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Jaebum was squeezing my hand while I was tapping my foot staring at the door, any minute it would knock. I had called them yesterday morning both and they told me each that they would be here for dinner with me and the guys. They truly hated each other and got divorced right after I was born. And the worst part was they hate famous people, they think they are arrogant and selfish people. The only reason they would like Jaebum is because he has money, more money than my family does. 

Even though I send them money every month, they aren't grateful even though I sometimes barely eat just to make sure they have everything they need. Being an only child sucks, having to be the one who makes money when my parents are poor as hell. The guys were all at my apartment getting the dinner ready for my parents. They wanted to make a good impression, so we all pitched in making a good tasting dinner.

Finally there was a knock, I looked at Jaebum feeling my heart nearly drop to the bottom of my stomach. The guys all stood next to each other slowly as I walked over to the door opening it, it revealed two people in the late forties.

"Baby." My mother gave me this fake smile and hugged me hard. My father just stood there nodding his head at me of course not smiling.

"Min Lee Na why is there seven boys in your apartment?" Father asked first. Not even a how you doing to me, like thanks so much dad.

My mom rolled her eyes at him. "Yah, Min Dae Sung!"

"Omma, please try not to fight with him today. Let me introduce you to the guys, okay?" I smiled my hardest.

"Arraso, who are the young handsome men?" She giggled while stepping into my place with my father and closed the door behind him. 

The tension my father was giving them but I took a deep breath. "Omma, Appa this is the famous band GOT7. GOT7 these are my parents. And this one here is Im Jaebum, he's my boyfriend."

My moms mouth dropped open as my father just glared. I knew something like this was going to happen, so I introduced the rest of the guys and we all sat at the table. It was silent for a while, everyone eating the food without saying a word. It was uncomfortable, but I smiled sitting beside my dad trying to be nice.

"So, Jaebum. How long have you two known each other? What are your plans with my daughter in the future? Why are you dating her?" My dad bombarded Jaebum with all these questions to which I looked at the other guys for help.

"Noona is literally one of the best things that's happened to us. She is like our sister, honestly." Yugyeom smiled at my dad trying to make it better.

But he looked irritated and gripped the fork hard. "When someone asks you a question as an elder you should be respectful and answer."

"Of course sir. I apologize for not answering sooner. We've known each other for about five months. Why I'm dating her because she makes me happy, she makes my world spin beautifully." Jaebum answered while taking my hand.

"Omo, you are too cute. Tell me, how much money do you make?" And here she went starting with money, it made Jaebum lose his smile instantly.

Luckily Jackson laughed. "We make a good amount, so doesn't Leena too. Especially with the show we did together it was amazing and made good money."

"If you two had bothered to call you would have known everything, I sent almost three quarters of that money I earned from the show to both of you. What did you do with it?" I was starting to get a little frustrated with them.

"Of course I spent it well." My father huffed. 

Which meant he spent it on nothing but alcohol because he drank away his sorrows instead of facing them. Pathetic excuse for a man my father was honestly he didn't deserve the money I sent him. But they brought me into this world, they gave me everything I needed growing up to become who I am now.

"Baby, why didn't you pick the more handsome one? He at least has a very handsome face while Jaebum has an average face." My mother pretty much was gushing over Jinyoung who eyes went wide.

"Omma! Jaebum is perfect, don't do this." I was holding back so much anger because they are my parents still but rude as hell.

Jinyoung chuckled. "As flattered as I am, Leena and I are just friends. And JB really treats her well, they are good for each other."

"Nonsense, just because you don't feel the spark yet doesn't mean you can't feel end up feeling it in the bedroom." My mom winked.

Jaebum was starting to get angry because his jaw clenched and he was trying his hardest not to say anything aloud. Jinyoung was clearly embarrassed because his face was red and he slowly hid behind Youngjae.

"YAH!" I shouted at my mom, she just scoffed with a smile on her face. My father was staying quiet the entire time, not wanting to get in the conversation because he's a coward who's afraid of mom.

"Don't get so angry, if I have grandkids then I at least want them to be cute. Jinyoung over here would make beautiful babies with you." She said while finishing her plate off.

That was it. I stood up and slammed my hand on the table making everyone's eyes land on me without hesitation. "Enough! I am with Jaebum, not Jinyoung. He is just as handsome if not more, he makes me happy and if you can't except it then leave!"

Silence, utter silence.

"Min Lee Na, that isn't any way to talk to your mother." My father whispered under his breath while setting his fork down.

"Its my place that I pay for with my money, if you have a problem then leave with her." I said not looking at either of them. 

My mother scoffed once again throwing her napkin down on the table and stood up. "Of course you act like this, you are not my daughter. You chose to be an idol over working for your own father, your career choice is pathetic. You might get a few good years, along with your boyfriend and after that you wont be anyone. Goodbye."

She left slamming the door behind her. My father looked at me with coward eyes which made me chuckle to myself. "If you have nothing to add don't let the door hit you on the way out, father."

"Leena, she just wanted what's best for you-"

"Stop lying to yourself, truly you have always been scared of her and can't ever stick up for yourself. Goodbye now." I snapped making him nod his head as he left closing the door quietly behind him.

The guys stayed silent for a minute, I told myself I wouldn't cry because I used to when I was younger when my mom did these things. She would wreck things for me making me feel even worse about myself, and make me feel worthless. 

"Noona?" I heard Bambam's voice make me snap back to reality.

"Leena, she is wrong. You will stay the person you have become." Mark assured me.

Youngjae smiled at me. "You are so talented, as much as BoA, Ailee and Hyuna. We wouldn't lie to you."

"Thank you." I chuckled as they all tried cheering me up.

But Jackson looked irritated. "Jaebum, why didn't you defend her? Her mother practically said Jinyoung was better for her."

"Because its her mother, I was trying to be respectable. I mean I could have-"

"Not shit, you left her alone and defenseless." Jackson snapped.

"Yah, Jackson its not that big of a deal. My parents and I are always like that." I tried to defend Jaebum but he wasn't having it.

This time Mark sighed agreeing. "He's right.."

"Mianhae, Leena. JYP just texted me and said he wants to meet me for the next comeback, so I talk to you later." Jaebum stood up and kissed my head taking his jacket and left my apartment.

The guys stayed silent until I cleared my throat. "Lets play some video games before you leave, it'll cheer me up."

I knew they wanted to make me happy so they all agreed as we went to the living room and started to play games. It was fun and made my night, although I was missing Jaebum despite he was here a little while ago. But I knew the guys made him feel terrible so he left and even made an excuse, I understand it though. 

Told the guys they didn't want to meet my parents.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now