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~Four Years Later~

I was woken up by jumping on my bed so it made me jerk up instantly as I saw my two beautiful kids jumping up and down.

"Ai Bella, Hyung-Min." I said which made them both sit down at the same time. "Did you father put you up to this?"

The looked at each and then spoke in unison. "Uncle Jackson made us. Mianhae, omma!"

"Aish, trouble some twins." I hugged them before standing up and putting my slippers on as they ran out of the room. 

When I looked in mirror I almost gasped, my eyes were so puffy and my hair was a mess. So I quickly washed my face then put my hair up in a bun while grabbing my husbands sweatshirt that was over sized and put it on. I heard people laughing in the kitchen as I went down stairs seeing seven guys with my twins and my best friend. 

"Leena!" Kumi whined as she turned around revealing her VERY pregnant stomach. "You have to help me, these guys are driving me insane!"

I simply yawned sitting down in a chair and brought my knees to my chest. "Ani, too tired for this. OH! Why the hell was I woken up so early?!"

Jackson grinned. "Mianhae, I sent the twins in to wake you because we are expecting company today."

"Love how you say we like you live here too." I mumbled as I buried my head into my knees.

"Baby~" I heard him sang my name which made me instantly look up and then he pecked my lips. "You looked tired, how long were you up with that group last night?"

"Until three in the morning, they are debuting next week so they want to be perfect." I explained.

"Remember when that was us, hyung?" Yugyeom laughed. "We wouldn't stop until we were certain we could own it."

Mark laughed with him. "Oh my god, I remember Jackson trying his best to perfect one dance move over and over again."

"Leave my husband out of it. I'm sure you brats were just as bad." Kumi stuck her tongue out as Jackson kissed her cheek.

"True, I remember leader hyung making sure he had the entire dance down. He wanted to make sure he could dance it to any song, he barely got sleep for a week." Bambam remembered.

Jaebum glared. "It needed to be perfect, since I'm the leader I didn't want to let you guys down."

"Appa could never let anyone down!" The twins said in unison which made Jaebum smile and pick them both up.

"You got that right, what about omma?" He whispered.

"Omma is supergirl!" They cheered which made me grin at them.

I nodded. "Of course I am, if I wasn't I would be able to raise all nine kids."

"Nine?" Hyung-Min tilted his head.

"Your father and all your uncles." I laughed and so didn't Kumi.

"That's so true!" She giggled as she got glares from Jackson.

I watched Jaebum take the kids to the table as he gave them breakfast that Youngjae had made them. Jackson was teasing Kumi about how big her stomach was, Jinyoung was teaching Hyung-Min how to use a napkin properly. Ai Bella was eating like a lady since she copied me when we ate together. Bambam and Yugyeom were arguing over who was taking the twins today and Mark just sighed.

"I love you guys." I blurted making everyone stop what they were doing and look at me like I just admitted I was an alien.

"WE LOVE YOU OMMA!" The twins shouted back before finishing their food.

Never Ever (Im Jaebum/JB fanfic) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now