kyuhyun is getting ready for the military. Is that all?"

"Ani, Leena was also wondering what you think of love? Her mom is dating a guy that's about ten years younger than her." Krystal lied.

What a brat she was.

"Love is love, if your mom really loves him than you should support it. Age is just a number once your are legal." Donghae smiled at me. My heart pounded faster when he smiled, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Really? So if a girl likes a guy who is roughly ten years older that's okay too?" Luna smirked.

He nodded as well as the others. "Age is just a number." Donghae then pat my head. "Don't worry so much, kid. Support the relationship."

They went to turn around and leave when Siwon snapped his fingers. "Good luck tomorrow with that group. Fighting!"

We laughed as we put up our hands together making the fighting symbol. I turned around to my friends whistling away acting as if nothing happened. My hand slapped all of their arms hard.

"Yah, is that any way to treat your unni's?" Victoria glared.

"I'm the same age as Krystal, she don't count." I pouted.

We then all laughed, since I debut last year they have been there for for every step of the way. Sure I was friends with other people, but these guys were truly the ones who always stayed by my side no matter what. EXO, TVXQ, Super Junior, SHINee, Girls Generation, all of them in SM Entertainment were pretty much one big family. It was great working here, even though some people have these rumors about how bad it can be.

My manager texted me telling me I had to practice with the members of EXO-K for my preformance tomorrow despite it being with another group. But since we are from two different agencies its harder to get together, without hesitation I ran up to the practice room.

"Hey, did my manager text you guys about practicing?" I asked taking off my sweatshirt revealing my pale arms.

Suho nodded pausing the music. "Yeah, doing an english song right? Xiumin, Lay and Chen are doing a photo shoot so you have to work with only six guys rather than seven."

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now