Oppa~ (Short Chapter)

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The last two weeks for the reality show this month, and since they wanted to add more drama scenes towards the end for Jaebum and I they cast someone else. Thanks to my manager telling JYP I had a childhood friend in the acting business he was going to join us. Which of course made me happy as hell, its hard to see him often.

"Leena!" I heard someone yell my name from the doorway. A smile plastered my face as I saw a handsome actor who was a good friend of mine.

"Oppa!" I giggled giving him a hug. He smiled hugging me back just like he used to when I was kid, truly I've missed him.

He backed up. "Can't believe what they are paying me just to act as your friend for a few days, its insane."

"Right? That got Minho to act with us too! But the shows ratings are huge!" I exclaimed.

"Yah, Leena. Who's this?" I heard Jackson asked with attitude but his eyes widen. "Wait, you are Sam Dong, Do Min Joon, Kim Soo Hyun! Big fan of your shows!"

Soo-Hyun laughed bowing at him. "Pleasure meeting the members of GOT7, big fan of your music."

"You guys are childhood friends, right?" Bambam asked us.

Instantly nodding my head I practically wrapped myself around him. "Nae, he's my oppa. The only guy I call oppa."

"Wow, he must be really special then." Yugyeom stated.

"Aniyo, I'm really not. Sure I was there for her when she was younger and even bought her things but I'm not special. I just loved her for who she was, she deserved everything I gave and more." Soo-Hyun explained. He said he loves me all the time, to his parents, to my parents and to his friends so it wasn't out of the ordinary he said that.

"Well then, you love her that much?" Jaebum asked him.

He nodded his head yes. "Nae, she means everything to me. Without her I barely would have made it in the acting agency, so she's my little stone."

"Aish, oppa! You are embarrassing me." I pouted doing aegyo in front of him as he chuckled ruffling my hair.

"Stop that, your aegyo is too much for me to handle."

"You must be really close cause you barely do aegyo for us." Jinyoung said sounding just as jealous as Jaebum.

Well this was awkward so I cleared my throat. "Well of course, but now that our little reunion is over we should be professional and go over whats happening."

"Of course, anything to make my Leena's show number one. Oh! Who's the one who will be ending up with my Leena?" He looked at the seven boys in front of us.

"Leader-nim is." Youngjae pouted to Jaebum who was leaning on the wall at this point, his face screamed jealousy and I think Soo-Hyun noticed it because he chuckled a little under his breath.

"Hm, well this will be fun. Hwaiting!" He held up his arms and went over to get his make up done before the shooting happened.

The guys all looked at me with glares, even the youngest. "Noona, why are you all over him? Its almost like you were with Donghae.."

"Mianhae, its just he was the only person I could go to. And if we are being honest I used to have a crush on him of course that's changed a lot since then. But I just get instantly happy having him around, he always made me smile." I explained to them.

"Interesting." Jaebum mumbled as he walked over to get his hair done, the others just looked at him then back to me.

Jackson rubbed his nape. "You really know how to make leader-nim feel jealous, if I was in his boat I would have made you mine by now. But he hasn't and now you have a guy here that you are calling 'oppa'?"

"Not my fault I knew him before Jaebum, he can't get jealous of a friend." I hissed getting irritated with the situation quicker than shit.

"A friend you had a crush on, Leena. Who also says he loves you and would do anything for you like a boyfriend would say." Jinyoung snapped back.

Glaring at them all not wanting to believe them or anything I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, he has helped me more ways than you can imagine. This conversation is done by the way, so I'm going to get ready."

The day went on as acting, the guys all welcomed Soo-Hyun perfectly like nothing ever happened this morning. Honestly, I felt terrible for making Jaebum feel that way but its not like I could change my past. Soo-Hyun was someone very important to me and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have had the courage to even audition for JYP first. I'm not at fault here though, right? Jaebum is acting too jealous with the situation, we aren't even together like a couple. Sure we both have feelings, but he hasn't asked me out yet!

Argh, it was towards the end scene where Jaebum and I will share our 'first kiss' for the show for him to show me how he feels. Putting away my plate from dinner that I made for everyone I casually walked out of the kitchen to go to my room. That was until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer wrapping their arms around my waist. I know it was Jaebum, even if I didn't know the script I knew his arms and hands. His hands were a little rough yet soft and his arms were muscular making me feel safe.

"Nana.. I swore you had feelings for me but when your friend came it was almost like you had feelings for him instead.." Jaebum mumbled in my ear making me smile slightly.

"Omo, I care for him a lot. He's been there for me when I had no one else, so of course I will always have a soft spot for him in my heart. But JB." I turned around at this point cupping his face while on my tip toes. "I do have feelings for you, have since the day I met you."

He smiled. "Jinjja? Then I can do this without you freaking out?"

Of course, I had to act and tilt my head being confused. "Bwo-" I was interrupted by his lips meeting mine. And since I was a pretty decent actress, I didn't just stand there like a statue like other girls in TV dramas. I full on kissed back but of course made it so it wasn't rated R or anything, because girls as young as twelve years old watch out show.

Our lips moving in sync gently with each others, his were soft and plump. Made me want to nibble them but I controlled myself backing up like in the script. We both looked at each other as he bit his lip nervously, it was the first time we kissed since that night at Kumi's. Obviously fans didn't know that so they thought this was our first and loved the fact he and I were going to be a couple.

"Will you accept my heart?" Jaebum whispered as he pulled me closer to his body, hugging me close to his chest.

Nodding my head I gently leaned on his chest smelling his cologne. "Of course, and I will cherish it forever."

"FINALLY!" We heard Bambam's voice come from the kitchen as the guys all ran out, including Soo-Hyun who hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you, Nana." He grinned ruffling my hair like a kid which made me glare at him for even touching my hair.

Going according to the script Jinyoung simply stayed his distance and looked devastated. "You two must be really happy, glad you answered him."

As he was about to walk off I grabbed him because I felt bad, that isn't a part of the fucking script idiot! I'm so stupid, sometimes I go off the rails when I am not supposed to. His eyes widen slowly yet were confused since we never practiced this type of scene.

"Jinyoungie, I'm sorry I couldn't have feelings for you. But I hope you and I can still be good friends, honestly its great having you by my side." I smiled gently towards him.

"Gomawo, Nana. I'll still be your friend, arasso?" He returned the smile as I nodded with a big grin on my face.

Jackson cheered. "WOO! Let's party!"

We all cheered as we 'drank' during the party, pretending to get drunk but of course we were simply drink root beer rather than beer. This was one of the final episodes for our reality show then it ends and I will moved back to my place. That will feel weird, not being around the seven guys every morning and night. That means I wont see Jaebum anymore, that made my heart shatter. Sure we can see each other, but it wont be the same as it is now.

What should I do?

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